The sound design of Doctor Who was cutting edge from the very first episode. With no sound library to turn to for the noises of a time and space machine or winds of alien planets, the resources of the BBC’s in-house sound manipulation factory were utilised to breath-taking effect – creating many distinctive effects that were as important to the series as any of it’s actors, writers, directors or music. As with the best music scores, only when heard in isolation can their full importance be fully appreciated: and the many Doctor Who sound effects releases have always been warmly received.
Many effects were initially released on the BBC’s ongoing series of Sound Effect LPs, whose labels gave sweet hints and tips to those wishing to create their own radio or theatre productions (some of which, they clearly felt, could benefit from a TARDIS take-off or two, or from being set on the distinctive planet of the Daleks). As appreciation of the art and craft of Doctor Who grew, so too did an anthology of CD releases highlighting the original and unique sounds that Brian and Dick had created – many of which, particularly the 60s sound designs, were as distinctive and recognisable as the programme’s theme music.
Albums and Compilation Tracks
Track/s [Release Title] | Format | Release Code | Date |
Tardis / Nightmare Forest [Out of This World: BBC SFX No. 12] | LP | BBC REC 225 | 1975 |
Dr Who Sound Effects – BBC SFX No. 19 | LP/Cass | BBC REH / ZCR 316 | 1978 |
Swarming Insects [Disasters – BBC SFX No. 16] | LP | BBC REC 295 | 1977 |
TARDIS [BBC RWS: 21] | LP | BBC REC 354 | 1979 |
Sci-Fi Sound Effects – BBC SFX No. 26 | LP/Cass | BBC REC 420 | 1981 |
Dr Who Sound Effects * | US LP/Cass | BBC / Gemcon BBC 22316 | 1982 |
Doctor Who * | US PD | BBC 22002 | 1984 |
Doctor Who * | US PD | BBC 22004 | 1985 |
Essential Sci-Fi Sound Effects 1 * | CD | BBC CD 847 | 1991 |
30 Years at the Radiophonic Workshop | CD | BBC CD 871 | 1993 |
Music from Tomb of the Cybermen * | CD | V-Sat ASTRA 3967 | 1998 |
Doctor Who at the BBC RWS 1 | CD | BBC WMSF 6023-2 | 2000 |
Doctor Who at the BBC RWS 2 | CD | BBC WMSF 6024-2 | 2000 |
Doctor Who at the BBC RWS 3 | CD | BBC WMSF 6052-2 | 2002 |
Doctor Who – Devils’ Planets * | CD | – – – | 2003 |
* – reissue (in part or full) of a previous release, with no significant new material
Dr Who Sound Effects – BBC Sound Effects No. 19
![]() Produced by Dick Mills and Brian Hodgson of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop | BBC Sound Effects No. 19: Dr. Who Sound Effects UK 12″ LP / Cassette, May 1978, BBC Records REC / ZCM 316 US 12″ LP, 1982, BBC / Gemcon BBC 22316 SIDE 1 1.The Central Control Room In Exillon City – Dr. Who And The Exillons 2.The Dalek Control Room – Death To The Daleks 3.Metebelis III Atmosphere – Planet Of The Spiders 4.Styre’s Scouting Machine (Approach, Stop, Seach, Depart) – The Destructors 5.Dalek Hatching Tanks On Skaros – Genesis Of The Daleks 6.Zygon Spaceship Control Centre – Dr. Who And The Zygons| 7.Sutekh Time Tunnel – Pyramid Of Mars 8.The Interior Of Xoanon – Face Of Evil SIDE 2 1.The Shine Of The Sisterhood Of Karn – Dr. Who And The Brain Of Morbius 2.Kraal Disorientation Chamber – Android Invasion 3.The Mandragora Helix – The Curse Of Mandragora 4.Atomic Reactor Runs Wild – The Hand Of Death 5.Wind-Mine Machine – Robots Of Death 6.Distillation Chamber – The Talons Of Weng-Chi’ang 7.Cloning And