UK Release History
The pattern of individual releases followed by a box set, established in 2005, continued for Series Five, although now included some bonuses. For Series Six and Seven the releases were of ‘half-seasons’ followed by a full season. In all cases releases were simultaneously on DVD and Blu-Ray and featured 5.1 audio.
Series Five
- Jun-Sep 2010: Series Five standalone releases with ‘Monster File’ bonuses on each
- Nov 2010: Complete Series Five with ‘Monster File’ bonuses, along with other extras; Limited steelbook options of both formats (a basic silver case with ‘crack’ artwork).
Series Six
- Jan 2011: A Christmas Carol standalone with bonus Confidential and Proms 2010 (the Proms bonus would not be included on the later box set, but would return in the 2013 collection).
- Jul / Oct 2011: Series Six, Part One and Part Two, each with two ‘Monster File’ bonuses.
- Nov 2011 : Complete Series Six, including A Christmas Carol, with ‘Monster File’ bonuses, along with other extras; Limited ‘Silent’ artwork options of both formats.
- Jan 2012: The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe, with bonus prequel and Best of Doctor Who features.
Series Seven
- Oct 2012 / May 2013 : Series Seven, Part One and Part Two, each with several bonuses; Part One had a limited ‘Angel’ artwork option of both formats containing The Science of Doctor Who exclusive bonus.
- Sep 2013: Complete Series Seven, including The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe. All bonuses (inc The Science of Doctor Who) included, and more.
- Nov 2013: Complete Series One to Seven set, with additional bonuses:.
Anniversary Specials
- Dec 2013: The Day of the Doctor standalone release with minimal bonuses (Blu-ray includes a 3D option).
- Jan 2014: The Time of the Doctor standalone release with other Matt Smith Christmas specials bundled, and minimal bonuses.
- Sep 2014: 50th Anniversary set with Matt Smith’s final three episodes, An Adventure in Space and Time and several other bonuses.
And also…
- Nov 2014: US-exclusive Complete Matt Smith Blu-Ray with an ‘exclusive’ bonus disc containing material from the Sep anniversary release (which had not been issued in the US).
An Australian DVD in January 2014 featured a number of the bonuses that were exclusive to specific sets: The Best of Doctor Who features from the Jan 2011 release, The Best of the Christmas Specials from the Nov 2013 release, The Sceience of Doctor Who from Oct 2012/Sep 2013, The …of Doctor Who documentaries from a US Series 1-6 box set and the Doctor Who in America feature from the Complete Series Seven set.
Steelbook Releases
Series Five | 10th February 2020 | Art by Sophie Cowdry |
Series Six | 10th August 2020 | Art by Sophie Cowdry |
Series Seven | 14th December 2020 | Art by Sophie Cowdry |
50th Anniversary | 2021 | Art by Lee Binding |
Disc Contents
[commentaries listed in square brackets]
From this point on, all material is natively HD unless stated.

Series 5, Disc 1
- The Eleventh Hour (67:36) [Steven Moffat, Piers Wenger, Beth Willis]
- The Beast Below (44:02)
- Victory of the Daleks (43:54) [Mark Gatiss, Nicholas Briggs, Barnaby Edwards]
- The Time of Angels (43:45) [Karen Gillan, Steven Moffat]
Bonuses: Meanwhile in the TARDIS (3:24), Monster File: The Daleks (10:27), Monster File: Weeping Angels (10:44), Video Diary (9:38)
Total Disc Contents: 3h53m30s
Series 5, Disc 2
- Flesh and Stone (44:45)
- The Vampires of Venice (50:33) [Jonny Cambpell, Toby Whithouse, Alex Price]
- Amy’s Choice (46:20)
- The Hungry Earth (45:28)
- Cold Blood (47:59) [Ashley Way, Alun Raglan, James DeHaviland]
Bonuses: Meanwhile in the TARDIS (4:03), Monster File: The Silurians (9:29), Video Diary (9:15)
Total Disc Contents: 4h17m52s
Series 5, Disc 3
- Vincent and the Doctor (48:54)
- The Lodger (44:39)
- The Pandorica Opens (51:08)
- The Big Bang (56:17) [Toby Haynes, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill]
Bonuses: Monster File: The Alliance (10:32), Out-takes (7:33), Video Diary (10:05)
Total Disc Contents: 3h49m8s
Series 5, Disc 4: Confidential Cut-Down
- Call Me the Doctor (13:45)
- All About the Girl (14:46)
- War Games (14:33)
- Eyes Wide Open (13:31)
- Blinded by the Light (14:32)
- Death in Venice (14:28)
- Arthurian Legend (14:45)
