Covering 28th December 1974 to 3rd January 1982
Items in italics are audio-only.

- 28th December 1974 – 18th January 1975: Robot 1-4 continuities (Part One intro, Part Four ending promoting The Ark in Space) [0:41, on BD]
- 1975: Palitoy – Talking Dalek advert [0:35]
- 1975: War of the Daleks board game advert [0:15]
- 1975: The Jimmy Young Show (Tom Baker at Longleat Exhibition) (BBC Radio 2) [6:55]
- 24th January 1975: The Ark in Space 1 trailer, tomorrow (BBC1) [0:53, on BD]
- 1st March 1975: The Sontaran Experiment 2 continuity (BBC1) [0:12, on BD]
- 9th March 1975: Wogan’s World (Elisabeth Sladen) (BBC Radio 4) [2 clips, 5:42 on Doctor Who at the BBC Vol 2 CD]

- 17th March 1975: South Today (behind the scenes of Terror of the Zygons) (BBC1) [3:11, on DVD and with an extract featured in Talking Doctor Who in 2023, introduced by David Tennant]
- 20th March 1975: Blue Peter (viewer’s models) (BBC1) [7:12, on Genesis of the Daleks BD]
- 21st March 1975: Crackerjack 19.12: Hallo My Dalek (4th Doctor spoof) [7:37, short extract appears on Thirty Years in the TARDIS]
- 22nd March 1975 – 12th April 1975: Genesis of the Daleks 3, 6 continuities (BBC1) [0:27, on BD]

- 4th April 1975: The Good Life 1.1: Plough Your Own Furrow (Dalek impression) (BBC1) [0:41]
- 24th April 1975: BBC News (William Hartnell obituary) (BBC1) [0:44]
- 24th April 1975: ITN News (William Hartnell obituary) (ITV) [2:43]
- 14th, 21st or 28th May 1975: Calico Pie (Tom Baker, Elisabeth Sladen, Ian Marter) (BBC Radio Bristol) [8:45]
- 7th June 1975: Jim’ll Fix It 1.2 (Tom Baker as The Doctor) (BBC1) [7:03]
- 26th June 1975: Jon Pertwee & Whomobile at Reliance Motors Chingford (Chingford Newsreel)* [2:05]
- August 1975: Terror of the Zygons trailer, in autumn (BBC1) [0:29]
- 22nd August 1975: Jon Pertwee’s Sketchbook (BBC Radio 4) [42:57]
* with burnt in subtitles from 12th August 2010: The Great British Home Movie Roadshow Uncut 1.1 (BBC2)

- 25th August 1975: Disney Time (Tom Baker as The Doctor) (BBC1) [42:37; a 37 second sequence from near the end of the episode appeared on the Zygons DVD]
- 1st September 1975: Whodunniit 3.8: Worth Dying For (Katy Manning, TARDIS gag) (ITV) [0:31]
- 20th September 1975: Terror of the Zygons 1, 3-4 continuities (BBC1) [1:51, final outro on DVD]
- 17th October 1975: Crown Court 4.71: An Evil Influence Part 3 (Doctor Who forbidden in home) (ITV) [0:27]

- 18th October 1975: Planet of Evil 4 continuity (BBC1) [0:25, on DVD]
- 21st October 1975: Mathshow 1.3: O for Symmetry! (Doctor Where sketch) (BBC1) [6:59]
- 25th October 1975: Bruce Forsyth and the Generation Game 5.5 (Doctor Who question) (BBC1) [0:19]
- 25th October 1975: The Basil Brush Show 10.2 The Himalayas (Yeti) (BBC1) [10:27, on The Mind Robber DVD]

- 25th October – 15th November 1975: Pyramids of Mars 1, 4 continuities (BBC1) [0:40, all except the Part Four Intro on DVD]
- 22nd November 1975: The Android Invasion 1 trailer, in 15 minutes (BBC1) [0:16]
- 22nd November 1975: Bruce Forsyth and the Generation Game 5.9 (Cyberman) (BBC1) [0:56]
- 11th December 1975: Q6 2.6 (Pakistani Dalek sketch) (BBC2) [3:03]
- 13th December 1975: The Android Invasion 4 continuity (BBC1) [0:19, on Genesis of the Daleks BD]
- 24th December 1975: Pete Murray’s Open House (Tom Baker) (BBC Radio 2) [6:09, on Doctor Who at the BBC: Lost Treasures CD]

- 3rd – 24th January 1976: The Brain of Morbius 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [1:17]
- 13th January 1976: Mathshow 1.6: Spot Check (Doctor Where sketch) (BBC1) [6:13]
- 31st January 1976: The Seeds of Doom 1 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:41]
- 31st January – 6th March 1976: The Seeds of Doom 1-6 continuities (BBC1) [3:44]
- February 1976: Ian Scoones interviewed by John Clancy [unknown radio station] [27:51]

- 1st February 1976: Red Letter Day 1.4 Amazing Stories (TARDIS at sci-fi convention) (ITV) [1:48]
- 6th February 1976: Crackerjack 20.6: 2000⅜ A Space Odyssey (4th Doctor spoof) (BBC1) [12:28]
- Somewhere between 21st February – 10th April 1976: Jim’ll Fix It (Patrick Moore, Michael Wisher as Dalek) (BBC1) [7:52]
- 8th April 1976: Are You Being Served 4.1: No Sale (Doctor Who gag) (BBC1) [0:20]

- Somewhere between 16th and 19th April 1976: Dalek Race at Unicon II, University of Melbourne, Australia (amateur footage; commentary by Kerrie Dougherty, 2017) [1:37]
- 17th April 1976: Jim’ll Fix It 2.8 (repeat of Patrick Moore & Dalek) (BBC1) [2:00]
- 27th April 1976 Mathshow 1.11: A Likely Story (Doctor Where sketch) (BBC1) [7:30]
- 2nd May 1976: Movietonews (Jon Pertwee at Children’s Film Foundation event) (Movietone) [1:26]
- 13th May 1976: Nationwide (Elisbeth Sladen) (BBC1) [1:41, on The Masque of Mandragora BD]

- Somewhere between 22nd May 1976 and 15th September 1983: The Sontaran Experiment 2 transmission fault (ABC, Brisbane, Australia [0:20]*
- 15th June 1976: Mathshow 1.14 A Set of Scales (Doctor Where sketch) (BBC1) [11:38]
- 19th June 1976: Seaside Special (Tom Baker, Blackpool Centenerary Parade) (BBC1) [2:52]
- 19th June 1976: Blackpool Centenary Parade (amateur footage) [0:15]
- 24th June 1976: Ed Doolan (Tom Baker) (BRMB Radio) [35:10, on The Masque of Mandragora BD]
* This recording comes from one of six possible airdates: 22nd May 1976, 19th April 1978, 28th August 1978, 15th August 1979, 1st April 1980, or 15th September 1983.

