- 1998: Festival 98 Pledge Drive (Mike Frisbie, IPTV) [features The War Machines 1997 restoration & The Five Doctors Special Edition) [19:39]
- 1998: Festival 98 Pledge Drive (K9, IPTV) [0:55]
- 1998: Harry Hill – First Class Scamp (straight to VHS special) (Hartnell Troughton Pertwee song) [1:02]
- 1998: Jim Davidson’s Generation Game (BBC1, Doctor Who banned in household) [1:23]
- 1998: The Morwenna Banks Show (Channel 5, A Day in the Life of Geoffrey Peters) [10:11]
- 1998: Top Gear (BBC2, Masters of the Universe with Colin Baker) [7:19]
- 1998: BBC Online promo (Doctor Who 35th Anniversary) [0:15]
- 1998: BBC Prime Trailer (clips from Frontier in Space, Planet of the Daleks)*
*this is a trailer from DF1 for the BBC Prime channel – the uploader stated they recorded the trailer in 1998, although the only known broadcasts on BBC Prime of these stories was July-Oct 1996. This montage-based advert could simply be using ‘old’ clips.

- 1998: 1998.00.00 Australian BBC Video trailer inc The Five Doctors [2:22]*
- 2nd January 1998: The Web Planet 4 and 5 Mike Frisbie intro (IPTV) [1:03]
- 9th January 1998 The Web Planet 6 and Space Museum 1 Mike Frisbie intro (IPTV) [1:07]
- 13th January 1998: A New Dimension (BBC Videos and Books advert, premiered Timelash VHS) [1:58]
- 22nd January 1998: The Vicar of Dibley 2.4 Love and Marriage (BBC1, Alice suggests a Doctor Who themed wedding dress) [0:30]
- Sometime between February and April 1998: Lion Country (BBC, Longleat Dr Who Exhibition feature) [12:42]**
- February 1998: BBC Choice advert with Pauline Quirke in a Dalek [0:46]
- 7th February 1998: Red Dwarf Night advert with Daleks [0:37]
*No trailers appeared on Aus Doctor Who VHSs prior to 1998. This trailer may have premiered on The War Machines (March 1998), was definitely on Timelash (September 1998) and was replaced by a new trailer in 1999 which did not contain any DW clips.
**there also exists an alternate edit of this feature, running 11:32 without opening and closing titles.

- 14th February 1998: Red Dwarf A-Z (BBC2, Daleks) [2:16]
- 20th February 1998: Is It Bill Bailey 1.1 (BBC2, Doctor Qui) [4:39]
- 21st February 1998: Jonathan Creek 2.5: Problems at Callow’s Gate, Part 2 (BBC2, suspect has a VHS of The Twin Dilemma) [0:10]
- 15th March 1998: Planet of Fire Omnibus UK Gold continuity [0:09]
- 23rd March 1998: Spearhead from Space 2 intro with caption cut (SPACE) [0:48]
- 5th April 1998: 100% Sci Fi Quiz Show (Channel 5, Doctor Who round) [2:18]
- 8th May 1998: Lost In Space (BBC2, The Time Lords) [14:20]
- 22nd May 1998: TV Offal Episode 1 (Channel 4, Gay Daleks) [2:09]

- 29th May 1998: TV Offal Episode 2 (Channel 4, Gay Daleks) [1:56]
- 4th June 1998: The Sea Devils UK Gold omnibus intro [0:20]
- 5th June 1998: TV Offal Episode 3 (Channel 4, Gay Daleks) [2:00]
- 5th June 1998: Alexei Sayle Merry Go Round 1.5 (BBC2, Dalek auditions sketch) [2:16]
- 12th June 1998: TV Offal Episode 4 (Channel 4, Gay Daleks) [2:04]
- 19th June 1998: TV Offal Episode 5 (Channel 4, Gay Daleks) [1:36]
- 26th June 1998: TV Offal Episode 6 (Channel 4, Gay Daleks) [2:55]
- 11th July 1998 The Keys of Marinus UK Gold Omnibus Continuities [2:10]

- 18th July 1998: The Aztecs UK Gold Omnibus Continuities [2:21]
- 7th August 1988: The War Games 2 Mike Frisbie intro (IPTV) [2:04]
- 29th August 1998: The Space Museum UK Gold omnibus intro [0:15]
- 12th September 1998: Get Real (film, several references) [4:03]
- 18th September 1998: Spearhead from Space 4 & The Silurians 1 Mike Frisbie intro (IPTV) [0:48]
- 27th September 1998: Colony in Space Omnibus UK Gold continuity [0:13]
- 2nd October 1998: The Silurians 4 & 5 Mike Frisbie intro (IPTV) [0:54]
- 5th October 1998: 10 O’Clock News (BBC News 24, TARDIS prop for auction) [1:58]