Miniaturisation Process – The Enemy Within 8.Inside Dr. Who’s Mind – The Enemy Within 9.TARDIS Interior (In Flight) 10.TARDIS Interior (Stationary) 11.TARDIS Observation Screen Operates 12.TARDIS Door Opens 13.Sonic Screwdriver 14.Fission Gun (2 Blasts) – Ark In Space 15.Tesh Gun – Face Of Evil 16.Gallifreyan Staser Gun (3 Blasts) – The Deadly Assassin 17.Vardan Gun – The Invasion Of Time 18.Sontaran Gun (3 Blasts) – The Invasion Of Time 19.Gallifreyan Staser (3 Blasts) – The Invasion Of Time 20.Dematerializer Gun (Switch On And Fire) – The Invasion Of Time 21.Dalek Gun (3 Blasts) – Genesis Of The Daleks 22.Dragon Ray-Gun – The Talons Of Weng Chi’ang |

After over 15 years of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop’s involvement with Doctor Who, the first dedicated soundtrack release from BBC Records was a packed-to-bursting compilation of soundscapes and effects, assembled from the Workshop’s archives by the two maestros responsible for their creation since 1963: Brian Hodgson and Dick Mills. Reaching back only as far as Season Eleven, keeping the sounds within recent memory of their audience, many of the tracks are credited to the working titles of their appropriate stories; this reflected the labelling of the Workshop’s own library tapes, which were often created prior to the episode’s completitions and subsequent name changes.
Both sides of the record were re-released in 1984 and 1985, split over two American picture discs that also included one side each of Doctor Who – The Music. The track names, story titles and track orders remained the same.
30 Years at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop
![]() Band I Ron Grainer arr. Delia Derbyshire/Dick Mills Bands 2-13, 15-32, 34 Brian Hodgson Band 14 Ron Grainer arr. Delia Derbyshire Band 33 Ron Grainer arr. Delia Derbyshire/Brian Hodgson, Paddy Kingsland Bands 35-44, 47-63, 65-86 Dick Mills Bands 45-46, 64 Elizabeth Parker Band 87 arr. Peter Howell Band 88 Ron Grainer arr. Peter Howell Spatial Enhancement, using the Bedini Audio Spatial Environment by David Sharp ![]() Second pressings of the disc were packaged in a slightly different sleeve, featuring Delia Derbyshire at work in the Workshop, after fans pointed out to the BBC that the two people originally pictured had never worked on Doctor Who! | Doctor Who – 30 Years At The BBC Radiophonic Workshop CD, July 1993 BBC CD 871 1.Original Theme 2.TARDIS exterior 3.TARDIS Take-off 4.Sensorites in Laboratory – The Sensorites 5.Slyther on the move – The Dalek Invasion of Earth 6.Death of a Mirebeast – The Chase 7.Mechanoid – The Chase 8.Dalek Space Ship Takes Off – The Chase 9Dalek Space Ship Lands – The Chase 10.Chumblie constant run – Galaxy Four 11.Chumblie at rest – Galaxy Four 12.Chumblies dies – Galaxy Four 13.A Few Fish People – The Underwater Menace 14.Signature Tune: A New Beginning 15.Propaganda Sleep Machine – The Macra Terror 16.Macra Control and Macra – The Macra Terror 17.Destruction of the Daleks – The Evil of the Daleks 18.Cobweb Mutates – The Web of Fear 19.Yeti Growls roars and dies – The Web of Fear 20.Four Yetis Signalling – The Web of Fear 21.Cybermats attracted to Ship – The Wheel in Space 22.Start of the Cyber Invasion – The Wheel in Space 23.Birth of Cybermats – The Wheel in Space 24.Cybermat killed by Special Sound – The Wheel in Space 25.Quarks chuckle – The Dominators 26.Quark Kills – The