- 5th July 1976: Planet of Evil & The Sontaran Experiment repeats trailer, this week (BBC1) [0:56, on Planet of Evil DVD]
- 5th – 8th July 1976: Planet of Evil 1-4 repeat continuities (BBC1) [2:11]
- 9th July 1976: The Sontaran Experiment omnibus continuity (BBC1) [0:46]
- 12th July 1976: Whodunnit 4.3 Time to Dye (Doctor Who gag) (ITV) [0:36]

- September 1976: The Masque of Mandragora trailer, Saturday (BBC1) [0:30, on BD]
- 3rd September 1976: The Masque of Mandragora trailer, tomorrow (BBC1) [0:49, on BD]
- 4th – 25th September 1976: The Masque of Mandragora 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [3:26, all but the Part Four Intro on BD]
- 18th September 1976: The Three Doctors 1 continuity (Dr Jim Dator) (TVOntario, Canada) [1:58]*
- 25th September 1976: The Claws of Axos 1, 3 continuities (WTTW, USA) [2:10]**
* This is the first of the Dator intros. A contemporary review remembers two outros which are not known to survive: one about anti-matter, presumably from an episode of The Three Doctors, and one about the TARDIS being bigger on the inside.
** Episodes 1-4 aired back to back (with full opening and closing credits), branded as a ‘movie’

- 2nd October 1976: Multi-Coloured Swap Shop (Tom Baker, Elisabeth Sladen) (BBC1) [10:55, on The Hand of Fear BD]
- 2nd – 23rd October 1976: The Hand of Fear 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [2:52, on BD]
- 4th October 1976: Exploration Earth 1.3: The Time Machine (BBC Radio 4) [19:40, released on CD and on The Hand of Fear BD]
- 26th October 1976:Nationwide (Tom Baker, Louise Jameson) (BBC1) [4:13, on The Deadly Assassin BD]
- 30th October 1986: The Deadly Assassin 1 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:09]

- 30th October – 20th November 1976: The Deadly Assassin 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [2:00, on BD]
- 6th November 1976: Day of the Daleks 4 continuity (Dr Jim Dator) (TVOntario) [2:54]
- 12th November 1976: Emu’s Broadcasting Company 2.1 Doctor Emu meets the Deadly Dustbins (BBC1) [5:08, on BD]
- 13th November – 4th December 1976: The Curse of Peladon 1, 4 continuities (Dr Jim Dator) (TVOntario, Canada) [5:58]
- 27th November 1976: Pyramids of Mars omnibus continuity (BBC1) [0:21]
- 4th December 1976: Bruce Forsyth and the Generation Game 6.14 (Nurse Who gag) (BBC1) [0:53]

- 1977: Doctor Who Exhibition, Blackpool (amateur audio) [0:51]
- 1977: Weetabix advert (Dalek) [0:34]
- 1st January 1977: The Face of Evil 1 trailer, tonight #1 (BBC1) [0:13]
- 1st January 1977: The Face of Evil 1 trailer, tonight #2 (BBC1) [0:49]
- 1st – 22nd January 1977: The Face of Evil 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [2:29, on BD; TME holds a longer copy of the Part Three Intro extended by 12 seconds, promoting Sleeping Beauty on Ice]
- January 5th 1977: Pebble Mill at One (Tom Baker, Louise Jameson) (BBC1) [2:03]

- 14th January 1977: Look East (behind the scenes of The Talons of Weng-Chiang) (BBC1 East) [3:45, on BD and with an extract featured in Talking Doctor Who in 2023, introduced by David Tennant]
- 26th January 1977: Woman’s Hour (Tom Baker) (BBC Radio 4) [8:26, on Doctor Who at the BBC Vol 2]
- 29th January 1977: The Robots of Death 1 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:08]
- 29th January – 19th February 1977: The Robots of Death 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [2:37, on BD]
- 5th February 1977: The Robots of Death 2 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:14]

- 12th February 1977: Multi-Coloured Swap Shop (Louise Jameson) (BBC1) [4:29, on BD]
- 12th February 1977: The Robots of Death 3 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:14]
- 26th February – 2nd April 1977: The Talons of Weng-Chiang 1-6 continuities (BBC1) [3:14, on BD]
- 7th March 1977: Terror of the Autons 1 continuity (Festival ’77) (WTTW, USA) [0:52]

- 31st March 1977: Pebble Mill at One (Philip Hinchcliffe, Dalek) (BBC1) [11:30, on Weng-Chiang BD]
- 2nd April 1977: The Talons of Weng-Chiang 6 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:22, on BD]
- 2nd April 1977: The Lively Arts Whose Doctor Who trailer, tomorrow (BBC1) [1:27, on Weng-Chiang BD; TME holds 1’41” version with extra continuity at end]
- 3rd April 1977: The Lively Arts Whose Doctor Who continuity (BBC2) [1:08, on Weng-Chiang BD]

- 3rd April 1977: The Lively Arts (BBC2, Whose Doctor Who) [58:42, on The Talons of Weng-Chiang BD, with an extract featured in Talking Doctor Who in 2023, introduced by David Tennant]
- 28th April 1977: Blue Peter (Build a Doctor Who Theatre Part 1) (BBC1) [8:28, on Weng-Chiang BD]
- 1st May 1977: Pebble Mill (Tom Baker, Louise Jameson) (BBC1) [2:01, on Doctor Who at the BBC Vol 2]
- 5th May 1977: Blue Peter (Build a Doctor Who Theatre Part 2) (BBC1) [8:38, on Weng-Chiang BD]
- 19th May 1977: Blue Peter (Build a Doctor Who Theatre Part 3, Dick Mills) (BBC1) [7:45, on Weng-Chiang BD]

- 27th May 1977: Call My Bluff (Tom Baker) (BBC2) [29:55, on Season 14 BD set]
- 4th August 1977: The Deadly Assassin 1 repeat trailer, in a moment (BBC1) [0:06]
- 4th – 25th August 1977: The Deadly Assassin 1-4 repeat continuities (BBC1) [2:56, on BD]
- 18th August 1977: The Deadly Assassin 3 repeat trailer, in a moment (BBC1) [0:06]

- 24th August 1977: Doctor Who Club of Australia protest at ABC Studio, Sydney (amateur footage; commentary by Kerrie Dougherty, 2017) [1:00]
- September 1977: Denys Fisher Doctor Who toys advert [0:33, on Season 14 BD Set]
- September 1977: Tom Baker & Louise Jameson interview [unknown radio station] [11:03]
- 3rd-24th September 1977: Horror of Fang Rock 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [2:08, on BD]
- September 24th 1977: The Invisible Enemy 1 trailer, next Saturday (BBC1) [0:24, on BD]

- 1st October 1977: The Invisible Enemy 1 trailer, tonight #1 (BBC1) [0:32]
- 1st October 1977: The Invisible Enemy 1 trailer, tonight #2 (BBC1) [0:28]
- 1st – 22nd October 1977: The Invisible Enemy 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [2:21, on BD]
- 10th October 1977: Blue Peter (John Leeson as K9) (BBC1) [4:33, on The Invisible Enemy BD]

- 15th October 1977: The Invisible Enemy 3 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:06]
- 22nd October 1977: The Invisible Enemy 4 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:14]
- 22nd October 1977: Image of the Fendahl 1 trailer, next week (BBC1) [0:28, on BD]
- 29th October 1977: Image of the Fendahl 1 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:17]

