The Collection: Season 6

This season has not been announced or released; the disc makeup is theoretical based on what we already know of the range. Note that so far all photo galleries have been built for The Collection from scratch; the timings presented here relate to the SD versions on DVD and will likely be incorrect.

TME has resisted the temptation to turn this into an all-encompassing wishlist of bonus feature ideas; the list is restricted to items that have been previously officially released by BBC Studios and its predecessors.


Most episodes survive as 16mm telerecordings.

The Dominators Episode 3, The Mind Robber Episode 5, The Krotons Episode One, The Seeds of Death Episode Five and The Space Pirates Episode Two all exist as 35mm prints, probably the original transmission prints. Each of these have soundtracks containing unmixed, raw studio sound, as well as finished audio.

Prints of The Dominators Episodes 4 & 5 are held with edits by another broadcaster (possibly Australia), and were released on VHS with these cuts before unedited prints were found to exist.

Mute film sequences exist on 35mm for The Space Pirates Episodes One and Two.

The Invasion Episodes One and Four were animated by Cosgrove Hall for the 2006 DVD release and may exist in HD.

UK Release History

The Dominators10/9/90Alister Pearson12/7/10Clayton Hickman
The Mind Robber7/5/90Alister Pearson7/3/05
Clayton Hickman
The Invasion7/6/93Andrew Skilleter6/11/06Clayton Hickman
The Krotons4/2/91Alister Pearson2/7/12Lee Binding
The Seeds of Death17/7/85
Clayton Hickman (both editions)
The Space Pirates [2] on The Troughton Years VHS and the Lost in Time DVD3/6/911/11/14
The War Games5/2/90
Alister Pearson6/7/09Clayton Hickman

For more information see our VHS guide

On DVD, The Invasion was included in the Amazon exclusive The Cybermen set in 2006, packaged with The Tomb of the Cybermen and Earthshock. The Seeds of Death SE was part of Revisitations 2. The War Games was included in the June 2013 collection Regeneration. Several of the original DVDs (The Dominators, The Krotons and The Seeds of Death SE) were released sufficiently late in the range that they had reversable covers, to match earlier BBC logos.

The restored episodes for four of the stories were issued as part of the Doctor Who DVD Files magazine (2009-14) across the following issues: 84 The Mind Robber (Mar 21st 2012), 88 The Invasion 1-4 (May 16th 2012), 89 The Invasion 5-8 (May 30th 2012), 115 The Seeds of Death (May 29th 2013), 146 The War Games 1-5 (Aug 6th 2014) and 147 The War Games 6-10 (Aug 20th 2014).


Info text was originally by Martin Wiggins on the DVD releases, replacing Richard Molesworth’s originals for The Seeds of Death.

The Dominators

Commentary with Giles Block [1,2,3], Arthur Cox [1,2,4,5], Frazer Hines [1,2,4,5], Sylvia James [1,3], Wendy Padbury [2,3,4,5], moderated by Toby Hadoke

FormatLengthOriginal DVD Source & Notes
Making-of Documentary [Recharge and Equalise]SD22:58The Dominators
Tomorrow’s Times: The Second DoctorSD13:51The Dominators
Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre. The socks struggle with Classic episode story codesSD2:36The Dominators [Easter Egg]
Photo GalleryHDNew. Alternate 5m47s SD version was on original DVD
  • Coming Soon: Revenge of the Cybermen/Silver Nemesis to Season 25 expected to be removed. It might appear on Season 25, though it was not used on Season 12.
  • 2007 BBC Audiobooks version narrated by Wendy Padbury is a potential bonus feature, as is the introduction from the 31 Who weekend
  • The censored versions of Episodes 4 and 5, as released on VHS, could be included for completism

The Mind Robber

Commentary: Frazer Hines, Wendy Padbury, David Maloney, Hamish Wilson [2-5]

FormatLengthOriginal DVD Source & Notes
Making-of Documentary [The Fact of Fiction]SD34:57The Mind Robber
HighlanderSD22:29The Mind Robber
Basil Brush Segment [25.10.75]SD10:26The Mind Robber
BBC continuitySD2:05The Mind Robber [Easter Egg]
Photo GalleryHDNew. Alternate 6m52s SD version was on original DVD
  • Highlander is a generic interview with Frazer Hines, so might be moved elsewhere
  • The Basil Brush clip might be better suited to Season 13, to match the 1975 transmission date; or Season 5, to match the content (it features a Yeti costume)
  • The introduction from the 31 Who weekend is a potential bonus feature

The Invasion (Episodes One and Four animated)

Commentary with Steve Maher [1], James Goss [1], Mark Ayres [1], Nicholas Courtney [2-5,7,8], Frazer Hines [2-6,8], Wendy Padbury [2,4-8], Chris D’Oyly-John [3,5-8].