Dominators 27.Quark goes beserk and explodes – The Dominators 28.Kroton Theme with Birth andDeath of a Kroton – The Krotons 29.Original Sonic Screwdriver – The War Games 30.Time Zone – The War Games 31.Sidrat Control – The War Games 32.Factory with Mechanical andPhysiological Autons and Auton Guns – Spearhead from Space 33.Signature Tune: ‘The Delaware’ version 34.TARDIS Lands 35.Threat to Sarah – The Sontaran Experiment 36.Sonic Screwdriver (multi-purpose mode) 37.Wirrn in the Infrastructure – The Ark in Space 38.Void – Masque of Madragora 39.Shuttle Landing Sequence – The Invisible Enemy 40.Fendahl Shuffle and Slobber – Image of the Fendahl 41.Vardan materialises and shimmers – The Invasion of Time 42.K9 Probe and Gun – The Invasion of Time 43.TARDIS Doors – The Invasion of Time 44.White Guardian’s Windbells – The Ribos Operation 45.An Ogri About – Stones of Blood 46.Pouring Crystals – Stones of Blood 47.Attack on War Room – The Armageddon Factor 48.Doctor’s repair to Tardis Central Column Fails – The Horns of Nimon 49.Foamasi Voices – The Leisure Hive 50.Doors – Meglos 51.Reactivation and Laboratory Rises – Meglos 52.Dodecahedron Beams – Meglos 53.Marshmen emerge from the Mistfall -Full Circle 54.Timewinds – Warrior’s Gate 55.Tardis Landing Bleep 56.Cloister Bell – Castrovalva 57.March of the Victims – Terminus 58.Search, Capture and Display Dolls – The Five Doctors 59.Scrolls Self-destruct – The Five Doctors 60.Borussa destroyed – The Five Doctors 61.Merkur passes – Warriors of the Deep 62.Sea-Devils Energising Chamber inside Silurian Rock – Warriors of the Deep 63.Exploding River of Mud – The Caves of Androzani 64.Timelash: Music Suite – Timelash 65.Tissue Compression Eliminator – Trial of a Time Lord 66.Limbo Atrophier – Trial of a Time Lord 67.Drinks Machine – Paradise Towers 68.Transformer Machine – Delta and the Bannermen 69.Sonic Cone switch on and Detonate – Delta and the Bannermen 70.Bees – Delta and the Bannermen 71.Singing trees with Dragon Shotsand Two Nitro-9 Bombs – Dragonfire 72.Confuser Machine – Remembrance of the Daleks 73.Baseball Bat hits Daleks – Remembrance of the Daleks 74.Big Dalek Gun – Remembrance of the Daleks 75.Doctor in Time Tunnel – The Greatest Show in the Galaxy 76.Cybership lands, doors open – Silver Nemesis 77.Statue – Silver Nemesis 78.Execution Sequence – The Happiness Patrol 79.Letters burnt on Crypt Wall – The Curse of Fenric 80.Phial breaks, gas escapes – The Curse of Fenric 81.Energy bursts – Battlefield 82.Bessie drives off – Battlefield 83.Transmaterialisation – Survival 84.Light petrifies victims – Ghostlight 85.Bird Nightmare – Ghostlight 86.Sphere – Shada 87.Paradise of Death – Paradise of Death 88.Closing Theme |

The most comprehensive and representative Doctor Who soundtrack/effects release to date, this 1993 CD – which sold extraordinarily well, despite its apparently specialist audience – became the benchmark for all future releases, and the BBC Music compilations Doctor Who at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop (2000-2003) were hard-pushed not to simply replicate the track listing. Some effects – namely TARDIS Exterior (mis-titled as TARDIS Interior), TARDIS Landing, TARDIS Doors, TARDIS Take-Off and Signiature Tune: A New Beginning – were lifted from this release and included on Music From Tomb of the Cybermen in 1998, despite none of these effects having appeared in the story.