- 29th October – 9th November 1977: Image of the Fendahl 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [2:21, on BD]
- 9th November 1977: Image of the Fendahl 4 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:16]
- 14th November 1977: Emu’s Broadcasting Company 3.6 Doctor Emu – Return of the Deadly Dustbins (BBC1) [7:08]
- 19th November 1977: The Basil Brush Show 12.6 (Doctor Who & K9 gag) (BBC1) [0:47]

- 19th November 1977: The Sun Makers 1 trailer, next Saturday (BBC1) [0:40, on BD]
- December 1977: Selfridges Toy Fair (Doctor Who window display) (Movietone) [2:31]
- 26th November – 17th December 1977: The Sun Makers 1-4 continuity (BBC1) [2:09, on BD]
- 20th December 1977: Tom Baker interview [unknown radio station] [3:00]
- 31st December 1977: The Robots of Death omnibus 1 continuity (BBC1) [0:43, on BD]

- 1978: Doctor Who Exhibition, Blackpool (Tom Baker) (video played at exhibition) [1’04”, on Underworld BD]
- 1978: Doctor Who Exhibition, Blackpool (Tom Baker) [unedited footage] [7’06”, on Underworld BD]
- 1978: Doctor Who Exhibition, Blackpool (amateur audio & photos) [9’09”]
- 1978: Nationwide (Jon Pertwee, John Scott Martin in Dalek) (BBC1) [3’18”]

- 1978: Open University D303: Cognitive Psychology (clips from Robot) (BBC2) [7:10]
- 7th – 28th January 1978: Underworld 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [2:19, on BD]
- 14th January 1978: Underworld 1 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [1:30]
- 21st January – 11th February 1978: The Monster of Peladon 3, 6 continuities (Dr Jim Dator) (TVOntario, Canada) [2:13]

- 4th February 1978: The Invasion of Time 1 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:26]
- 4th February – 11th March 1978: The Invasion of Time 1-6 continuities (BBC1) [3:45, on BD]
- 11th February 1978: The Invasion of Time 2 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:24]
- 16th-20th February 1978: The Ambassadors of Death 2, 4 continuity (WNED, USA) [1:57]

- 18th February 1978: The Invasion of Time 3 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:12]
- 18th February – 25th March 1978: Planet of the Spiders 2, 4, 6 continuities (Dr Jim Dator) (TVOntario, Canada) [10:10]
- 25th February 1978: The Invasion of Time 4 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:21]
- March 1978: Hopscotch (Louise Jameson) (BBC Radio Bristol) [10:02, on Doctor Who at the BBC: Lost Treasures CD]
- 5th March 1978: The Invasion of Time 5 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:07]

- 11th March 1978: The Invasion of Time 6 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:50]
- 1st May 1978: Little and Large (Tom Baker impression) (BBC1) [4:08]
- 7th May 1978: Come Back Lucy 1.3 (toy Dalek requested) (ITV) [0:15]
- 14th May 1978: Come Back Lucy 1.4 (I’ll go and exterminate myself) (ITV) [0:20]

- 13th July – 3rd August 1978: The Invisible Enemy 1-4 repeat continuities (BBC1) [2:29, on BD]
- 24th July 1978: The Kenny Everett Video Show 1.4 (Captain Kremmen compared to Doctor Who) (ITV) [0:09]
- August 1978: Season 16 Trailer, this Autumn [0:42]
- 10th – 31st August 1978: The Sun Makers 1-4 repeat continuities (BBC1) [2:18, on BD]

- 26th August 1978: The Ribos Operation trailer, next week (BBC1) [0’18”]
- 28th August 1978: Scene Around Six (Dalek at Home Exhibition, Belfast) (BBC1 Northern Ireland) [0:58, silent]
- 29th August 1978: Pete Murray’s Open House (Tom Baker, Mary Tamm) (BBC Radio 2) [13:03, 5:03 on Doctor Who at the BBC CD]
- 31st August 1978: Season 16 trailer, Saturday (BBC1) [0:30]
- September 1978: The Ribos Operation trailer (BBC1) [0:13]

- 2nd – 23rd September 1978: The Ribos Operation 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [2:08, on DVD]
- 9th September 1978: Noel Edmonds’ Lucky Numbers 1.1 (Mary Tamm) (BBC1) [5:20]
- Somewhere between 16th September 1978 and 8th March 1980: [Robot-The Hand of Fear] episode continuity #1 (TVOntario, Canada) [0:10]
- Somewhere between 16th September 1978 and 8th March 1980: [Robot-The Hand of Fear] episode continuity #2 (TVOntario, Canada) [0:28]

- Somewhere between 16th September 1978 and 8th March 1980: [Robot-The Hand of Fear] episode continuity #3 (TVOntario, Canada) [0:12]
- Somewhere between 16th September 1978 and 8th March 1980: [Robot-The Hand of Fear] episode continuity #4 (TVOntario, Canada) [0:05]
- 30th September – 21st October 1978: The Pirate Planet 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [1:59, on DVD]
- 2nd October 1978: Robot 1 narration (Howard Da Silva) (IPBN, USA) [0:59]
A note on the Howard Da Silva narrations: These were produced in 1978 by Time Life for the American market. To slot them into sensible positions in this guide, we have chosen the first broadcast date for each serial (generally IPBN, although the earliest confirmed airing of Revenge of the Cybermen Part Two was on OETA, and for Talons and Underworld KBSC).

- 6th October 1978: The Sontaran Experiment 1 narration (Howard Da Silva) (IPBN, USA) [2:27]
- 10th October 1978: The Ark in Space 1-4 narration (Howard Da Silva) (IPBN, USA) [15:29, on the original US release of The Ark in Space DVD]
- 14th October 1978: Larry Grayson’s Generation Game 8.4 (John Leeson as K9) (BBC1) [1:16 appears on The Invisible Enemy DVD; TME holds 1:24 version with some extra unrelated seconds on either side]
- 20th October 1978: Genesis of the Daleks 1 narration (Howard Da Silva) (IPBN, USA) [0:22]

- 21st October 1978: The Pirate Planet 4 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [1’45”, on DVD]
- 26th-30th October 1978: The Talons of Weng-Chiang 1-6 narration (Howard Da Silva) (KSBC, USA) [20’13”, on the original US DVD]
- 28th October – 18th November 1978: The Stones of Blood 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [2’27”]
- 3rd-8th November 1978: Pyramids of Mars 1-4 narration (Howard Da Silva) (IPBN, USA) [14’24”, on the original US release of the Pyramids of Mars DVD]

- 9th November 1978: The Ark in Space 4 continuity (Judith Merril) (TVOntario, Canada) [4:13]*
- 20th November 1978: And Now the Good News (Doctor Who 15th Anniversary) (BBC2) [2:20, 1:35 released as audio only on Doctor Who at the BBC Vol 3]
- 22nd November 1978: Nationwide (Tom Baker, Mary Tamm and Carole Ann Ford) (BBC1) [8:52, on The Stones of Blood DVD]
- 23rd November 1978: Blue Peter (Doctor Who 15th Anniversary) (BBC1) [6:05, on The Stones of Blood DVD]
* author Meril produced a series of scientific themed links in an aim to present the show in Canada as educational.