FormatLengthOriginal DVD Source & Notes
Making-of Documentary [Evolution of The Invasion]SD52:25The Invasion
Flash Frames [making of the animation]SD11:30The Invasion
Love Off-AirSD15:16The Invasion
Animation TrailersSD1:08The Invasion
1993 VHS LinksSD2:59The Invasion, and original VHS release
Character DesignSD2:51The Invasion
Photo GalleryHDNew. Alternate 7m22s SD version was on original DVD
Coming Soon [The Krotons]SD1:19Death to the Daleks
  • 2006 BBC Audiobooks version narrated by Frazer Hines is a potential bonus feature
  • There is the opportunity for an isolated soundtrack of Don Harper’s score, which survives and was released by Silva Screen Records in 2018

The Krotons

Commentary with Gilbert Wynne [1,2,4], Richard Ireson [1,3], Philip Madoc [1,3,4], Sylvia James [1,4], David Tilley [2,3], Bobi Bartlett [2,3], Brian Hodgson [2,4], moderated by Toby Hadoke.

FormatLengthOriginal DVD Source & Notes
Second Time AroundSD52:22The Krotons
Doctor Who Stories – Frazer Hines (part one)SD17:27The Krotons
The Doctor’s Strange LoveSD7:17The Krotons
Photo GalleryHDNew. Alternate 5m26s SD version included on original DVD
  • Coming Soon: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy (from the original DVD) moved to Season 25
  • Coming Soon: Revisitations 2 (Carnival of Monsters SE, Resurrection of the Daleks SE and The Seeds of Death SE) seems unlikely to appear, it was not included on Season 10
  • This story did not have a Making Of documentary on DVD, so one may be commissioned for The Collection
  • 2008 BBC Audiobooks version narrated by Frazer Hines is a potential bonus feature
  • Both Second Time Around and Doctor Who Stories are fairly generic features, so might be moved to different discs or seasons in the Second Doctor era.

The Seeds of Death

Commentary with Michael Ferguson, Frazer Hines [1-3,5,6], Wendy Padbury [1-3,5,6], Terrance Dicks [3-6].

FormatLengthOriginal DVD Source & Notes
Making-of Documentary [Lords of the Red Planet]SD28:32The Seeds of Death SE
Sssowing the SsseedsssSD24:07The Seeds of Death (and SE)
Monsters Who Came Back for More!SD16:28The Seeds of Death SE
It’s a Square World [08.02.69]SD7:22The Aztecs: SE
Commentary recording footageSDThe Seeds of Death (and SE) [Easter Egg]
Sound recording of a trailer for The Seeds of Death broadcast after The KrotonsAudio0:46The Seeds of Death SE [Easter Egg], could be moved to The Krotons
Photo GalleryHDNew. Alternate SD versions were on original (5m16s) and SE (4m32s) DVDs
  • Coming Soon: Planet of the Spiders (from the SE) is likely to be moved to Season 11
  • The short New Zealand Censor Clips from the original 2003 DVD (1:11, featuring footage from The Web of Fear and The Wheel in Space) are unlikely to be included; they were also released on Lost in Time and were not included on the SE.
  • The Last Dalek (9:34) with commentary by Peter Day and Michaeljohn Harris is also likely to be removed, as it represents The Evil of the Daleks (Season 4). This was also excluded from the SE, though reappeared on Lost in Time and Resurrection of the Daleks SE.
  • Monster Masterclass from the original DVD already moved to Season 7
  • The extract from It’s a Square World has strong potential to be moved to this disc, as it was broadcast during transmission of this story.
  • TARDIS-Cam No. 5 (mis-labelled as No. 6 on the SE) is likely to be removed, as per the installments on The Ark in Space (Season 12), Carnival of Monsters (Season 10) and The Talons of Weng-Chiang (Season 14). All these clips are held back for a potential Wilderness Years set.
  • There is the opportunity for an isolated soundtrack of Dudley Simpson’s score, which survives unreleased; though this opportunity was not taken for The Mind of Evil on Season 8.