- November 1998: Right to Reply (Channel 4, will Doctor Who return) [5:33]
- 4th November 1998: Alan Davies: Urban Trauma (BBC1, Dalek reference) [0:15]
- 20th November 1998: BBC Small People (Long Version) [1:00]
- 20th November 1998: BBC Small People (Short Version) [3:02]
- 22nd November 1998: 35 Years of Doctor Who: Night 1 (BBC Choice) [25:03]
- 23rd November 1998: 35 Years of Doctor Who: Night 2 (BBC Choice) [5:08]
- 24th November 1998: 35 Years of Doctor Who: Night 3 (BBC Choice) [12:13]
- 25th November 1998: This Morning (ITV, Peter Davison, Nicholas Courtney, 35th Anniversary) [7:35]
BBC Choice celebrated the 35th anniversary with a series of repeats, linked by Sylvester McCoy bluescreened into a new TARDIS console room, and with filmed material at the Panopticon convention.
Night 1:
An Unearthly Child (Pilot)
Genesis of the Daleks: Part 1
30 Years in the TARDIS
The 1996 TV Movie
Remembrance of the Daleks: Part 4
Night 2:
Tomb of the Cybermen Part 4
Genesis of the Daleks Part 2
Night 3:
The Daemons Part 5 (followed by an interview with Steve Roberts and Ralph Montagu)
Genesis of the Daleks Part 3
Night 4:
The Caves of Androzani Part 4
Genesis of the Daleks Part 4
Night 5:
The Trial of a Time Lord Part 14
Genesis of the Daleks Part 5
Night 6:
The Curse of Fenric Part 4
Genesis of the Daleks Part 6

- 25th November 1998: 35 Years of Doctor Who: Night 4 (BBC Choice) [2:29]
- 26th November 1998: 35 Years of Doctor Who: Night 5 (BBC Choice) [6:32]
- 27th November 1998: 35 Years of Doctor Who: Night 6 (BBC Choice) [7:05]
- 4th December 1998: 100,000BC UK Gold Omnibus Continuities [4:56]
- 11th December 1998: Have I Got News For You (BBC2, Tom Baker, several Doctor Who references) [1:35]
- 18th December 1998: The Edge of Destruction UK Gold Omnibus Continuities [2:48]
- 21st December 1998: Clive James on TV: Sci-Fi (ITV, Doctor Who and Blakes 7 feature) [24:17, of which 10m Doctor Who material]
- 25th December 1998: The Mind of Evil 1 & 2 Mike Frisbie intro (IPTV) [1:17]

- 27th December 1998*: Antiques Roadshow: The Next Generation (BBC1, boy with collectibles)
- 27th December 1998: Invasion of the Dinosaurs Omnibus UK Gold continuity [0:10]
*based on the presence of the Tom Baker standee this has to be either the 1997 or 1998 edition of this show; the 1997 one was hosted from Cardiff Bay and the boys do not sound Welsh, so we have assumed 1998.

- 1999: Heat Vision and Jack (Unaired Fox pilot, Genesis of the Daleks clip) [0:26]
- 1999: Pledge Drive featuring Sylvester McCoy (WQED) [4:09]
- Somewhere between 1999 and 2002: Granada News (David Saunders) [2:29]
- 1st January 1999: Are You Sitting Comfortably (BBC1, Doctor Who memories) [1:32]
- 3rd January 1999: Death to the Daleks UK Gold Omnibus continuities [3:07]
- 15th January 1999: Claws of Axos 1 & 2 Mike Frisbie Intro (IPTV) [1:08]
- 22nd January 1999: The Sensorites UK Gold Omnibus Outro [2:39]
- 22nd January 1999: The Outer Limits 5.1: Alien Radio (Showtime, Stan asks Moses Saxon what episode of Doctor Who inspired his beliefs) [0:54]

- 2nd February 1999: Veronica 2030 (Porn movie, a naked man suggests watching a Doctor Who marathon) [0:41]
- 8th February 1999: The League of Gentlemen 1.5 Love Comes to Roston Vasey (BBC2, reference to Revenge of the Cybermen filming) [0:34]
- 10th February 1999: Newsbeat (BBC Radio 1, The Lion) [1:53, on Doctor Who at the BBC CD]*
- 10th February 1999: The National Lottery Amazing Luck Stories (BBC1, Frazer Hines and The Lion) [9:10]
- 22nd February 1999: Blur: Tender** [0:55]
- 24th February 1999: Whatever You Want (BBC1, Doctor Who fans) [11:24]
- 26th February 1999: The Space Museum UK Gold Omnibus continuities [3:15]
- March 1999: Trek Masters trailer (Sky One, Sylvester McCoy) [0:30]
- Somewhere between 8th and 10th March 1999: Red Nose Day trailer [0:29]
**The opening of Tender appears to cover Vicki’s whistlisting in The Chase. Although never confirmed to be the case, Damon Albarn’s other band Gorillaz did use a true sample from The Sontaran Experiment in their 2001 song Man Research, suggesting Albarn may have at least a passing knowledge of the show.

