Covering seasons 16-18: 2nd September 1978 (the day The Ribos Operation began airing) to 3rd January 1982
Items in italics are audio-only.

9th September 1978: Noel Edmonds’ Lucky Numbers 1.1 (Mary Tamm) (BBC1) [5’20”]
Somewhere between 16th September 1978 and 8th March 1980: Unknown episode [Robot-The Hand of Fear] continuity (TVOntario, Canada) [0’10”]
30th September – 21st October 1978: The Pirate Planet 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [1’59”, on DVD]
2nd October 1978: Robot 1 narration (Howard Da Silva) (IPBN, USA) [0’59”]
6th October 1978: The Sontaran Experiment 1 narration (Howard Da Silva) (IPBN, USA) [2’27”]
10th October 1978: The Ark in Space 1-4 narration (Howard Da Silva) (IPBN, USA) [15’29”, on the original US release of The Ark in Space DVD]
14th October 1978: Larry Grayson’s Generation Game 8.4 (John Leeson as K9) (BBC1) [1’16” appears on The Invisible Enemy DVD; TME holds 1’24” version with some extra unrelated seconds on either side]
20th October 1978: Genesis of the Daleks 1 narration (Howard Da Silva) (IPBN, USA) [0’22”]
A note on the Howard Da Silva narrations: These were produced in 1978 by Time Life for the American market. To slot them into sensible positions in this guide, we have chosen the first broadcast date for each serial (generally IPBN, although the earliest confirmed airing of Revenge of the Cybermen Part Two was on OETA, and for Talons and Underworld KBSC).

20th- TBC October 1978: Pyramids of Mars 1-4 narration (Howard Da Silva) (IPBN, USA) [14’24”, on the original US release of the Pyramids of Mars DVD]
21st October 1978: The Pirate Planet 4 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [1’45”, on DVD]
26th-30th October 1978: The Talons of Weng-Chiang 1-6 narration (Howard Da Silva) (KSBC, USA) [20’13”, on the original US DVD]
28th October – 18th November 1978: The Stones of Blood 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [2’27”]
9th November 1978: The Ark in Space 4 continuity (Judith Merril) (TVOntario, Canada) [4’13”]*
20th November 1978: And Now the Good News (Doctor Who 15th Anniversary) (BBC2) [2’20”, 1’35” released as audio only on Doctor Who at the BBC Vol 3]
22nd November 1978: Nationwide (Tom Baker, Mary Tamm and Carole Ann Ford) (BBC1) [8’52”, on The Stones of Blood DVD]
30th November 1978: Top of the Pops 15.30 Mankind – Dr Who (first live performance) (BBC1) [2’42”]
*author Meril produced a series of scientific themed links in an aim to present the show in Canada as educational.

December 1978: BBC Christmas Tape 1978 White Powder Christmas (Doctor Who outtakes & sketches) [3’16”]
9th December 1978: Scene Around Six (Tom Baker in Belfast) (BBC1 Northern Ireland) [7’36”, on The Ark in Space: SE DVD]
9th December 1978: The Androids of Tara 3 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0’16”]
9th-30th December 1978 Genesis of the Daleks 3, 6 continuities (Judith Merril (TVOntario, Canada) [11’43”]
14th December 1978: Top of the Pops 15.49 Mankind – Dr Who (second live performance; Mankind #27 in Top 30 Rundown) (BBC1) [4’17”]
15th December 1978: Variations (behind the scenes of The Power of Kroll) (BBC1 East) [6’27”, on DVD]
16th-23rd December 1978: Revenge of the Cybermen 2-4 narration (Howard Da Silva) (OETA, USA) [3’43”]
23rd December 1978 – 13th January 1979: The Power of Kroll 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [2’51”, on DVD]
27th December 1978 – 1st January 1979: The Robots of Death 1-4 narration (Howard Da Silva) (IPBN, USA) [16’23”, on the original US DVD