Doctor Who at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop
![]() compiled, produced and remastered for compact disc by Mark Ayres | Various Artists: Doctor Who At The BBC Radiophonic Workshop Volume 1 – The Early Years 1963 – 1969 CD, May 2000 BBC Music BBC WMSF 6023-2 1.Doctor Who (Original Theme) Ron Grainer realised Delia Derbyshire AN UNEARTHLY CHILD (Pilot Episode) 2.TARDIS Exterior Hum and Door (original) Brian Hodgson 3.Entry into the TARDIS Brian Hodgson 4.TARDIS: Original Takeoff Sequence Brian Hodgson 5.Doctor Who (Original Titles Music) Ron Grainer realised Delia Derbyshire AN UNEARTHLY CHILD (Serial A) 6.TARDIS Takeoff Brian Hodgson THE DALEKS (Serial B) 7.Skaro: Petrified Forest Atmosphere (“Thal Wind”) Brian Hodgson 8.TARDIS Computer Brian Hodgson 9.Dalek City Corridor Brian Hodgson 10.Dalek Control Room Brian Hodgson 11.Capsule Oscilation (Dalek Destructor Fuse / Bomb Countdown) Brian Hodgson THE EDGE OF DESTRUCTION (Serial C) 12.Explosion, TARDIS Stops Brian Hodgson THE KEYS OF MARINUS (Serial E) 13.Sleeping Machine Brian Hodgson THE SENSORITES (Serial G) 14.Sensorite Speech Background Brian Hodgson THE CHASE (Serial R) 15.Dalek Spaceship Lands Brian Hodgson 16.TARDIS Lands Brian Hodgson GALAXY FOUR (Serial T) 17.Chumbley (constant run) Brian Hodgson 18.Chumbley at rest Brian Hodgson 19.Chumbley sends message Brian Hodgson 20.Chumbley dome (rises / falls / rises / falls) Brian Hodgson 21.Chumbley dies Brian Hodgson THE DALEKS’ MASTERPLAN (Serial V) 22.Activity on Dalek Ship Control Panel Brian Hodgson THE SAVAGES (Serial AA) 23.Energy Escapes Brian Hodgson THE TENTH PLANET (Serial DD) 24.Machinery in TARDIS Goes Wild (Regeneration) Brian Hodgson THE POWER OF THE DALEKS (Serial EE) 25.Regeneration Runs Down Brian Hodgson and Dick Mills 26.The Doctor’s Transitional Trauma Brian Hodgson and Dick Mills THE UNDERWATER MENACE (Serial GG) 27.The Fish People (Incidental Music) Dudley Simspon realised Brian Hodgson THE MACRA TERROR (Serial JJ) 28.Heartbeat Chase Brian Hodgson 29.Chromophone Band Dudley Simpson realised Delia Derbshire 30.Controller Chimes Brian Hodgson 31.Musak (From “Time in Advance”) John Baker 32.Propaganda Sleep Machine Brian Hodgson 33.Doctor Who (New Opening Theme, 1967) Ron Grainer realised Delia Derbyshire THE WEB OF FEAR (Serial QQ) 34.Sting & Web (Cocooning Interior) / Cobweb Pulsates Brian Hodgson 35.4 Stings Brian Hodgson FURY FROM THE DEEP (Serial RR) 36.Mr Oak and Mr Quill (Incidental Music) Dudley Simpson realised Brian Hodgson THE WHEEL IN SPACE (Serial SS) 37.Lead-in to Cyber Planner Brian Hodgson 38.Cyber Planner Background Brian Hodgson 39.Cyberman Stab & Music Brian Hodgson 40.Rocket Stab Brian Hodgson 41.Birth of Cybermats Brian Hodgson 42.Cybermats attracted to Wheel Brian Hodgson 43.Rocket in Space Brian Hodgson 44.Interior Rocket (Suspense Music) Brian Hodgson 45.Servo Robot Music Brian Hodgson 46.Wheel Stab Brian Hodgson 47.Cosmos Atmosphere Brian Hodgson 48.Alien Ship Music Brian Hodgson 49.Jarvis in a Dream State Brian Hodgson 50.Floating Through Space Brian Hodgson 51.2 Stabs Brian Hodgson THE DOMINATORS (Serial TT) 52.TARDIS (New Landing) Brian Hodgson 53.Galaxy Atmosphere Brian Hodgson 54.Tension Builder (a) Brian Hodgson 55.Tension Builder (b) Brian Hodgson 56.Tension