- 12th March 1999: CBBC (BBC1, Comic Relief preview) [1:11]
- 12th March 1999: Comic Relief (BBC1, The Curse of Fatal Death) [28:01]
- 12th March 1999: Festival 99 (IPTV) [featured The Curse of Fenric VHS extended version] [21:45]
- 14th March 1999: Comic Relief The Director’s Cut (BBC1, clips from COTFD) [3:29]
- 2nd April 1999: Trek Masters excerpt (Sky One, Sylvester McCoy) [0:48]
- 7th April 1999: Blue Peter (BBC1, Louise Jameson) [12:20]
- 10th April 1999: Live and Kicking (BBC1, Verity Lambert [8:23]
- 11th April 1999: Masque of Mandragora UK Gold omnibus intro [0:06]

- 30th April 1999: Planet of the Daleks 2 & 3 Mike Frisbie Intro (IPTV) [1:08]
- May 1999: Cyber Cafe (ITV, Colin Baker) [11:21]
- 1st-3rd May 1999: Frazer Hines UKTV Promos (5 to-screen intros to The Two Doctors by Hines, sharing anecdotes, plus 1x trailer) [6:29]
- 15th May 1999: The Talons of Weng-Chiang UK Gold omnibus intro [0:08]
- 12th June 1999: The Sunmakers UK Gold Omnibus continuities [8:53]
- 13th June 1999: 1999.06.13 This Morning With Richard Not Judy 2.10 (BBC2, Curious Orange as Davros) [2:55]
- September 1999: Spearhead from Space Parts 1 and 2 Repeat Trailer [0:33, on Spearhead from Space DVD]
- September 1999: Doctor Who Night Trailer [0:44, on Spearhead from Space DVD]

- September 1999: Spearhead from Space Part 3 Repeat Trailer [0:24, on Spearhead from Space DVD with replaced soundtrack for rights reasons]
- 23rd September 1999: Top 10 Story Countdown with Katy Manning #10 The Robots of Death (UKTV Australia) [0:32]
- 23rd September 1999: GMR Radio (Tom Baker) [9:10]
- 29th September 1999: Top 10 Story Countdown with Katy Manning #9 City of Death (UKTV Australia) [0:28]
- 1st October 1999: The Web Planet UK Gold Omnibus continuities [3:27]
- 4th October 1999: Paul Johnson – Get Get Down (music video with travelling phone box) [2:57]*
- 5th October 1999: Top 10 Story Countdown with Katy Manning #8 Planet of the Spiders (UKTV Australia) [0:47]
- 13th October 1999: Top 10 Story Countdown with Katy Manning #7 Earthshock (UKTV Australia) [0:38]
- 15th October 1999: Invasion Of The Dinosaurs trailer (BBC Choice) [0:52]
*an alternate version exists without a phone box, perhaps for concern of copyright violations

- 15th October 1999: BBC Choice Dino Night – Invasion of the Dinosaurs [28:37]*
- 19th October 1999: Top 10 Story Countdown With Katy Manning #6 The Talons of Weng-Chiang (UKTV Australia) [0:43]
- 27th October 1999: Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy: Green Courage (Gallifrey reference) [0:14]
- 28th October 1999: Top 10 Story Countdown with Katy Manning #5 Remembrance of the Daleks (UKTV Australia) [0:39]
- 31st October 1999: Logopolis UK Gold omnibus intro [0:06]
- November or December 1999*: David J Howe on unknown show [2:47]
- 2nd November 1999: Top 10 Story Countdown with Katy Manning #4 Pyramids of Mars (UKTV Australia) [0:51]
- 1999.11.10 Backstage (BBC Choice, David Brierley) [4:32, on The Creature from the Pit BD]
*Howe shows off videos and books from October and November 1999 and says ‘right up to date in the 1990s’.