1979: Tom Baker at charity drive for London Taxi Drivers’ Fund for Underprivileged Children (amateur footage) [1’24”]
1st January 1979: The Model World of Robert Symes (Mat Irvine) (BBC2) [2’42”, on The Stones of Blood DVD; TME holds a version with several seconds extra at either end]
4th January 1979: Top of the Pops 16.1 (Mankind #26 in Top 30 Rundown) (BBC1) [1’40”]
11th January 1979: Top of the Pops 16.2 (first live performance repeated; Mankind #25 in Top 30 Rundown) (BBC1) [4’14”]
16th January 1979: Pebble Mill at One (Tom Baker) (BBC1) [8’31”, on The Armageddon Factor DVD]
18th January 1979: Top of the Pops 16.3 (Mankind #25 in Top 30 Rundown) (BBC1) [1’21”]
20th January 1979: The Armageddon Factor 1 trailer, tonight #1 (BBC1) [0’46”]
20th January 1979: The Armageddon Factor 1 trailer, tonight #2 (BBC1) [0’15”, on DVD]

20th January – 24th February 1979: The Armageddon Factor 1-6 continuities (BBC1) [2’42”, on DVD]
20th January 1979: Revenge of the Cybermen 3 continuity (Judith Merill) (TVOntario, Canada) [4’30”]
February 1979: Keep Australia Beautiful advert – Australia is Dirty (Tom Baker) [1’12”]
February 1979: Keep Australia Beautiful advert – Citizen 327KL-Bruce (Tom Baker) [1’49”]
February 1979: Keep Australia Beautiful advert – May Day (Tom Baker) [1’30”]
February 1979: Keep Australia Beautiful advert – Year of the Child (Tom Baker) [1’33”]
3rd-17th February 1979: Terror of the Zygons 1, 3 continuities (Judith Merril) (TVOntario, Canada) [11’46”]
8th February 1979: Blankety Blank 1.4 (Jon Pertwee) (BBC1) [0’22”]

12th February 1979: Behind the News (Tom Baker at Neutral Bay Public School) (ABC, Australia) [5’10”]
15th February 1979: Blankety Blank 1.5 (Doctor blank question) (BBC1) [5’09”]
17th February 1979: The Armageddon Factor 5 transmission fault (BBC1) [1’26”, on DVD]
20th February 1979: Underworld 2 narration (Howard Da Silva) (KSBC, USA) [0’20”]
22nd February 1979: Countdown (Tom Baker) (ABC, Australia) [3’32”]
1st March 1979: Blankety Blank 1.7 (K9 question) (BBC1) [2’38”]
2nd March 1979: Underworld 4 continuity (IPBN, USA) [1’18”]
1st April 1979: Wee Have Also Sound Houses (BBC Radio 3, Radiophonic Workshop feature) [48:06]

2nd April 1979: Nationwide (Radiophonic Workshop) (BBC1) [8’45”, on Destiny of the Daleks BD]
11th April 1979: Pebble Mill at One (Radiophonic Workshop) (BBC1) [4’29”, on The Armageddon Factor DVD]
16th April 1979: Love Thy Neighbour in Australia 1.2 A Hard Day’s Night (Doctor Who reference) (7, Australia) [0’11”]
1st May 1979: Animal Magic 34.2 (Tom Baker as The Doctor) (BBC1) [2’38”, on The Creature from the Pit BD]
17th May 1979: Blue Peter (abseiling BBC East Tower, Voc Robot) (BBC1) [8’14”, on Destiny of the Daleks BD]
27th May 1979: End of Part One 1.7 Doctor Eyes (4th Doctor spoof) (ITV) [1’57”]
5th June 1979: The New Sound of Music (Dick Mills) (BBC1) [1’01”, on The Armageddon Factor DVD; TME holds a version with an extra 33 seconds at the start from earlier in the show]
21st June 1979: Blue Peter (viewer’s Dalek) (BBC1) [8’07”, on Destiny of the Daleks BD]

12th July 1979: The Pirate Planet 1 repeat continuity (BBC1) [1’29”]
August 1979: Season 17 trailer (BBC1) [2’01”, on Destiny of the Daleks BD]
9th-30th August 1979: The Androids of Tara 1, 3 repeat continuities (BBC1) [2’03”]
24th August 1979: Doctor Mysterio La Invasion de los Androides (The Android Invasion) 1 Spanish titles (Canal 13, Mexico) [0’02”]
30th August 1979: Destiny of the Daleks 1 trailer, Saturday (BBC1) [0’44”, on BD]
31st August 1979: Destiny of the Daleks 1 trailer, tomorrow (BBC1) [0’43”, on BD]
1st September 1979: Destiny of the Daleks 1 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0’13”]
1st-22nd September 1979: Destiny of the Daleks 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [2’35”; on BD, TME also holds a slightly longer intro to Part Two promoting Junior That’s Life]
*there is a reference to ‘old enemies’ suggesting this could be a generic season 17 trailer with Dalek clips

