Archived Essays

In the early days of The Millennium Effect, the site hosted a number of essays written between 1997 and 2000. Some serious, some… less so.

During one of our site upgrades in the early 2000s, these were quietly retired. We resurrect them now in 2020 via a site backup. The ‘humour’ on some of them represents a type of sillness we enjoyed when we were much younger, and with twenty years of hindsight we can look back more with affection than with cringe. The serious articles have fallen out of date but are a fascinating reminder of the level of presumption in that time that Doctor Who was really at an end.

How little we knew…

Dimensions in Time: Solved!
Call Yourself a Fan?
Wanted: Old Hat
Frazer Hines Was a Drugs Baron!
An Abridged History