- 30th November 1978: Top of the Pops 15.30 Mankind – Dr Who (first live performance) (BBC1) [2:42]
- December 1978: BBC Christmas Tape 1978 White Powder Christmas (Doctor Who outtakes & sketches) [3:16]
- 9th December 1978: Scene Around Six (Tom Baker in Belfast) (BBC1 Northern Ireland) [7:36, on The Invasion of Time BD]
- 9th December 1978: The Androids of Tara 3 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:16]

- 9th-30th December 1978 Genesis of the Daleks 3, 6 continuities (Judith Merril (TVOntario, Canada) [11:43]
- 14th December 1978: Top of the Pops 15.49 Mankind – Dr Who (second live performance; Mankind #27 in Top 30 Rundown) (BBC1) [4:17]
- 15th December 1978: Variations (behind the scenes of The Power of Kroll) (BBC1 East) [6:27, on DVD]
- 16th-23rd December 1978: Revenge of the Cybermen 2-4 narration (Howard Da Silva) (OETA, USA) [3:43]

- 23rd December 1978 – 13th January 1979: The Power of Kroll 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [2:51, on DVD]
- 27th December 1978 – 1st January 1979: The Robots of Death 1-4 narration (Howard Da Silva) (IPBN, USA) [16:23, on the original US DVD

- 1979: Tom Baker at charity drive for London Taxi Drivers’ Fund for Underprivileged Children (amateur footage) [1:24]
- 1st January 1979: The Model World of Robert Symes (Mat Irvine) (BBC2) [2:42, on The Stones of Blood DVD; TME holds a version with several seconds extra at either end]
- 4th January 1979: Top of the Pops 16.1 (Mankind #26 in Top 30 Rundown) (BBC1) [1:40]
- 11th January 1979: Top of the Pops 16.2 (first live performance repeated; Mankind #25 in Top 30 Rundown) (BBC1) [4:14]

- 16th January 1979: Pebble Mill at One (Tom Baker) (BBC1) [8:31, on The Armageddon Factor DVD]
- 18th January 1979: Top of the Pops 16.3 (Mankind #25 in Top 30 Rundown) (BBC1) [1:21]
- 20th January 1979: The Armageddon Factor 1 trailer, tonight #1 (BBC1) [0:46]
- 20th January 1979: The Armageddon Factor 1 trailer, tonight #2 (BBC1) [0:15, on DVD]

- 20th January – 24th February 1979: The Armageddon Factor 1-6 continuities (BBC1) [2:42, on DVD]
- 20th January 1979: Revenge of the Cybermen 3 continuity (Judith Merill) (TVOntario, Canada) [4:30]
- 26th January 1979: Lineup inc The Armageddon Factor 2; closedown (BBC1) [2:37]
- February 1979: Keep Australia Beautiful advert – Australia is Dirty (Tom Baker) [1:12]

- February 1979: Keep Australia Beautiful advert – Citizen 327KL-Bruce (Tom Baker) [1:49]
- February 1979: Keep Australia Beautiful advert – May Day (Tom Baker) [1:30]
- February 1979: Keep Australia Beautiful advert – Year of the Child (Tom Baker) [1:33]
- 3rd-17th February 1979: Terror of the Zygons 1, 3 continuities (Judith Merril) (TVOntario, Canada) [11:46]

- 8th February 1979: Blankety Blank 1.4 (Jon Pertwee) (BBC1) [0:22]
- 12th February 1979: Behind the News (Tom Baker at Neutral Bay Public School) (ABC, Australia) [5:10]
- 15th February 1979: Blankety Blank 1.5 (Doctor blank question) (BBC1) [5:09]
- 17th February 1979: The Armageddon Factor 5 transmission fault (BBC1) [1:26, on DVD]

- 20th February 1979: Underworld 2 narration (Howard Da Silva) (KSBC, USA) [0:20]
- 22nd February 1979: Countdown (Tom Baker) (ABC, Australia) [3:32]
- 1st March 1979: Blankety Blank 1.7 (K9 question) (BBC1) [2:38]
- 2nd March 1979: Underworld 4 continuity (IPBN, USA) [1:18]
- 1st April 1979: Wee Have Also Sound Houses (Radiophonic Workshop) (BBC Radio 3) [48:06]

- 2nd April 1979: Nationwide (Radiophonic Workshop) (BBC1) [8:45, on Destiny of the Daleks BD]
- 11th April 1979: Pebble Mill at One (Radiophonic Workshop) (BBC1) [4:29, on The Armageddon Factor DVD]
- 16th April 1979: Love Thy Neighbour in Australia 1.2 A Hard Day’s Night (Doctor Who reference) (7, Australia) [0:11]
- 1st May 1979: Animal Magic 34.2 (Tom Baker as The Doctor) (BBC1) [2:38, on The Creature from the Pit BD]

- 17th May 1979: Blue Peter (abseiling BBC East Tower, Voc Robot) (BBC1) [8:14, on Destiny of the Daleks BD]
- 19th May 1979: The Deadly Assassin 3 narration (Howard Da Silva) (OETA, USA) [0:26]
- 27th May 1979: End of Part One 1.7 Doctor Eyes (4th Doctor spoof) (ITV) [1:57]
- 5th June 1979: The New Sound of Music (Dick Mills) (BBC1) [1:01, on The Armageddon Factor DVD; TME holds a version with an extra 33 seconds at the start from earlier in the show]

- 21st June 1979: Blue Peter (viewer’s Dalek) (BBC1) [8:07, on Destiny of the Daleks BD]
- 12th July 1979: The Pirate Planet 1 repeat continuity (BBC1) [1:29]
- August 1979: Season 17 trailer (BBC1) [2:01, on Destiny of the Daleks BD]
- 9th-30th August 1979: The Androids of Tara 1, 3 repeat continuities (BBC1) [2:03]

- 24th August 1979: Doctor Mysterio La Invasion de los Androides (The Android Invasion) 1 Spanish titles (Canal 13, Mexico) [0:02]
- 30th August 1979: Destiny of the Daleks 1 trailer, Saturday (BBC1) [0:44, on BD]
- 31st August 1979: Destiny of the Daleks 1 trailer, tomorrow (BBC1) [0:43, on BD]
- 1st September 1979: Destiny of the Daleks 1 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:13]
*there is a reference to ‘old enemies’ suggesting this could be a generic season 17 trailer with Dalek clips

- 1st-22nd September 1979: Destiny of the Daleks 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [2:35, on BD, TME also holds a slightly longer intro to Part Two promoting Junior That’s Life]
- 8th September 1979: Destiny of The Daleks 2 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:18]
- 15th September 1979: Destiny Of The Daleks 3 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:37]
- 15th September 1979: Planet of Evil continuities (Judith Merill) (TVOntario, Canada) [unedited footage] [9:24]*
*for this and other unedited Judith Merill clips, it’s unclear which episode(s) they relate to; the dates presented here are the Part One dates, but the material may have been used across several.