8th September 1979: Destiny of The Daleks 2 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0’18”]
15th September 1979: Destiny Of The Daleks 3 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0’37”]
15th – ???? September 1979: Planet of Evil continuities (Judith Merill) (TVOntario, Canada) [unedited footage] [9’24”]
22nd September 1979: Destiny of the Daleks 4 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [1’29”]
29th September – 20th October 1979: City of Death 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [2’04”, on BD]
13th-20th October 1979: The Android Invasion 1-2 continuities (Judith Merill) (TVOntario, Canada) [9’09” unedited footage and 8’12” reconstruction using offair audio]
A Sunday between 14th October and 2nd December 1979: Rising Stars (John Romero playing Doctor Who Theme) (BBC1) [0’23”]
Somewhere between 21st and 27th October 1979: The Creature from the Pit 1 trailer (BBC1) [0’19”]

25th October 1979: Blue Peter (David Brierley as K9; viewer’s K9) (BBC1) [6’26”, on City of Death BD]
27th October 1979: Creature from the Pit 1 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0’24”]
27th October – 10th November 1979: Creature from the Pit 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [2’13”, on BD]
3rd November 1979: Creature from the Pit 2 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [1’44”]
9th November 1979: 3-2-1 2.4 Law and Disorder (Dalek gag) (ITV) [0’16”]
10th November 1979: The Creature from the Pit 3 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [1’30”]
10th – ???? November 1979: The Brain of Morbius continuities (Judith Merill) (TVOntario, Canada) [unedited footage] [11’00”]
17th November 1979: The Creature from the Pit 4 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0’15”]

21st November 1979: Terry and June 1.5 Writing on the Wall (Doctor Who mentioned) (BBC1) [1’01”]
24th November 1979: Nightmare of Eden 1 trailer, tonight #1 (BBC1) [0’23”, on BD]
24th November 1979: Nightmare of Eden 1 trailer, tonight #2 (BBC1) [0’12”]
24th November – 15th December 1979: Nightmare of Eden 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [4’14”, on BD, TME holds unrelated extensions to several of these]
30th November 1979: Are You Being Served 7.7 The Agent (Dalek gag) (BBC1) [0’32”]
December 1979: BBC Christmas Tape 1979 Good King Memorex (Doctor Who outtakes & sketches) [4’44”]
December 1979: The Ray Woolf Show Christmas Special (Jon Pertwee) (TVNZ, NZ) [2’02”]
8th December 1979: Nightmare of Eden 3 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0’12”]

8th ???? December 1979: The Seeds of Doom continuities (Judith Merill) (TVOntario, Canada) [unedited footage] [11’48”]
13th December 1979: Blankety Blank 2.15 (Doctor Who question) (BBC1) [1’29”]
17th December 1979: Nationwide (Denys Fisher Doctor Who toys) (BBC1) [3’25”, on Nightmare of Eden BD]
29th December 1979: Swap Shop (Lalla Ward) (BBC1) [14’44”, on The Horns of Nimon BD]
29th December 1979 – 12th January 1980: The Horns of Nimon 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [mostly on BD, TME holds some additional fragments]

January 1980: Prime Computers advert #1 Don’t Patronise Me Doctor (Australia & NZ) [1’02”, on the Warriors’ Gate BD]*
January 1980: Prime Computers advert #2 The Universe is About to End (Australia & NZ) [0’33”, on the Warriors’ Gate BD]
19th – ???? January 1980: The Masque of Mandragora continuities (Judith Merill) (TVOntario, Canada) [unedited footage] [9’01”]
4th February 1980: The Goodies 8.4 U-Friend or UFO (Dalek spoof) (BBC2) [0’30”]
6th-9th February 1980: Robot 1, 4 Italian titles (RAI, Italy) [1’12”]
7th February 1980: Nationwide (Lalla Ward; David Brierley as K9) (BBC1) [2’34”, on The Horns of Nimon BD]
9th February 1980: The Masque of Mandragora 4 continuity (Judith Merill) (TVOntario, Canada) [4’53”]
11th-14th February 1980: Arca Spaziale (The Ark in Space) 1, 4 Italian titles & continuity (Maria Grazia Picchetti) (RAI, Italy) [1’07”]
* information on the Prime adverts is often contradictory, with some sources stating all four were filmed at once (despite the change in slogan, costumes, and Lalla Ward’s hair length). It appears most likely these were filmed in two batches, with the former known to have premiered in January 1980, and the latter definitely after filming began on The Leisure Hive in March 1980, with Tom’s burgundy outfit, and most likely after he and Lalla married later that year.

