Owen Harper is dead. If only Torchwood had access to some kind of alien device to bring him back to life for a minute or two, so they could say their final goodbyes. Preferably one that doesn’t have a track record of turning the deceased into killer zombies.

Length 48’13”
First Transmitted
In unedited form at 9:50pm on Wednesday 20th February 2008, BBC Three.
In edited form at 7pm on Thursday 28th March 2008, BBC Two.
The BBC Three broadcast was immediately after the BBC Two broadcast of Reset.
Guest Cast
Kai Owen (Rhys Williams); Freema Agyeman (Martha Jones); Skye Bennett (Little Girl); Paul Ksey (Weevil); Joanna Griffiths (Nurse); Jamie Burton (Ben Walker); Lauren Phillips (Hen Night Girl); Golda Rosheuvel (Doctor); Janie Booth (Hospital Patient); Rhys Ap William (Police Officer)
Writer Matt Jones
Director Andy Goddard
Opens at 2130, an hour after the end of Reset and takes place across that night.
Did You Spot?
We see the same parking garage from Everything Changes. The hospital used is the same one we saw in Smith and Jones.
Twisted Reality
St Mary’s Church exists, although the crew do not seem to have filmed there.
Love is in the Air
Captain Jack dated Proust. Tosh confesses her love for Owen, who then attempts to retract that sentiment. Owen kisses Tosh presumably to shut her up, but as he had flirted with her recently, it’s possible he really wanted to, especially since he figures his time is running out.
If it’s Alien, it’s Ours
Two alien devices from Everything Changes reappear, the (left hand) resurrection glove, and the alien scanner.
Cymru am Byth
A sign reading cleifion allanol is clearly visible.
To Live and Die in Cardiff
Owen remains dead. Twelve people in the hospital were taken by Death.
Martha: How many are there?
Ianto: Two. Well, gloves come in pairs.
Owen: You’ve stopped flirting with me. I mean, it’s alright; I wouldn’t flirt with me in my condition either. Is it still necrophilia when I’m conscious?
Martha: You have the power to bring people back to life, and you never told UNIT, why?
Jack: They would have wanted to use it.
Owen: Eventually that’ll stop too. I’ll fart my last fart. God I really miss farting. And sex.
Jack: The sex, more than the farting, I hope.
Owen: You take these things for granted. It’s only when they’re slipping away you realise how amazing they are…
Jack: “Only in suffering do we recognise beauty.”
Owen: Yeah yeah, who said that?
Jack: Proust
Owen: I can’t sleep, I can’t drink, and I can’t shag. And they are three of my favourite things.
Gwen: (hugging him) Owen!
Owen: I’m not the same, Gwen. I came back different…hollow… like I’m missing something… and I do not want to be like this.
Martha: It must be death, because it’s stolen my life.
Ianto: I have searched for the phrase “I will walk the earth and my hunger will know no bounds”, but I keep getting redirected to Weight Watchers.
Tosh: Did he really beat death?
Jack: You can never really beat death. Never escape it. It’s always in the shadows waiting.
Tosh: So what do we do now?
Unanswered Questions
Why the need for an autopsy on Owen – is there some doubt as to the cause of death? Owen is listed as Torchwood officer 565 – does this perhaps make him the 565th member of the Torchwood team (Torchwood was founded in 1879, 129 years ago – this would make an average of 4.3 new employees a year across the five branches, which is conceivable if four of them are the scale of Cardiff). Where was Jack immediately prior to the start of the episode – having a private flashback to They Keep Killing Suzie? What is Jack’s connection with the little girl? The real St Mary’s Church was built in 1883 (although it’s possible the one here may not be that church), fourteen years after the rift opened in Unquiet Dead. At some point during those fourteen years the left-hand glove appeared – was the right-hand glove (seen in the first series) also in our dimension for that long? Why do the police put two brawling men in a cell together? Why was the glove left laying around the autopsy room? And why does it seem to show an interest in Martha? Suzie said that the something in the darkness was waiting for Jack – did it get what it expected when it connected with him here? How did they get “reports” of 12 dead people when the nurse died alone under the bed? Why would Death stop at the undead? Would he not continue to search? How is it that Martha was rejuvenated simply by the exit of Death? Is the dissipation of energy from Owen his ticking death clock?
Fuck Ups
Martha’s autopsy log begins with the time but not the date. It’s completely unbelievable that only Owen would have the code for the alien morgue. When Owen notices the bullet hole in his chest, Jack is standing a foot away from him – the angle then changes and Jack has a hand on his back. Similarly there are a string of minor continuity errors with Owen’s hands during the scene where the team wonder about the origin of the energy as he clutches his left fist with his right hand. When Gwen calls Rhys, his phone makes the sound used to locate the handset, not the ringtone. The club scene has no music but the patrons are dancing. If Owen doesn’t have the blood for an erection, how has the colour returned to his cheeks? If he has no gag reflex, how does he project the beer so violently? It also seemed like a lot more than a pint that came out. The sign on the fire door in the hospital is nonsensical.
Torchwood: Declassified Episode 2.07 (11’06”)
Broadcast BBC Two, Thursday 28th February, 7:50pm, immediately after the edited version of the main episode.
John Barrowman explains why Jack brought Owen back while Russell T Davies and Matt Jones talk about the relationship between the two characters.
Barrowman and Burn Gorman on the scene in the prison cell.
Freema Agyeman offers her thoughts on Owen’s journey.
Richard Stokes on the genesis of the story and Andy Goddard on the glove’s development.
Ashley Way explains how the glove effects were achieved, with the help of Pete Hawkins and Ruari Mears.
Mike Crowley shows us how they destroyed the glove.
Goddard and Stokes on the Weevils and how an army was created from five actors.
Barrowman compares Burn Gorman to a Thunderbird.
Site Review by Arthur Penn
This sequel of sorts to They Keep Killing Suzie is all its predecessor was, and more…
Regular Davies-coworker Matt Jones proves his worth yet again with this solid piece of drama. Where Suzie terrorised us with its zombie lead, here we are encouraged to feel great pity for Owen and his colleagues. Despite similar themes the character interplay is different enough that it seems to be a completely different story.
Although the initial premise is flawed (after the problems with Suzie, why would Jack choose to bring back Owen? Don’t give me any nonsense about him caring more – Jack was as shocked as anyone about Suzie’s betrayal. The fact is he seems to have done a complete 180 degree turn on the views that should have been cemented last year) this is quickly forgotten as Myles and Gorman turn in star performances once more.
Yes, that’s right, I said Myles. Remember Eve? The woefully underused actress this year in all bar Meat? Well, they seem to be saving her for one-off performances here and there (a transition that can only end with her ending up as a special guest star in minimal episodes!) Of course, though, the episode once again belongs to Burn Gorman, whos Owen has replaced Gwen as the “hang on, isn’t this show supposed to be about Captain Jack?” character this year. And justly deserved – now his traits seems to be settling down to a more consistent state, Gorman is getting the chance to fly, and he doesn’t waste a second in this showpiece.
The loser in the plot stakes this week seems to be Tosh. As so often happens, she’s been sidelined to fawn over Owen, a sad waste of Mori’s proven skills. Never mind, maybe she’ll fall in love with a lesbian alien next week.
And speaking of next week – what of the future? With Owen now undead, we essentially have two immortal characters in the show. This can only end one of three ways: Either Owen will be written out entirely (no!), a big reset switch will be pulled (no!!!) or in a surprise twist Jack will be killed, and in his final breaths tells Owen to become the Face of Boe and warn a mysterious traveller that he is not alone. Well, that’s my theory anyway…