Return to Kendal was a charity album, concieved by TME in 1998 and finally released in 2003. Since 50% of us could not sing, several of the songs were spoken-word pieces, including an rather dodgy impression of Jon Pertwee. Despite this, we were able to raise around £200 for the British Heart Foundation – something we’re still pretty darn proud of.
Although the album is long out of print, the website has been hosted consistently at returntokendal.co.uk. After 20 years, we’re finally ready to let the address expire and instead host it as a part of TME.
Note that much of the outer ‘window’ design was animated in Flash, which started to become blocked by browsers in the late 2010s for security reasons. This prevented the site navigation from working. For this 2020 ‘archive’ version of the site we have made the following changes:
- The titles at the top and bottom transitioned in, but are now static.
- On the right hand side was a rotating series of images of the ‘stars’ of the album with quotes from their songs – this is now a static image of Mary Whitehouse.
- On the left, the menu originally featured rollover effects.
- When loading up the site, a cybernised version of an impression of David Banks greeted viewers with the message ‘hello – David Banks here, why not click on my Cybercrotch and enter the website’.
- Hovering over the image of David’s crotch revealed a poorly sketched image of his pants, and an ‘ooooh!’ sound; clicking on it led to the ‘home’ screen (still available via the left menu).
- There was a built-in message board, hosted by an external provider which has long-since gone out of business. The link has been disabled.