15th February 1980: Experimento Sontaran (The Sontaran Experiment) Italian titles (RAI, Italy) [0’24”]
16th February 1980: Parkinson (Jon Pertwee) (BBC1) [24’02”]
16th – ???? February 1980: The Hand of Fear continuities (Judith Merill) (TVOntario, Canada) [unedited footage] [15’32”]
16th or 17th February 1980: The Goodies & Destiny of the Daleks trailer, Mon-Thur (ABC, Australia) [0’38”]
18th-21st February 1980: La Vindetta dei Ciberniani (Revenge of the Cybermen) 1, 4 Italian titles (RAI, Italy) [1’21”]
Somewhere between 18th and 21st February 1980: The Goodies & Destiny of the Daleks trailer, tonight #1 (ABC, Australia) [0’38”]
Somewhere between 18th and 21st February 1980: The Goodies & Destiny of the Daleks trailer, tonight #2 (ABC, Australia) [0’35”]
Somewhere between 27th February and 19th March 1980: The Mike Walsh Show (Tom Baker) (9, Australia) [5’03”]

Somewhere between 29th February and 14th March 1980: This Week (Tom Baker) (ABC, Sydney, Australia [4’44”]
1st March 1980: The Love Boat 3.23 (segment titled ‘Doctor Who’) (ABC, USA) [2’05”]
4th March 1980: The John Singleton Show (Tom Baker) (10, Australia) [9’14”]
7th March 1980: 7 News (Tom Baker at Grace Brothers store) (7, Australia) [2’47”]
7th March 1980: The Muppet Show 4.22: Andy Williams (Doctor Who gag) (syndication, USA) [1’40”]
21st March 1980: Rentaghost 5.5 (Dalek reference) (BBC1) [0’24”]
29th March 1980: Grange Hill 3.16 (you can’t use the VCR to record Doctor Who) (BBC1) [0’20”]
1st April 1980: The Sontaran Experiment 2 transmission fault (ABC, Brisbane, Australia [0’20”]

3rd April 1980: Blue Peter (John Nathan-Turner, Doctor Who Exhibition) (BBC1) [3’59” on The Leisure Hive BD; TME also holds 33 second intro sequence]
10th April 1980: James Burke’s The Real Thing 1.4: The Memory Lingers On (Dalek) (BBC1) [3’43”]
Somewhere between April and June 1980: Season 12-13 omnibuses trailer (WHYY, USA) [6’11”]*
May 1980: The John Singleton Show (Jon Pertwee) (10, Australia) [11’44”]
31st May 1980: What’s On Wogan (John Leeson as K9) (BBC1) [2’25”, on Shada BD]
May or June 1980: This Week (Jon Pertwee) (ABC, Sydney, Australia) [5’36”]
Somewhere between June and August 1980: Season 14 omnibuses trailer (WHYY, USA) [1’08”]
9th June 1980: The Innes Book of Records 2.2 The UFO Shanty (4th Doctor spoof, TARDIS) (BBC2) [4’37”]
*actual trailer approx 30 seconds, TME also holds significant extra material.

21st June 1980: The Adventure Game 1.5 (Doctor Who gag) (BBC1) [0’31”]
28th June 1980: What’s on Wogan (Lalla Ward) (BBC1) [11’29”]
15th July 1980: Ask Aspel (Lalla Ward) (BBC1) [16’57”, 11’03” on Nightmare of Eden DVD with two extracts switched to make them flow better]
Somewhere between 28th July and 1st August 1980: Destiny of the Daleks repeat trailer, next week (BBC1) [1’15”, on BD]
5th Augusy 1980: Destiny of the Daleks 1 repeat continuity (BBC1 North West) [0’13”]
5th August 1980: Destiny of the Daleks repeat trailer, this week (BBC1) [0’31”, on BD]
5th-8th August 1980: Destiny of the Daleks 1-4 repeat continuities (BBC1) [2’04”, on BD]
11th August 1980: City of Death repeat trailer, tomorrow (BBC1) [0’48”, on BD]