- 22nd September 1979: Destiny of the Daleks 4 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [1:29]
- 29th September – 20th October 1979: City of Death 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [2:04, on BD]
- 13th-20th October 1979: The Android Invasion 1-2 continuities (Judith Merill) (TVOntario, Canada) [9:09 unedited footage and 8’12” reconstruction using offair audio]
- A Sunday between 14th October and 2nd December 1979: Rising Stars (John Romero playing Doctor Who Theme) (BBC1) [0:23]

- Somewhere between 21st and 27th October 1979: The Creature from the Pit 1 trailer (BBC1) [0:19]
- 25th October 1979: Blue Peter (David Brierley as K9; viewer’s K9) (BBC1) [6:26, on City of Death BD]
- 27th October 1979: The Creature from the Pit 1 trailer, tonight #1 (BBC1) [0:24]
- 27th October 1979: The Creature from the Pit 1 trailer, tonight #2 (BBC1) [0:50]

- 27th October – 10th November 1979: The Creature from the Pit 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [2:13, on BD]
- 3rd November 1979: The Creature from the Pit 2 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [1:44]
- 9th November 1979: 3-2-1 2.4 Law and Disorder (Dalek gag) (ITV) [0:16]
- 10th November 1979: The Creature from the Pit 3 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [1:30]

- 10th November 1979: The Brain of Morbius continuities (Judith Merill) (TVOntario, Canada) [unedited footage] [11:00]
- 17th November 1979: The Creature from the Pit 4 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [01:16]
- 21st November 1979: Terry and June 1.5 Writing on the Wall (Doctor Who mentioned) (BBC1) [1:01]
- 24th November 1979: Nightmare of Eden 1 trailer, tonight #1 (BBC1) [0:23, on BD]

- 24th November 1979: Nightmare of Eden 1 trailer, tonight #2 (BBC1) [0:12]
- 24th November – 15th December 1979: Nightmare of Eden 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [4’14”, on BD, TME holds unrelated extensions to several of these]
- 30th November 1979: Are You Being Served 7.7 The Agent (Dalek gag) (BBC1) [0:32]
- December 1979: BBC Christmas Tape 1979 Good King Memorex (Doctor Who outtakes & sketches) [4:44]

- December 1979: The Ray Woolf Show Christmas Special (Jon Pertwee) (TVNZ, NZ) [2:02]
- 1st December 1979: Nightmare of Eden 2 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [1:27]
- 8th December 1979: Nightmare of Eden 3 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [1:24]
- 8th December 1979: The Seeds of Doom continuities (Judith Merill) (TVOntario, Canada) [unedited footage] [11:48]

- 13th December 1979: Blankety Blank 2.15 (Doctor Who question) (BBC1) [1:29]
- 15th December 1979: Nightmare of Eden 4 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:47]
- 17th December 1979: Nationwide (Denys Fisher Doctor Who toys) (BBC1) [3:25, on Nightmare of Eden BD]
- 22nd December 1979: The Horns of Nimon 1 continuity (BBC1 Scotland) [0:15]

- 29th December 1979: Multi-Coloured Swap Shop (Lalla Ward) (BBC1) [14:44, on The Horns of Nimon BD]
- 22nd December 1979 – 12th January 1980: The Horns of Nimon 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [2:05, mostly on BD, TME holds some additional fragments]

- January 1980: Prime Computers advert #1 Don’t Patronise Me Doctor (Australia & NZ) [1:02, on the Warriors’ Gate BD]
- January 1980: Prime Computers advert #2 The Universe is About to End (Australia & NZ) [0:33, on the Warriors’ Gate BD]
- 19th January 1980: The Masque of Mandragora continuities (Judith Merill) (TVOntario, Canada) [unedited footage] [9:01]
- 4th February 1980: The Goodies 8.4 U-Friend or UFO (Dalek spoof) (BBC2) [0:30]

- 6th-9th February 1980: Robot 1, 4 Italian titles (RAI, Italy) [1:12]
- 7th February 1980: Nationwide (Lalla Ward; David Brierley as K9) (BBC1) [2:34, on The Horns of Nimon BD]
- 9th February 1980: The Masque of Mandragora 4 continuity (Judith Merill) (TVOntario, Canada) [4:53]
- 11th-14th February 1980: Arca Spaziale (The Ark in Space) 1, 4 Italian titles & continuity (Maria Grazia Picchetti) (RAI, Italy) [1:07]

- 15th February 1980: Experimento Sontaran (The Sontaran Experiment) Italian titles (RAI, Italy) [0:24]
- 16th February 1980: Parkinson (Jon Pertwee) (BBC1) [24:35]
- 16th February 1980: The Hand of Fear continuities (Judith Merill) (TVOntario, Canada) [unedited footage] [15:32]
- 16th or 17th February 1980: The Goodies & Destiny of the Daleks trailer, Mon-Thur (ABC, Australia) [0:38]

- 18th-21st February 1980: La Vindetta dei Ciberniani (Revenge of the Cybermen) 1, 4 Italian titles (RAI, Italy) [1:21]
- Somewhere between 18th and 21st February 1980: The Goodies & Destiny of the Daleks trailer, tonight #1 (ABC, Australia) [0:38]
- Somewhere between 18th and 21st February 1980: The Goodies & Destiny of the Daleks trailer, tonight #2 (ABC, Australia) [0:35]
- Somewhere between 27th February and 19th March 1980: The Mike Walsh Show (Tom Baker) (9, Australia) [5:03]

- Somewhere between 29th February and 14th March 1980: This Week (Tom Baker) (ABC, Sydney, Australia [4:44]
- 1st March 1980: The Love Boat 3.23 (segment titled ‘Doctor Who’) (ABC, USA) [2:05]
- 4th March 1980: The John Singleton Show (Tom Baker) (10, Australia) [9:14]
- 7th March 1980: 7 News (Tom Baker at Grace Brothers store) (7, Australia) [2:47]

- 7th March 1980: The Muppet Show 4.22: Andy Williams (Doctor Who gag) (syndication, USA) [1:40]
- 21st March 1980: Rentaghost 5.5 (Dalek reference) (BBC1) [0:24]
- 29th March 1980: Grange Hill 3.16 (you can’t use the VCR to record Doctor Who) (BBC1) [0:20]
- 3rd April 1980: Blue Peter (John Nathan-Turner, Doctor Who Exhibition) (BBC1) [3:59 on The Leisure Hive BD; TME also holds 33 second intro sequence]

- 10th April 1980: James Burke’s The Real Thing 1.4: The Memory Lingers On (Dalek) (BBC1) [3:43]
- May 1980: The John Singleton Show (Jon Pertwee) (10, Australia) [11:44]
- 30th May 1980: This Week (Jon Pertwee) (ABC, Sydney, Australia) [5:36]
- 31st May 1980: What’s On Wogan (John Leeson as K9) (BBC1) [2:25, on Shada BD]