- After Effects (14:53)
- What Goes on Tour… (14:18)
- A Brush with Genius (11:49)
- Extra Time (15:19)
- Alien Abduction (10:02)
- Out of Time (16:12)
Trailers (12:06) – Standard Definition
Total Disc Contents: 3h14m59s

Series 6, Disc 1
- A Christmas Carol (61:48)
Bonuses: Christmas Confidential (56:05), Space (3:58), Time (3:04)
Total Disc Contents: 2h4m55s
Series 6, Disc 2
- The Impossible Astronaut (43:36) [Marcus Wilson, David Mason, Arthur Darvill)
- Day of the Moon (46:07)
- The Curse of the Black Spot (44:54)
Bonuses: Monster File: The Silence (10:58), Episode 1 Prequel (1:43), Episode 3 Prequel (1:26)
Total Disc Contents: 2h28m44s
Series 6, Disc 3
- The Doctor’s Wife (45:55) [Neil Gaiman]
- The Rebel Flesh (43:26) [Marshall Lancaster, Mark Burnett, Julian Simpson]
- The Also People (45:14)
Bonuses: Bad Night (3:37), Good Night (4:51), First Night (2:15), Last Night (3:34), Monster File: The Gangers (13:03)
Total Disc Contents: 2h41m55s
Series 6, Disc 4
- A Good Man Goes to War (48:20) [Neve McIntosh, Tim Barter, Arthur Darvill]
- Let’s Kill Hitler (48:11)
- Night Terrors (42:38)
- The Girl Who Waited (46:04)
Bonuses: Monster File: The Anti-Bodies (9:05), Episode 7 Prequel (1:38), Episode 8 Prequel (1:57)
Total Disc Contents: 3h17m53s
Series 6, Disc 5
- The God Complex (48:02)
- Closing Time (45:14)
- The Wedding of River Song (45:24) [Steven Moffat, Frances Barber, Jeremy Webb]
Bonuses: Monster File: The Cybermats (10:15), Episode 13 Prequel (1:14), Night and the Doctor: Up All Night (1:56), Part 1 Trailer (1:04), Part 2 Trailer (0:43)*
Total Disc Contents: 2h33m52s
*Trailers are in SD
Series 6, Disc 6: Confidential Cut-Down
- Coming to America (14:03)
- Breaking the Silence (11:15)
- Ship Ahoy! (12:09)
- Bigger on the Inside (12:20)
- Double Trouble (14:11)
- Take Two (12:04)
- The Born Identity (9:07)
- River Runs Wild (12:47)
- About a Boy (13:38)
- What Dreams May Come (11:10)
- Heartbreak Hotel (9:04)
- Open All Hours (12:47)
- When Time Froze (8:59)
- Bonus: The Night’s Tale (15:12)
Total Disc Contents: 2h48m46s

Series 7, Disc 1
- The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe (58:29)
- Asylum of the Daleks (48:55)
- Dinosaurs on a Spaceship (45:17)
Bonuses: The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe Prequel (1:32), Asylum of the Daleks Prequel (2:35), Life Cycle of a Dalek (3:39), Raptors, Robots and a Bumpy Ride (4:19)
Total Disc Contents: 2h44m46s
Series 7, Disc 2
- A Town Called Mercy (44:19)
- The Power of Three (41:20)
- The Angels Take Manhattan (44:20)
Bonuses: Pond Life (6:12), Doctor Who at Comic Con (11:09)*, The Making of the Gunslinger (1:46), Wild, Wild.. Spain? (4:17), A Writer’s Tale (3:16), A Fall With Grace (4:59), The Last Days of the Ponds (11:48)
Total Disc Contents: 2h53m26s
Series 7, Disc 3
- The Snowmen (59:49) [Michael Pickwoad, Paul Spriggs]
- The Bells of Saint John (45:17)
- The Rings of Akhaten (43:51)
Bonuses: Clara’s White Christmas (3:28), Vastra Investigates [Prequel] (2:29), The Great Detective CiN Prequel (3:17), Demon’s Run: Two Days Later [Prequel] (2:52), The Bells of Saint John Prequel (2:37), Behind the Scenes (3:53, 3:57), Doctor Who in the U.S. (43:06)
Total Disc Contents: 3h34m36s
Series 7, Disc 4
- Cold War (41:29) [Mark Gatiss, Murray Barber, Jenna Powell]
- Hide (44:51) [Matt Smith, Jamie Payne]
- Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS (44:49)
Bonuses: Behind the Scenes (3:49, 3:35, 3:39), The Science of Doctor Who (43:38), Script to Screen: Good as Gold (3:06)*
Total Disc Contents: 3h8m56s
Series 7, Disc 5
- The Crimson Horror (44:45) [Catrin Stewart, Dan Starkey, Neve McIntosh]
- Nightmare in Silver (44:39)
- The Name of the Doctor (44:26)
Bonuses: Clarence and the Whispermen [Prequel] (2:11), The Companions (43:37), Creating Clara (9:39), Behind The Scenes (4:16, 2:54, 4:11), The Inforarium, (1:54), Clara and the TARDIS (2:06), Rain Gods (1:38), He Said, She Said [Prequel] (3:31)
Total Disc Contents: 3h29m47s

50th Anniversary, Disc 1: The Name of the Doctor (44:26)
- Behind the Scenes: The Name of the Doctor (4:11)
- The Night of the Doctor (6:50)
- Doctor Who: The Ultimate Guide (118:08)
Disc Total Contents: 2h53m35s
The Name of the Doctor, and its accompanying ‘Behind the Scenes’ feature, were both in the previous set.