12th August 1980: City of Death 1 repeat continuity (BBC1 North West) [0’10”]
12th-20th August 1980: City of Death 1-4 repeat continuities (BBC1) [1’43”, on BD]
28th August 1980: Small World 1.4: Model Spacecraft (Mat Irvine) (BBC2) [9’42”]
30th August 1980: Continuity (The Leisure Hive 1 tonight) (BBC1) [0’18”]
30th August 1980: The Leisure Hive 1 trailer, tonight #1 (BBC1) [0’51”, on BD]
30th August 1980: The Leisure Hive 1 trailer, tonight #1 (BBC1) [0’14”, on BD]
30th August-20th September 1980: The Leisure Hive 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [4’04”, on BD]
5th September 1980: The John Dunn Show (Tom Baker) (BBC Radio 1) [7’01”, on Doctor Who at the BBC Vol 2]
6th September 1980: Metal Mickey 1.1: Metal Mickey Lives (Dalek reference) (ITV) [0’28”]

13th September 1980: The Leisure Hive 3 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [1’04”]
17th September 1980: Where Are They Now? (Ysanne Churchman) (BBC1) [2’29”, on The Monster of Peladon DVD]
25th September 1980: The Hand Of Fear 4 continuity (WTTW, USA) [0’52”]
27th September 1980: Meglos 1 trailer, tonight #1 (BBC1) [0’35”, on BD; TME holds additional 11 seconds of unrelated material at the start]
27th September 1980: Meglos trailer, tonight #2 (BBC1) [1’23”]
27th September – 18th October 1980: Meglos 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [3’02”, on BD; TME hold a 4’24” compilation with a much longer intro to Part Two]
18th October 1980: Metal Mickey 1.7: Mickey in Love (it’s a flipping Dalek) (ITV) [0’27”]
23rd October 1980: BBC News (Tom Baker’s departure announced) (BBC1) [1’12”, on Meglos BD]
23rd October 1980: Playground (Matthew Waterhouse) (BBC Radio 1) [11’36”, on Doctor Who at the BBC Vol 2]

23rd October 1980: Top of the Pops 17.41 (Matthew Waterhouse) (BBC1) [0’48”]
24th October 1980: Nationwide (Tom Baker) (BBC1) [4’33”, on Shada BD]
25th October 1980: Full Circle 1 trailer, tonight #1 (BBC1) [0’38”, on BD]
25th October 1980: Full Circle 1 trailer, tonight #2 (BBC1) [0’16”, on BD]
25th October 1980: Full Circle 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [2’53”, on BD]
1st November 1980: Swap Shop (Matthew Waterhouse, Mat Irvine) (BBC1) [8’08”, on Full Circle BD; TME holds slightly more unrelated material including a fragment of Mat Irvine, bringing the total runtime to 10’15”]
5th November 1980: Nationwide (Peter Davison) (BBC1) [3’42”, on Full Circle BD]
5th November 1980: BBC Nine O’Clock News (Peter Davison announced) (BBC1) [0’31”, on Full Circle BD]

10th November 1980: Blue Peter (Peter Davison) (BBC1) [9’17”, on Castrovalva BD]
22nd November – 13th December 1980: State of Decay 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [3’18”, on BD]
22nd November 1980: Larry Grayson’s Generation Game 10.3 (Peter Davison) (BBC1) [1’20”]
24th November 1980: Not the Nine O’Clock News 3.5 (TARDIS spoof, Tom & Lalla reference) (BBC2) [0’51”]
3rd December 1980: Pebble Mill at One (Peter Davison) (BBC1) [12’02”, on Castrovalva BD]
13th December 1980: BBC News (Tom Baker & Lalla Ward marry) (BBC1) [0’22”]
13th December 1980: BBC2 News (Tom Baker & Lalla Ward marry) (BBC2) [0’26”, on State of Decay BD]
26th December 1980: Saturday Night at the Mill (Peter Davison) (BBC1) [14’26”, on Castrovalva BD]