Builder (c) Brian Hodgson 57.Low Sting Brian Hodgson THE MIND ROBBER (Serial UU) 58.TARDIS: Extra Power Unit Plugged In Brian Hodgson 59.Zoe’s Theme Brian Hodgson 60.White Void Brian Hodgson THE INVASION (Serial VV) 61.Muzak (From “Time in Advance”) John Baker 62.Cybermen brought to Life Brian Hodgson 63.Cyber Invasion Brian Hodgson THE KROTONS (Serial WW) 64.The Learning Hall Brian Hodgson 65.Entry into the Machine Brian Hodgson 66.Sting Brian Hodgson 67.Machine and City Theme Brian Hodgson 68.Kroton Theme Brian Hodgson THE SPACE PIRATES (Serial YY) 69.TARDIS Land Brian Hodgson THE WAR GAMES (Serial ZZ) 70.Alien Control Centre Brian Hodgson 71.Time Zone Atmosphere Brian Hodgson 72.Dimensional Control (SIDRAT dimensions contract) Brian Hodgson 73.War Lord Arrival Brian Hodgson 74.Silver Box (The Doctor calls for help) Brian Hodgson 75.Time Lord Court Atmosphere Brian Hodgson 76.Doctor Who (Closing Titles) Ron Grainer realised Delia Derbyshire |

Mark Ayres’ research for these albums took place whilst cataloguing the entire Radiophonic Workshop archives, and many tracks not featured on the first round of CDs (two of which were released simultaneously in 2000 and 2002 before the range was prematurely halted) featured on DVD releases of selected stories, playing in the background of the Photo Gallery features. Three tracks from The Daleks – namely Thal Wind, Dalek City Corridor and Dalek City Control Room – were included on the 2003 soundtrack release Devils’ Planets: The Music of Tristram Cary, along with select edits of the theme music.
![]() | Various Artists: Doctor Who At The BBC Radiophonic Workshop Volume 2 – New Beginnings 1970 – 1980 CD, May 2000 BBC Music BBC WMSF 6024-2 INFERNO (Serial DDD) 2.TARDIS Control On & Warp Transfer Brian Hodgson THE MIND OF EVIL (Serial FFF) 7.Keller Machine Appears / Vanishes Brian Hodgson THE CLAWS OF AXOS (Serial GGG) 9.Brain Centre Atmosphere Brian Hodgson 11.TARDIS Lands Brian Hodgson SOUND EFFECTS SELECTION 1974 – 1979 40.Aggedor’s Temple Atmosphere, Peladon (“The Monster of Peladon”, YYY) Dick Mills 41.Metebelis III Atmosphere (“Planet of the Spiders”, ZZZ) Dick Mills 42.Nerva Beacon Infrastructure & T-Mat Couch (“The Ark in Space”, 4C) Dick Mills 43.The Planet Karn (“The Brain of Morbius”, 4K) Dick Mills 44.The Shrine of the Sisterhood of Karn (“The Brain of Morbius”, 4K) Dick Mills 45.The Mandragora Helix (“The Masque of Mandragora”, 4M) Dick Mills 46.Nova Device Countdown & Explosion (“Destiny of the Daleks”, 5J) Dick Mills |
![]() compiled, produced and remastered for compact disc by Mark Ayres | Various Artists: Doctor Who At The BBC Radiophonic Workshop Volume 3 – The Leisure Hive CD, March 2002 BBC Music BBC WMSF6052-2 SOUND EFFECTS THE LEISURE HIVE (Serial 5N) 21.Argolis Exterior Planet Atmosphere Dick Mills 22.Earth Shuttle Arriving Dick Mills23.Generator Hall Dick Mills 24.Boardroom Dick Mills 25.Hologram Dick Mills 26.Corridor Background Dick Mills 27.Generator and Screen Dick Mills 28.Tachyon Drive Engaged Dick Mills MEGLOS (Serial 5Q) 29.The Screens of Zolpha-Thura Dick Mills 30.Laboratory Ascends Dick Mills 31.Dodecahedron Energy Beams Dick Mills FULL CIRCLE (Serial 5R) 32.Mistfall Mist Dick Mills 33.Operating Room Dick Mills 34.Starliner Instrument Panel Dick Mills |