50th Anniversary, Disc 2: The Day of the Doctor (76:38)
- The Day of the Doctor: Behind the Lens (13:08)
- The Day of the Doctor: Script to Screen (15:06)
- Cinema Intro – the Doctor (3:17)
- 50 Year Trailer (1:02)
- The Last Day (3:43)
- Cinema Intro – Strax (4:03)
- Early Trailer (1:30)
- Tales from the TARDIS (43:03)
Total Disc Contents: 2h41m30s
50th Anniversary, Disc 3: The Time of the Doctor (61:05)
- The Time of the Doctor: Behind the Lens (12:46)
- A Night with the Stars: The Science of Doctor Who with Brian Cox (59:22)
- Deleted Scene (0:39)
- Farewell to Matt Smith (43:32)
Total Disc Contents: 2h57m24s
50th Anniversary, Disc 4: An Adventure in Space and Time (73:02)
- William Hartnell: The Original (5:03)
- The Making of an Adventure (10:55)*
- Reconstructions (3:41, 0:47, 0:55, 0:52)
- Title Sequences (1:21)
- Deleted Scenes (0:53, 0:35)
- The Five(ish) Doctors (30:54)*
- Doctor Who at the Proms 2013 (73:49)*
Total Disc Contents: 3h22m12s
This disc featured a unique menu screen, as it was also released separately to the other discs (on DVD in most countries, and on Blu-Ray in the US and Germany), without The Five(ish) Doctors or the Proms.
Extra Extras
The original DVD and Blu-Ray releases of Series Five featured in-vision commentaries. These are audio only in the steelbook version.
As with the Eccleston and Tennant sets, the full length versions of Doctor Who Confidential have never been commercially released.
A 2015 Bittorrent bundle celebrating the 10th anniversary of Rose (and later released on DVD in Italy) featured exclusive introductions to The Vampires of Venice and The Rings of Akhaten by Peter Capaldi.
The following bonuses were not included in the UK BD releases of the full Smith seasons but were issued during his tenure (all releases are BD and DVD unless stated):
The Women of Doctor Who | US DVD Series One – Seven set The Best of the Doctor Aus DVD |
The Timey-Wimey of Doctor Who | US DVD Series One – Seven set The Best of the Doctor Aus DVD |
The Destinations of Doctor Who | US DVD Series One – Seven set The Best of the Doctor Aus DVD |
Smith/Coleman interview from The Nerdist | US Series Seven set |
Ultimate List of Lists | Series One – Seven Blu-ray |
The Best of the Christmas Specials | Series One – Seven Blu-ray The Best of the Doctor Aus DVD |
Doctor Who at the Proms 2010 | Series One – Seven Blu-ray |
The Series Five releases were edited to remove the ‘Coming Soon’ sequences, and had an animated BBC logo overlayed during the opening scenes of each episode. Additionally Vincent and the Doctor suffered a badly mixed audio. The missing ‘Coming Soon’s, and the Vincent audio were rectified for the 2020 steelbook release by using the US masters, which had been slowed from 25p to 24p and pitch-corrected (as had been the case with the Series One to Four upscales). This also had the effect of the audio commentaries ‘pausing’ towards the end.
It’s also worth noting that at the end of Eleventh Hour when broadcast a ‘DW’ icon appeared after the Coming Soon montage. The Netflix release, and the later steelbook, replaced the icon with the full Doctor Who logo, and introduced a short pause in the music.
The Series Six release initially contained audio and video quality faults throughout – a recall fixed these, and the issues were not seen in later releases.