Somewhere around 1981: Zanussi Corporate Video (Jon Pertwee as The Doctor) [4’02”]
1981: What’s on Wogan (John Leeson as K9) (BBC1) [0’32”]
Somewhere between 1st and 3rd January 1981: The Sun Makers omnibus trailer (WTTW) [0’49”]
3rd-24th January 1981: Warriors’ Gate 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [2’04”, on BD]
3rd-24th January 1981: The Invisible Enemy 1-4 continuities (Judith Merill) (TVOntario, Canada) [23’24”]
15th January 1981: Doctor Who trailer, Saturday (WYES, USA) [1’00”]
30th January 1981: The Keeper of Traken trailer, Saturday (BBC1) [0’57”, on BD]
31st January 1981: Swap Shop (Sarah Sutton, Mat Irvine) (BBC1) [23’22”, with extracts on The Keeper of Traken and Warrior’s Gate BDs]

31st January – 21st February 1981 The Keeper of Traken 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [1’46”, on BD]
22nd February 1981: BBC News (Ron Grainer obituary) (BBC1) [0’50”]
26th February – 21st March 1981: Logopolis 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [3’07”, on BD]
28th February 1981: The Invasion of Time 5 continuity (Judith Merill) (TVOntario, Canada) [1’19”]
11th March 1981: Take Hart 6.9 (K9 spoof) (BBC1) [3’55”]
April 1981: Prime Computers advert #3 Dr. Who and the Aliens (Australia & NZ)* [1:04, on the Warriors’ Gate BD]
April 1981: Prime Computers advert #4 Dr. Who meets his match (Australia & NZ) [0:32, on the Warriors’ Gate BD]
16th July 1981: Time Bandits (Dalek drawing) (movie) [1’38”]
* information on the Prime adverts is often contradictory, with some sources stating all four were filmed at once (despite the change in slogan, costumes, and Lalla Ward’s hair length). It appears most likely these were filmed in two batches, with the former known to have premiered in January 1980, and the latter referred to as ‘new’ in a newspaper from April 1981 (and may have had a cinema premiere the month before).

2nd August 1981: Monday Menu inc Full Circle 1 repeat (BBC1) [1’54”]
3rd August 1981: Full Circle 1 repeat trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0’33”, on BD]
3rd August 1981: Full Circle 1 repeat trailer, in 10 minutes (BBC1) [0’16”, on BD; TME holds a 1’41” recording containing unrelated extra material]
3rd-6th August 1981: Full Circle 1-4 repeat continuities (BBC1) [1’54”, on BD]
10th August 1981: The Keeper of Traken 1 repeat trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0’35”, on BD]
10th-13th August 1981: The Keeper of Traken 1-4 repeat continuities (BBC1) [2’57”, on BD]
12th August 1981: The Keeper of Traken 3 repeat trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0’21”, on BD; TME holds a 1’45” recording containing unrelated extra material]
22nd September 1981: Give Us A Clue (Jon Pertwee, Peter Davison, Beryl Reid (ITV) [24’34”]

October 1980: The Five Faces of Doctor Who trailer (BBC2) [4’11”, on Logopolis BD]
10th October 1980: Swap Shop (Mat Irvine) (BBC1) [15’22”]
14th October 1980: The Tonight Show (Jean Marsh, Robin Williams) (NBC, USA) [9’01”]
18th October 1980: City of Death omnibus continuity (WTTW, USA) [2’14”]
29th October 1980: Blue Peter (The Five Faces of Doctor Who) (BBC1) [4’49”]
November 1980: Streets Doctor Who Ice Cream advert (Australia) [0’27”]
1st November 1980: The Five Faces of Doctor Who trailer, tomorrow #1 (BBC2) [1’12”]
1st November 1980: The Five Faces of Doctor Who trailer, tomorrow #2 (BBC2) [1’35”]

2nd November – 3rd December 1981: The Five Faces of Doctor Who continuities (BBC2) [12’15”, some on BD]
10th November 1981: Prisoner* 3.80 (Doctor Who comic – Marvel Premiere Issue 58) (10, Australia) [0’39”]
14th November 1981: Lord Mayor’s Show Parade (Peter Davison, DWAS) (amateur footage) [2’28”]
14th November 1981: Lord Mayor’s Show Parade (Peter Davison, DWAS) [unknown program] [0’33”, on Castrovalva BD]
19th November 1981: Blankety Blank 4.12 (Doctor Who question) (BBC1) [1’35”]
December 1981: BBC Christmas trailer (K9) (BBC1) [0’20”, on K9 and Company BD]
December 1981: BBC Christmas trailer (Peter Davison, Matthew Waterhouse, Sarah Sutton, Janet Fielding) (BBC1) [0’54”; shortened 0’46” version on K9 & Company missing the final three clips – the team from M*A*S*H, Jimmy Savile, and Larry Grayson – the last presumably just to make the editing easier]
8th December 1981: Afternoon Plus (Tom Baker) (ITV) [16’33”]
*aka Prisoner Cell Block H in the UK and US