- 9th June 1980: The Innes Book of Records 2.2 The UFO Shanty (4th Doctor spoof, TARDIS) (BBC2) [4:37]
- 21st June 1980: The Adventure Game 1.5 (Doctor Who gag) (BBC1) [0:31]
- 28th June 1980: What’s on Wogan (Lalla Ward) (BBC1) [11:29]
- 15th July 1980: Ask Aspel (Lalla Ward) (BBC1) [16:57, 11:03 on Nightmare of Eden DVD with two extracts switched to make them flow better]

- Somewhere between 28th July and 1st August 1980: Destiny of the Daleks repeat trailer, next week (BBC1) [1:15, on BD]
- 5th August 1980: Destiny of the Daleks repeat trailer, this week (BBC1) [0:31, on BD]
- 5th August 1980: Destiny of the Daleks 1 repeat continuity (BBC1 North West) [0:13]
- 5th-8th August 1980: Destiny of the Daleks 1-4 repeat continuities (BBC1) [2:04, on BD]

- 11th August 1980: City of Death repeat trailer, tomorrow (BBC1) [0:48, on BD]
- 12th August 1980: City of Death 1 repeat continuity (BBC1 North West) [0:10]
- 12th-20th August 1980: City of Death 1-4 repeat continuities (BBC1) [1:43, on BD]
- 28th August 1980: Small World 1.4: Model Spacecraft (Mat Irvine) (BBC2) [9:42]

- Somewhere between 30th August and 5th September 1980: Radio Times advert inc Adrienne Corri, The Leisure Hive (BBC) [1:17]
- 30th August 1980: Continuity (The Leisure Hive 1 tonight) (BBC1) [0:18]
- 30th August 1980: The Leisure Hive 1 trailer, tonight #1 (BBC1) [0:51, on BD]
- 30th August 1980: The Leisure Hive 1 trailer, tonight #2 (BBC1) [0:14, on BD]

- 30th August-20th September 1980: The Leisure Hive 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [4:04, on BD]
- 5th September 1980: The John Dunn Show (Tom Baker) (BBC Radio 1) [7:01, on Doctor Who at the BBC Vol 2]
- 6th September 1980: Metal Mickey 1.1: Metal Mickey Lives (Dalek reference) (ITV) [0:28]
- 13th September 1980: The Leisure Hive 3 trailer, tonight (BBC1) [1:04]
- 17th September 1980: Where Are They Now? (Ysanne Churchman) (BBC1) [2:29, on The Monster of Peladon DVD]

- 25th September 1980: The Hand of Fear 4 continuity (WTTW, USA) [0:52]
- 27th September 1980: Meglos 1 trailer, tonight #1 (BBC1) [0:44, version on BD missing first couple of seconds]
- 27th September 1980: Meglos trailer, tonight #2 (BBC1) [1:23]
- 27th September – 18th October 1980: Meglos 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [3:02, on BD; TME hold a 4:24 compilation with a much longer intro to Part Two]

- October 1980: What’s your favorite program on Channel 2? (Doctor Who mentioned) (WGBH, USA) [2:08]
- 18th October 1980: Metal Mickey 1.7: Mickey in Love (it’s a flipping Dalek) (ITV) [0:27]
- 23rd October 1980: BBC News (Tom Baker’s departure announced) (BBC1) [1:12, on Meglos BD]
- 23rd October 1980: Playground (Matthew Waterhouse) (BBC Radio 1) [11:36, on Doctor Who at the BBC Vol 2]
- 23rd October 1980: Top of the Pops 17.41 (Matthew Waterhouse) (BBC1) [0:48]

- 24th October 1980: Nationwide (Tom Baker) (BBC1) [4:33, on Shada BD]
- 25th October 1980: Full Circle 1 trailer, tonight #1 (BBC1) [0:38, on BD]
- 25th October 1980: Full Circle 1 trailer, tonight #2 (BBC1) [0:16, on BD]
- 25th October 1980: Full Circle 1 trailer, tonight #3 (BBC1) [1:10]

- 25th October 1980: Full Circle 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [2:53, on BD]
- 1st November 1980: Multi-Coloured Swap Shop (Matthew Waterhouse, Mat Irvine) (BBC1) [8:08, on Full Circle BD; TME holds slightly more unrelated material including a fragment of Mat Irvine, bringing the total runtime to 10:15]
- 5th November 1980: Nationwide (Peter Davison) (BBC1) [3:42, on Full Circle BD]
- 5th November 1980: BBC Nine O’Clock News (Peter Davison announced) (BBC1) [0:31, on Full Circle BD]

- 10th November 1980: Blue Peter (Peter Davison) (BBC1) [9:17, on Castrovalva BD, with an extract featured in Talking Doctor Who in 2023, introduced by David Tennant]
- 22nd November – 13th December 1980: State of Decay 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [3:18, on BD]
- 22nd November 1980: Larry Grayson’s Generation Game 10.3 (Peter Davison) (BBC1) [1:20]
- 24th November 1980: Not the Nine O’Clock News 3.5 (TARDIS spoof, Tom & Lalla reference) (BBC2) [0:51]

- 3rd December 1980: Pebble Mill at One (Peter Davison) (BBC1) [12:02, on Castrovalva BD]
- 13th December 1980: BBC News (Tom Baker & Lalla Ward marry) (BBC1) [0:22]
- 13th December 1980: BBC2 News (Tom Baker & Lalla Ward marry) (BBC2) [0:26, on State of Decay BD, with an extract featured in Talking Doctor Who in 2023, introduced by David Tennant]
- 26th December 1980: Saturday Night at the Mill (Peter Davison) (BBC1) [14:26, on Castrovalva BD]

- Somewhere around 1981: Zanussi Corporate Video (Jon Pertwee as The Doctor) [4:02]
- 3rd January 1981: The Sun Makers omnibus trailer (WTTW, USA) [0:49]
- 3rd-24th January 1981: Warriors’ Gate 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [2:04, on BD]
- 3rd-24th January 1981: The Invisible Enemy 1-4 continuities (Judith Merill) (TVOntario, Canada) [23:24]

- 15th January 1981: Doctor Who trailer, Saturday (WYES, USA) [1:00]
- 24th January 1981: Warriors’ Gate 4 trailer, in a moment (BBC1) [01:28]*
- 26th January 1981: Doctors and Nurses (paging Doctor Who) (movie, Australia) [0:10]
- 30th January 1981: The Keeper of Traken trailer, Saturday (BBC1) [0:57, on BD]
* Doctor Who is verbally announced, but no footage from the episode is shown.