The Space Pirates (only Episode Two exists)

A new commentary is likely to be recorded for The Collection, covering at least Episode Two

FormatLengthOriginal DVD Source & Notes
Episode introduction by Jon PertweeSDPotential, The Troughton Years 1991 VHS
Original silent 35mm black-and-white film footage of model work for episodes one and two, and sequences filmed at Ealing Studios on Friday 7 February 1969 for episode one, discovered in 2004.SD2:43Lost in Time
Photo GalleryHDNew
Coming Soon [The War Games]SD1:36Delta and the Bannermen
  • 2003 BBC Audiobooks version narrated by Wendy Padbury is a potential bonus feature, indeed it might form the basis of a new reconstruction of the story
  • This story has not had a standalone DVD release, so there is no Making Of and very few special features

The War Games

Commentary with Frazer Hines [1-6,8,10], Wendy Padbury [1-3,5-8,10], Terrance Dicks [1,2,4,5,7,9,10], Jane Sherwin [1,3-5], Derrick Sherwin [2-4,6,9,10], Graham Weston [6-9], Philip Madoc [7-10].

FormatLengthOriginal DVD Source & Notes
Making-of Documentary [War Zone]SD36:24The War Games
Shades of GreySD21:46The War Games
Now and ThenSD9:35The War Games
The Doctor’s Composer [Part 1]SD17:32The War Games. Part 2 already released on Season 17.
Sylvia James: In ConversationSD8:27The War Games
Talking About RegenerationSD24:24The War Games
Time ZonesSD15:22The War Games
Stripped for Action: The Second DoctorSD13:46The War Games
DeviousSD12:17The War Games
Sound recording from the location filming on 31.03.69Audio19:11The War Games [Easter Egg]
Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre. The socks re-enact the Doctor’s trialSD5:51The War Games [Easter Egg]
Original 16mm black-and-white film footage for the forcefield effect used in episode tenSD0:43The War Games [Easter Egg]
The Second Doctor RevisitedHDKriegsspiele (2019 German DVD), The Doctors Revisited 1-4 (2013 US/Australian DVD)
Photo GalleryHDNew. Alternate 6m33s SD version, including shots of the commentary recording, on original DVD
Coming Soon [Spearhead from Space BD]SD1:15The Mind of Evil
  • Coming Soon: The Black Guardian Trilogy (Mawdryn Undead, Terminus, Enlightenment) already moved to Season 20
  • Coming Soon: Mannequin Mania (Spearhead from Space SE, Terror of the Autons) (from Planet of the Spiders DVD) seems unlikely to be included
  • On Target: Malcolm Hulke from the original DVD already moved to Season 7
  • A German audio option from the 2019 Polyband DVD (Kriegsspiele) has the potential to be included, though seems unlikely as per Seasons 22-24 and 26. Mark Ayres’ clean M&E track could be the basis of a 5.1 mix.
  • Grußbotschaft von Frazer Hines from the same Polyband DVD is unlikely to be included, as per the unique special features created for Season 25
  • The Second Doctor Revisited seems likely to appear here, as it’s the last season for this Doctor; this would match the inclusions on Seasons 18, 23 and 26.
  • The introduction from the 31 Who weekend is a potential bonus feature
  • Many of the special features are fairly generic, so could easily be moved to different discs or seasons in the Second Doctor era, or even the black and white era as a whole.

PDF Materials

Pages from the Radio Times were included on the original DVDs for The Dominators, The Krotons, The Seeds of Death SE and The War Games. Radio Times listings for The Invasion, and an article from The Listener by Kit Pedler, were included on the Attack of the Cybermen DVD in 2009.

Scripts for The Invasion and The Space Pirates were released with The Lost TV Episodes – Collection Five (BBC Audiobooks, 2012).

Design blueprints and a BBC Enterprises sales document were included on The War Games DVD.