David Tennant (The Doctor); Nigel Havers (Peter Dalton); Paul Marc Davis (Trickster); and Zienia Merton (Registrar).
NOT South Croydon
Peter takes Luke and Sarah to Mulberry St, a new Italian place in the high street, where Sarah seemingly plans to eat an entire pizza by herself. Peter’s house is 120 Christchurch Walk, W4 which is Chiswick, London. Apparently the Chandra’s spent their honeymoon in Brussels. Something Gita seems to have not forgiven Haresh for yet.
Blink and You’d Miss It
Tommy Knight’s sudden disappearances form the action may have been well covered up so far, but they reach ludicrous proportions in the second half of this story when the whole episode turns into a “Luke you stay here while I go off somewhere else with Clyde and Rani” run-around. Sarah buys a Travispolon on Ebay and with the help of Rani and Clyde, Mr Smith transports it back to its homeworld, Pologus. It is finally confirmed that Sarah’s Aunt Lavina left her a considerable sum when she passed away. Sarah ponders where she would have sent an invitation for the Doctor and mentions Metebelis II, where she did travel with the Doctor and faced the deadly giant spiders in the Third Doctor’s swansong, Planet of the Spiders. The Doctor makes several references to working with Luke to save the world in The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End. The Trickster reminds the Doctor that he once held the Key to Time in his hand.
K9 Says…
The Registrar is apparently descended from an ancient line of Chinese nobles that the Doctor Master once met on a journey to Cathay. (Hey, if Dodo can be related to Anne Chaplet, then there’s no reason the Registrar can’t be related to Ping Cho!).
Classified/Top Secret
Anytime that they need a reason to not drag Nick Courtney out for filming the Brig gets shipped off to Peru. Something that wasn’t top secret – the Trickster’s return. Come on, an episode written by Gareth Roberts with “Sarah Jane” in the title… we get it already.
Mode of Transport
Clyde, Luke and finally Rani hear the TARDIS trying to materialise through the Trickster’s time trap. Peter drives a Mercedez Benz (Ooooo, posh!) with the plate MKX 905.
The Travispolon. Let’s face it, the wheelie bin in Rose was better than this. ‘Nuff said.
The Sarah Jane Utility Belt
For the first time ever Mr Smith manages to emerge “quickly and quietly.” What does happen if you use sonic lipstick on your lips?
Sarah Jane’s Got the Coolest Duds
Sarah green dress with the pink sweater is vomit-inducing. The wedding dress, however is a different story. Sarah has never looked so lovely. Rani’s dress is pretty nice as well and seems to have given our Luke, along with one of your editors, a spontaneous orgasm. Unfortunately for Lis, the wedding dress also allows us a rather inopportune view of her cleavage.
“And He Goes… And She Goes…”
“Do not exceed your function Mr Smith. Your opinion has not been asked for.” – K9
“I am perfectly able to complete that function, Clyde. There is no need to consult the dog.” – Mr Smith
“Activating stair negotiation – hover mode.” – K9
(Largely amusing because it happens off-screen, like the Daleks on the Mary Celeste. Brilliant!)
“Thought you might want the Doctor to give you away.” – Luke
“I need somebody reliable, and I’m so very, very glad it’s you. Besides, where would I send the invite, Metebelis III” – Sarah
“I hope you’re as good as Sarah jane says you are.” – Clyde
“Well, you know journalists, always exaggerating, but yeah, I’m pretty amazing on a good day.” – The Doctor
“Sarah!” – The Doctor
“Sarah Jane. She doesn’t like being called Sarah.” – Rani
“She does by me.” – The Doctor
“Forgetting about her old life. Protecting the Earth.” – Rani
“Then the planet’s wide open, so aliens can just barge in.” – Clyde
Without Sarah, without you lot, saving the world from your attic in Ealing, there would be chaos and destruction.” – The Doctor
“Don’t forget me, Sarah Jane.” – The Doctor
“No one’s ever going to forget you!” – Sarah jane
Mr Smith Says…
Peter Dalton was dying when the Trickster approaches him with a deal. All he has to do is woo Sarah Jane and convince her to marry him so that she will give up her work protecting Earth. As if.
Things That Don’t Make Sense (even to a six-year old)
• It’s a shame no-one knows that it takes 15 days to get a marriage license in the UK, or Sarah’s story would have a big hold in it early on. (Mind you, Sarah says “the end of next week” and the caption says “two weeks later”, which could work but does seem a bit at odds). • If Peter has no family at the wedding, who are Sarah’s other guests? And, where is Brendan? • No-one ever uses the “if any person can show just cause” bit at weddings any more, do they? • The show finally brings up the fact that Sarah was always fine with just being called “Sarah” during her time with the Doctor, but for some entirely odd reasons her name is “Sarah Jane” now. They don’t give us any answer though.
• The real number on the Chandra’s house can be seen – Number 36 – in some shots. • Sarah’s “alien” package is delivered without any postcode at all. Highly unlikely with regular mail, but the box is marked up Special Delivery, which requires a postcode before the post office will even think about taking it. • In some shots you can see that Clyde’s left ear is pierced, even though he never wears an earring. • From the outside view the room the wedding is taking place in is located on the far right of the building, however all the characters enter the foyer from the left side of the building on the interior. • In some of the shots set outside in the white void, you can clearly see the small holes in the eye sockets of the Trickster so Paul Marc Davis can see.
Also Known As
Nigel Havers has been in, well, just about everything ever. Our favourite of the 70-odd British TV shows and films he’s been in are: Crown Court (1973 and 1975), Upstairs, Downstairs (1975), Nicholas Nickleby (1977), A Horeseman Riding By (1978), Chariots of Fire (1981), Strangers and Brothers (1984), The Whistle Blower (1987), The Charmer (1987), Don’t Wait Up (1983-1990), A Perfect Hero (1991), The Good Guys (1992-3), Woof! (1994), Dangerfield (1997-9), Manchild (2002-3), Little Britain (2004-5) and Brothers & Sisters (2009). Hang on, let us catch our breath after all that. Zienia Merton has also done loads, appearing in over 50 shows and films including Doctor Who (Marco Polo, 1964) The Troubleshooters (1965), Strange Report (1969), The Six Wives of Henry VIII (1970), Jason King (1972), Space: 1999 (1975-7), Grange Hill (1978), Tenko (1986), Crime Traveller (1997) and Doctors (2000). David Tennant, a relative newcomer to TV, is best known for his role as Davina in Rab C Nesbitt (1993), but has since been seen in episodes of Holding the Baby (1997), The Mrs Bradley Mysteries (2000), Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased) (2000), People Like Us (2001) and Dead Ringers (2002), along with films such as Bright Young Things (2003) and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005). What do you mean we forgot something?
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