- 31st January 1981: Multi-Coloured Swap Shop (Sarah Sutton, Mat Irvine) (BBC1) [23:22, with extracts on The Keeper of Traken and Warrior’s Gate BDs]
- 31st January – 21st February 1981 The Keeper of Traken 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [1:46, on BD]
- 22nd February 1981: BBC News (Ron Grainer obituary) (BBC1) [0:50]
- 26th February – 21st March 1981: Logopolis 1-4 continuities (BBC1) [3:07, on BD]

- 28th February 1981: The Invasion of Time 5 continuity (Judith Merill) (TVOntario, Canada) [1:19]
- 11th March 1981: Take Hart 6.9 (K9 spoof) (BBC1) [3:55]
- April 1981: Prime Computers advert #3 Dr. Who and the Aliens (Australia & NZ) [1:04, on the Warriors’ Gate BD]
- April 1981: Prime Computers advert #4 Dr. Who meets his match (Australia & NZ) [0:32, on the Warriors’ Gate BD]

- 16th July 1981: Time Bandits (Dalek drawing) (movie) [1:38]
- 2nd August 1981: Lineup inc Full Circle 1 repeat (BBC1) [1:54]
- 3rd August 1981: Full Circle 1 repeat trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:33, on BD]
- 3rd August 1981: Full Circle 1 repeat trailer, in 10 minutes (BBC1) [0:16, on BD; TME holds a 1’41” recording containing unrelated extra material]

- 3rd-6th August 1981: Full Circle 1-4 repeat continuities (BBC1) [1:54, on BD]
- 10th August 1981: The Keeper of Traken 1 repeat trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:35, on BD]
- 10th-13th August 1981: The Keeper of Traken 1-4 repeat continuities (BBC1) [2:57, on BD]
- 12th August 1981: The Keeper of Traken 3 repeat trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:21, on BD; TME holds a 1’45” recording containing unrelated extra material]

- 22nd September 1981: Give Us A Clue (Jon Pertwee, Peter Davison, Beryl Reid (ITV) [24:34]
- October 1980: The Five Faces of Doctor Who trailer (BBC2) [4:11, on Logopolis BD]
- 10th October 1980: Multi-Coloured Swap Shop (Mat Irvine) (BBC1) [15:22]
- 14th October 1980: The Tonight Show (Jean Marsh, Robin Williams) (NBC, USA) [9:01]

- 18th October 1980: City of Death omnibus continuity (WTTW, USA) [2:14]
- 29th October 1980: Blue Peter (The Five Faces of Doctor Who) (BBC1) [4:49]
- November 1980: Nationwide (The Five Faces of Doctor Who) (BBC1) [0:08]
- November 1980: Streets Doctor Who Ice Treat advert (Keith Scott) (Australia) [0:29]

- 1st November 1980: The Five Faces of Doctor Who trailer, tomorrow #1 (BBC2) [1’12”]
- 1st November 1980: The Five Faces of Doctor Who trailer, tomorrow #2 (BBC2) [1’35”]
- 2nd November – 3rd December 1981: The Five Faces of Doctor Who continuities (BBC2) [12’48”, some on BD]
- 10th November 1981: Prisoner 3.80 (Doctor Who comic – Marvel Premiere Issue 58) (10, Australia) [0’39”]

- 14th November 1981: Lord Mayor’s Show Parade (Peter Davison, DWAS) (amateur footage) [2:28]
- 14th November 1981: Lord Mayor’s Show Parade (Peter Davison, DWAS) [unknown program] [0:33, on Castrovalva BD]
- 19th November 1981: Blankety Blank 4.12 (Doctor Who question) (BBC1) [1:35]
- December 1981: BBC Christmas trailer (K9) (BBC1) [0:20, on K9 and Company BD]

- December 1981: BBC Christmas trailer (Peter Davison, Matthew Waterhouse, Sarah Sutton, Janet Fielding) (BBC1) [0:54; shortened 0:46 version on K9 & Company missing the final three clips – the team from M*A*S*H, Jimmy Savile, and Larry Grayson – the last presumably just to make the editing easier]
- 8th December 1981: Afternoon Plus (Tom Baker) (ITV) [16:33]
- 10th December 1981: Blue Peter (costume shop, Black Orchid) (BBC1) [8:38, on Black Orchid DVD and BD – the BD version has faulty audio]
- 23rd December 1981: Pebble Mill at One (John Leeson as K9) (BBC1) [2:41, on K9 and Company BD, with an extract featured in Talking Doctor Who in 2023, introduced by David Tennant]

- 25th December 1981: Larry Grayson’s Generation Game 11.17 (John Leeson as K9, David Banks as Cyberman) (BBC1) [1:15]
- 28th December 1981: K9 and Company trailer, tonight #1 (BBC1) [0:52 on BD; TME holds 8 seconds of extra unrelated material]
- 28th December 1981: K9 and Company trailer, tonight #2 (BBC1) [0:17, on BD]
- 28th December 1981: K9 and Company continuity (BBC1) [0:30 on BD; TME holds 5 seconds of extra unrelated material]
- 29th December 1981: Woman’s Hour (John Leeson) (BBC Radio 4) [1:50, on Doctor Who at the BBC Vol 2 CD]

- January 1982: Castrovalva trailer & Radio Times advert (BBC1) [0:27, on K9 & Company BD*]
- 3rd January 1982: Castrovalva trailer, tomorrow (BBC1) [2:05 – actual trailer lasts just under 1m, TME holds lengthy material after]
*originally on the Castrovalva BD, but with errors; fixed for the Season 18 release.
Beyond the TARDIS: The Tom Baker Era

- Circa 1975-1980: Etch a Sketch advert (Tom Baker) [0:19]
- 1975: International Animation Festival* (‘Passing Days’ & ‘The Hole’) (Jean Marsh) (KQED, USA) [30:00]
- 1975: International Animation Festival* (Evolution) outro (Jean Marsh) (KQED, USA) [0:19]
- 1975: International Animation Festival* (Diary, The Top & Unicorn in the Garden) trailer (Jean Marsh) (KQED, USA) [0:35]
* International Animation Festival was a showcase of animated short films, hosted by Jean Marsh. It ran for two series in 1975-1976 on KQED, and was syndicated to other PBS stations. Specific airdates and episode order are unknown. These are one complete episode; Jean Marsh’s final link from a second episode; and a trailer for a third.

- 1975: The Puritan Experience: Making a New World (Lalla Ward) (USA) [30:33]
- 25th August 1975: Whodunnit 3.7 Too Many Cooks (Peter Capaldi in audience) (ITV) [0:18]
- 1st September 1975: Whodunnit 3.8 Worth Dying For (Jon Pertwee, Katy Manning) (ITV) [39:05]
- 4th September 1975: Space 1999 1.1 Breakaway (moon model reused in The Invisible Enemy 1) (ITV) [0:22]

- 13th November 1975: Space 1999 1.11 Guardian of Piri (clip used in Nightmare of Eden 1) (ITV) [0:40]
- 27th November 1975: Space 1999 1.13 Matter of Life and Death (clip used in Nightmare of Eden 1) (ITV) [0:35]
- 11th December 1975: Space 1999 1.15 The Full Circle (clip used in Nightmare of Eden 1) (ITV) [1:25]
- 1976: Fireworks – Where’s Your Child Tonight PIF (Patrick Troughton) [0:46]*
*Troughton’s voice is noticeably increased in pitch.