10th December 1981: Blue Peter (costume shop, Black Orchid) (BBC1) [8’38”, on Black Orchid DVD and BD – the BD version has faulty audio]
23rd December 1981: Pebble Mill at One (John Leeson as K9) (BBC1) [2’41”, on K9 and Company BD]
25th December 1981: Larry Grayson’s Generation Game 11.17 (John Leeson as K9, David Banks as Cyberman) (BBC1) [1’15”]
28th December 1981: K9 and Company trailer, tonight #1 (BBC1) [0’52” on BD; TME holds 8 seconds of extra unrelated material]
28th December 1981: K9 and Company trailer, tonight #2 (BBC1) [0’17”, on BD]
28th December 1981: K9 and Company continuity (BBC1) [0’30” on BD; TME holds 5 seconds of extra unrelated material]
29th December 1981: Woman’s Hour (John Leeson) (BBC Radio 4) [1’50”, on Doctor Who at the BBC Vol 2 CD]
January 1981: Castrovalva trailer & Radio Times advert (BBC1) [0’27”, on K9 & Company BD*]
3rd January 1981: Castrovalva trailer, tomorrow (BBC1) [2’05” – actual trailer lasts just under 1m, TME holds lengthy material after]
*originally on the Castrovalva BD, but with errors; fixed for the Season 18 release.
Beyond the TARDIS: The Tom Baker Era Part 2

The Armageddon Factor DVD included as a bonus all five parts (including one unbroadcast) of the BBC2 Tom Baker show Late Night Story (12:54, 14:33, 13:45, 14:20, 15:02), from December 1978.
- 16th November 1978: Emu’s Broadcasting Company 4.4: Emu Trek (ITV, Gearon costume reuse) [5:02]
- 23rd November 1978: Emu’s Broadcasting Company 4.5: Emu Trek (ITV, Gearon costume reuse) [5:03]
- 14th December 1978: Emu’s Broadcasting Company 4.7: Emu Trek (ITV, Gearon costume reuse) [4:34]
- 21st December 1978: Emu’s Broadcasting Company 4.8: Emu Trek (ITV, Gearon costume reuse) [5:14]
- 1979 Philips advert with John Leeson [0:29]
- 2nd October 1979: Battle Fever J 1.2: Egos’ Monster-Making Method* (TV Asahi, TARDIS Sound Effect) [0:10]
- 26th December 1979: Once Upon a Time (ITV, Peter Davison) [15:00]
*originally バトルフィーバー 1.2 エゴス怪人製造法 on TV station テレビ朝日; phonetic translation Batoru Fībā Jei 1.2: Egosu Kaijin Seizō Hō (Terebi Asahi).

- 25th May 1980: Hamlet (BBC2, co-stars Lalla Ward during her time on Doctor Who) [3:31:51]
- December 1980: Southern Christmas Tape (unbroadcast, Pertwee as Worzel) [10:03]
- 1981: The Book Tower (ITV, Tom Baker) [20:26]
- 1981: ICI Deluxe Advert (Elisabeth Sladen)
- 1981: Yorkshire Bitter Advert with Peter Davison) [0:22]
- 5th January 1981: The Hitch Hikers’ Guide to the Galaxy (BBC1, Tom Baker tunnel, alternate unaired) [0:38]
- 28th September 1981: Blake’s 7: Rescue (BBC1, reused Sea Devil) [3 clips, 5:40]
- 31st December 1981: Day by Yesterday (Southern TV, Pertwee interview in character as Worzel) [6:26]
*the fictional Caloophid was first referenced in the first episode of the radio version of this show, on 8th March 1978, but was later referenced in Destiny of the Daleks (script edited by Hitch Hikers writer Douglas Adams), making this a tangental reference to Doctor Who, albeit a peculiar way around.