- 13th November 1999: Today (BBC Radio 4, Douglas Adams and Tom Baker) [6:19, on Doctor Who at the BBC CD]
- 13th November 1999: Doctor Who Night (BBC2) [2:06:19]
- 14th November 1999: Castrovalva UK Gold omnibus intro [0:06]
- 16th – 30th November 1999: Spearhead from Space BBC2 Repeat Continuities (all four intros and outros) [5:34]
- 21st November 1999: Black Orchid UK Gold Omnibus Continuities [0:48]
- 28th November 1999: Earthshock UK Gold Omnibus Continuities [1:09]
- December 1999: scifiradioguy (Nicholas Courtney) [17:35]
- 5th December 1999: Time-Flight UK Gold Omnibus Continuities [1:09]
- 17th December 1999: The Seeds of Death UK Gold omnibus continuities [3:59]
The BBC’s Doctor Who night consisted of the following:
- Spearhead from Space repeat trailer
- Dalek 2 ident introducing night
- Tom Baker introduces night with line-up and leads into…
- The Pitch of Fear sketch (released, edited, on DVD)
- Brief CGI Dalek in spacestation interstitial
- Adventures in Space and Time 40-minute documentary
- Tom Baker voiceover over TARDIS in space introducing…
- How to Live Forever mini-doc
- Brief CGI Daleks on racecourse
- Doctor Who Online caption card
- Hippies trailer
- Dalek 2 ident welcoming viewers back
- Tom Baker voiceover with line-up followed by Tom menaced by CGI Daleks, leading into…
- Carnival of Monsters 30-minute documentary
- Cartoon Dalek on green background
- Tom Baker voiceover over logo introducing…
- Web of Caves sketch (released on DVD)
- Cartoon Dalek on purple background
- How to Build a TARDIS mini-doc
- Tom Baker voiceover over TARDIS promising The Daleks repeat
- Cartoon Dalek in microwave
- Spearhead from Space repeat trailer
- BBC Online trailer
- Dalek 2 ident
- Tom Baker introduces The Daleks
- Brief CGI Dalek in spacestation interstitial
- The Daleks Episode Six with Story So Far…
- Tom Baker voiceover over TARDIS introducing…
- The Kidnappers sketch (released on DVD)
- Tom Baker says farewell and introduces the TV Movie
- End credits
- Books, DVD and VHS trailer
- Dalek 2 ident with Tom Baker voiceover introducing…
- TV movie (not included in timing above)

- 7th January 2000: Dead Ringers 1.1 (BBC Radio 4, Dr calls Directory Enquiries x3) [3:03; 1:40 extract on Doctor Who at the BBC CD]
- 14th January 2000: Dead Ringers 1.2 (Dr calls taxi service x2) (BBC Radio 4) [1:34]
- 21st January 2000: Dead Ringers 1.3 (Dr calls locksmith x2) (BBC Radio 4) [2:04]
- 23rd January 2000: The Seeds of Doom (Part 3 of 3) altered end credits (BBC America, USA) [1:00]
- 25th January 2000: Happy Accidents (references to Blinovitch) [1:37]
- 28th Janury 2000: Dead Ringers 1.4 (Dr calls DIY store; Dr calls to ask what year it is) (BBC Radio 4) [2:35]
- February 2000: The Afternoon Show (Dead Ringers segment, Dr calls NASA) (BBC Radio 1) [3:23]
- 1st – 29th February 2000: Genesis of the Daleks BBC2 Repeat Continuities [2:00, on BD]
- Somewhere between 3rd and 5th February 2000: Genesis of the Daleks BBC2 Part Two/Three Repeat Trailer – Tuesday [0:20, on BD]
- 7th February 2000: Genesis of the Daleks BBC2 Part Two/Three Repeat Trailer – Tomorrow [1:38, actual trailer is 20 seconds]
- 27th February 2000: Harry Hill 3.1 (Channel 4, Nicholas Courtney in character) [5:33]
- 3rd March 2000: Who on Earth is Tom Baker Mike Frisbie intro (IPTV) [1:38]
- 5th March 2000: The Deadly Assasin (Part 2 of 2) altered end credits (BBC America, USA) [0:58]

- 9th March 2000: Bruiser Episode 4 Love Golf (BBC2, TARDIS reference) [0:41]
- 18th March 2000: This Is Your Life trailer [0:31]
- 18th March 2000: This Is Your Life: Tom Baker (BBC1) [29:40]
- 19th March 2000: Harry Hill 3.4 (Channel 4, Bobby Davros/Blake’s 7 sketch) [2:43]
- 20th March 2000: Freaks and Geeks 1.13: Chokin’ and Tokin’ (NBC, Bill dresses as the Fourth Doctor) [0:58]
- 23rd March 2000: It’s Only TV… But I Like It (BBC1, re-used Terror of the Vervoids costume) [7:38]
- 5th April 2000: Attack of the Cybermen UK Gold omnibus intro [0:14]
- 9th April 2000: BAFTAs (Matthew Robinson win, Doctor Who reference) [0:52]