- 1976: SPLINK PIF #1 (Jon Pertwee) [0:34]
- 1976: SPLINK PIF #2 (Jon Pertwee) [0:56]
- 1976: SPLINK advert #3 (Jon Pertwee) [1:00]
- 8th Spetember 1976: Softly Softly Task Force 8.1: Not With A Bang (quarry explosion from The Hand of Fear) [2:04]

- 2nd December 1976: Space 1999 2.14 Space Warp (clip used in The Leisure Hive 2) (ITV) [0:51]
- 25th December 1976: The Morecambe & Wise Show (explosion from Day of the Daleks 4) (BBC1) [0:20]*
- 1977: Beecham’s Day Nurse advert (Ian Marter) [0:35]
- 1977: Bonnie Langford interviewed about Wombling Free [unknown program] [5:09]
* The Morecambe & Wise Show uses off-cut footage from Style’s mansion exploding in Day of the Daleks 4.

- 1977: Brians Faggots advert (William Russell) [0:31]
- 1977: Canada Dry Vostok advert (Tom Baker) [0:31]
- 1977: Norsca deodorant advert outtake (Tom Baker) [0:12]
- 1977: Tank Battle advert (Nicholas Courtney) [0:34]
- 9th May 1977: Merry Go Round – The Fuel Fishers (Elisabeth Sladen) (BBC2) [19:40, on Terror of the Zygons DVD]

- 26th November 1977: Bruce Forsyth and the Generation Game 7.12 (Vogan mask) (BBC1) [0:41]
- 1978: Abel and Associates demo reel (slit scan effect similar to Doctor Who titles) (USA) [8:29]
- 1978: Action Man Gargon advert (Tom Baker) [0:30]
- 1978: Hornby Railways advert #1 (Bernard Cribbins) [0:16]

- 1978: Marathon advert (Michael Craze) [0:30]
- 1978: Mouse Trap & Rebound advert (Jon Pertwee) [0:24]
- February 1978: Blue Peter (Ironbridge Gorge) (BBC1) [11:23, on The Mark of the Rani BD]
- 8th March 1978: The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy: Fit the First (Oolon Caloophid)* (BBC Radio 4) [1:42]
- 27th April 1978: Top of the Pops 15.17: Raffaella Carrà – Do It, Do It Again (clip used in Midnight) (BBC1) [2:48]
- August 1978: Tom Baker’s One Cal Tune Challenge (Picadilly Radio) [8:41]
* the fictional Caloophid was first referenced here, but was later referenced in Destiny of the Daleks (script edited by Hitch Hikers writer Douglas Adams), making this a tangental reference to Doctor Who, albeit a peculiar way around.

- 16th November 1978: Emu’s Broadcasting Company 4.4: Emu Trek (reused Doctor Who costumes) (BBC1) [5:02]
- 23rd November 1978: Emu’s Broadcasting Company 4.5: Emu Trek (reused Doctor Who costumes) (BBC1) [5:03]
- 7th December 1978: Emu’s Broadcasting Company 4.7: Emu Trek (reused Doctor Who costumes) (BBC1) [4:34]
- 14th December 1978: Emu’s Broadcasting Company 4.8: Emu Trek (reused Doctor Who costumes) (BBC1) [5:14]

- 22nd December 1978: Late Night Story 1.1: Sredni Vashtar (BBC2) [unaired] [12:54, on The Armageddon Factor DVD]
- 23rd December 1978: Late Night Story 1.2: The Photograph (BBC2) [14:33, on The Armageddon Factor DVD]
- 25th December 1978: Late Night Story 1.3: The Emissary (BBC2) [13:45, on The Armageddon Factor DVD]
- 26th December 1978: Late Night Story 1.4: Nursery Tea (BBC2) [14:20, on The Armageddon Factor DVD]

- 28th December 1978: Late Night Story 1.5: The End of the Party (BBC2) [15:02, on The Armageddon Factor DVD]
- 28th December 1978: Late Night Story outtake (Tom Baker) (BBC2) [unaired] [0:07]
- 1979: File Under Fire PIF (Michael Jayston) [0:47]
- 1979: Hornby Railways advert #2 (Bernard Cribbins) [0:30]

- 1979: Hornby Railways advert #3 (Bernard Cribbins) [0:31]
- 1979: Philips advert (John Leeson) [0:29]
- 1979: Once Upon a Time 1.1 (Peter Davison) (ITV) [12:31]
- 1979: Once Upon a Time 1.2 (Peter Davison) (ITV) [13:42]

- 1979: Once Upon a Time 1.3 (Peter Davison) (ITV) [13:42]
- 1979: Once Upon a Time 1.4 (Peter Davison) (ITV) [13:11]
- 1979: Once Upon a Time 1.5 (Peter Davison) (ITV) [12:14]
- 1979: Once Upon a Time 1.6 (Peter Davison) (ITV) [12:02]

- 1979: Once Upon a Time 1.7 (Peter Davison) (ITV) [12:08]
- January 1979: The Warp stage play (Janet Fielding) (amateur footage) [3:00]
- 10th February 1979: バトルフィーバーJ 1.2: エゴス怪人製造法 / Batoru Fībā Jei 1.2: Egosu Kaijin Seizō Hō / Battle Fever J 1.2: Egos’ Monster-Making Method (TARDIS sound effect) (TV Asahi, Japan)
- 13th February 1979: Grange Hill 2.13 (headdress from The Robots of Death) (BBC1) [2:55]

- 1st March 1979: The Tonight Show (Jean Marsh) (NBC, USA) [12:17]
- December 1979: YTV Christms Tape 1979 (Tom Baker, Elisabeth Sladen, Frazer Hines) [1:28]
- 26th December 1979: Once Upon A Time (Peter Davison) (ITV) [15:00]
- 1980: Hornby Railways advert #4 (Bernard Cribbins) [0:47]

- 1980: Hornby Railways advert #5 (Bernard Cribbins) [0:30]
- 21st May 1980: Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (Bossk in reused costume from The Tenth Planet) [0:45]
- 25th June 1980: Hamlet (Lalla Ward) (BBC2) [3:33:50]
- 2nd June 1980: Blue Peter (Quantel demonstration) (BBC1) [4:02]

- 12th October 1980: The Shock of the New 1.4 Trouble in Utopia (clip used in Paradise Towers 3) (BBC1) [0:57]
- 1981: ICI Deluxe advert (Elisabeth Sladen) [0:31]
- 1981: The Book Tower (Tom Baker) (ITV) [20:26]
- 1981: Yorkshire Bitter advert (Peter Davison) [0:22]

- 5th January 1981: The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy unused title sequence (time tunnel) (BBC1) [unaired] [0:38]
- 5th January 1981: The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy 1.1 (Oolon Caloophid) (BBC1) [2:21]
- 5th May 1981: Boom Boom…Out Go The Lights 1.2 (Nigel Planer wears Doctor Who scarf) (BBC2) [3:30]
- 28th September 1981: Blake’s 7 Rescue (reused Sea Devil costume) (BBC1) [3 clips, 5:40]

- December 1981: Southern Christmas Tape (Jon Pertwee as Worzel) [10:03]
- 31st December 1981: Day by Yesterday (Jon Pertwee as Worzel) (ITV) [6:26]