- 16th April 2000: Funny Turns: Richard Briers – A Good Life (BBC1, Paradise Towers reference) [12:35]
- 4th June 2000: Paradise Towers UK Gold omnibus outro [0:13]
- 16th June 2000: Dead Ringers 2.1 (Dr calls Kwik Fit x2; Dr calls QVC shopping channel) (BBC Radio 4) [2:55]
- 23rd June 2000: Dead Ringers 2.2 (Dr calls Ministry of Defence) (BBC Radio 4) [2:03]
- 30th June 2000: Dead Ringers 2.3 (Dr calls taxi service; Russell T Davies to produce new Dr Who) (BBC Radio 4) [3:04]
- 7th July 2000: Dead Ringers 2.4 (Changing Rooms with Dr Who; Dr calls Marriott Hotel) (BBC Radio 4) [3:34]
- 14th July 2000: Dead Ringers 2.5 (Dr records an ad for ‘New Sparkle’; Graham Norton in So Doctor Who) (BBC Radio 4) [3:34; 37 seconds appears on Doctor Who the BBC Vol 2 CD]
- 21st July 2000: Dead Ringers 2.6 (Dr calls Sylvester McCoy) (BBC Radio 4) [2:44]
- 28th July 2000: Dead Ringers 2.7 (TARDIS on Through the Keyhole) (BBC Radio 4) [1:18]
- 16th July 2000: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy UK Gold Omnibus Continuities [5:12]
- 30th July 2000: Ghost Light UK Gold Omnibus Continuities [7:13]
- 4th August 2000: Dead Ringers 2.8 (Dr calls caravan store) (BBC Radio 4) [1:35]
- 20th August 2000: Spearhead from Space UK Gold Omnibus Continuities [6:41]
- 21st August 2000: Artery – Doctoring the TARDIS (ITV Scotland, history of Police Boxes, Sylvester McCoy) [6:17]
- 27th August 2000: The Silurians UK Gold omnibus intro [0:06]
- 3rd September 2000: The Ambassadors of Death UK Gold Omnibus Continuities [3:49]

- 10th September 2000: Inferno UK Gold Omnibus Continuities [2:37]
- 11th September 2000: Out There (Lisa Bowerman) [15:18]
- Somewhere between 7th October 2000 and 4th February 2001: The Generation Game (BBC1, Colin Baker) [5:48]
- 8th October 2000: Colony in Space Omnibus UK Gold bumper [0:05]
- 10th November 2000: 2000.11.10 Invasion of the Dinosaurs Part 1 UKTV Repeat Continuities (Intro with PG certification and episode end with BBC Worldwide logo dubbed with a soundbite) [0:43]
- 17th November 2000: Dead Ringers 3.1 (Sci Fi auction; Dr calls DIY store) (BBC Radio 4) [3:16]
- 20th – 23rd November 2000: Death to the Daleks UKTV Repeat Continuities (Part One Intro with PG certification, and ends of all episodes with BBC Worldwide logos dubbed with different soundbites) [0:52]
- 27th November 2000: Time Gentlemen Please 1.12: Day of the Trivheads (Sky One, Colin Baker interrupts a Doctor Who reference) [0:35]
- December 2000: The Tube December lineup, including Doctor Who (UKTV Australia) [0:53]

- 1st December 2000: Dead Ringers 3.3 (Dr calls bookie) (BBC Radio 4) [2:16]
- 8th December 2000: Dead Ringers 3.4 (Dr in Rising Damp) (BBC Radio 4) [1:56]
- 9th December 2000: The Way They Were – Coronation Street Special (ITV, Doctor Who clips) [2:21]
- 14th December 2000: Stella Street 3.8 (BBC2, Fat Wanker – Doctor Who reference) [8:48]
- 15th December 2000: Dead Ringers 3.5 (Dr calls bingo hall x2; Dr calls Claims Direct) (BBC Radio 4) [3:03]
- 31st December 2000: The Time Warrior UK Gold Omnibus Continuities [3:40]
Beyond the TARDIS

- 24th June 1999: PM (story on Nero and the Golden Palace) [2:09, on The Romans CD]
- 2000: Home Choice advert with David Tennant 1 [0:41]
- 2000: Home Choice advert with David Tennant 2 [0:45]
- June 2000: Perfect Dark advert with Tom Baker [0:29]
- 25th September 2000: Today (BBC Radio 4, story on Nero) [4:29, on The Romans CD]