Covering 1990-1992
Items in italics are audio-only

- Somewhere between 8th January and 18th May 1990: Open Air (Sylvester McCoy visits his former school) (BBC1) [15:09]
- 12th January 1990: Home to Roost 4.5 High Noon (toy TARDIS) (ITV) [4:12]
- 13th January 1990 or 8th August 1992: Terror of the Autons omnibus continuity (WOSU, USA) [intro, outro, bugs] [2:40]
- 20th February 1990: Grange HIll 3.15 (Dalek & Cyberman poster) (BBC1) [1:05]

- 24th February 1990: Pledge Break (Sophie Aldred) (The Keeper of Traken omnibus) (NJN, USA) [1:57]
- 24th February 1990 or 26th September 1992: The Curse of Peladon omnibus continuity (WOSU, USA) [intro, outro, bugs] [1:29]
- 1st March 1990: The Man From Auntie 1.3 (swing bin compared to TARDIS) (BBC) [0:38]
- Somewhere between 3rd and 24th March 1990: Pledge Break #1 (Sophie Aldred) ([Battlefield-Survival] omnibus) (NJN, USA) [0:42]

- Somewhere between 3rd and 24th March 1990: Pledge Break #2 (Sophie Aldred) ([Battlefield-Survival] omnibus) (NJN, USA) [0:46]
- 5th March 1990: Inspiral Carpets – This Is How It Feels (Dalek photo) (music video) [3:19]
- 5th March 1990: Plunder 1.1 Edwina Currie MP (remembering The Daleks) (BBC2) [2:58]
- 8th March 1990: Open Air (Windmill Road film library; The Daleks 7 film can) [15:30]

- 9th March 1990: Pledge Break (The Robots of Death omnibus) (WNIT, USA) [31:38]
- 9th March 1990: The Ribos Operation omnibus continuity (WTTW, USA) [0:10]
- 17th March 1990: Pledge Break (Tom Baker, Sophie Aldred) (The Making of Doctor Who & Logopolis omnibus) (MPT, USA) [1:15:48]
- 21st March 1990: Wogan (Frazer Hines) (BBC1) [9:04]

- 22nd March 1990: A Bit of Fry and Laurie 2.3 (mystery object from Doctor Who) (BBC2) [1:05]
- 24th March 1990: Battlefield omnibus continuity (KVIE, USA) [1:21]
- Somewhere between 26th March and 1st December 1990: Classic Title Sequences inc Doctor Who (BSB) [1:27]
- Somewhere between 26th March and 1st December 1990: Up Yer News (Doctor Who sketch) (BSB Galaxy) [2:08]

- Somewhere between 26th and 31st March 1990: Doctor Who teaser trailer #1 (clips from An Unearthly Child & The Daleks) (BSB Galaxy) [0:21]*
- Somewhere between 26th and 31st March 1990: Doctor Who teaser trailer #2 (clips from The Daleks & The Dalek Invasion of Earth) (BSB Galaxy) [0:37]
- Somewhere between 1st April and 1st December 1990: Doctor Who on Galaxy Club trailer #1 (BSB Galaxy) [0:31]
- Somewhere between 1st April and 1st December 1990: Doctor Who on Galaxy Club trailer #2 (BSB Galaxy) [0:45]
* Trailers for the weekly broadcasts as part of Galaxy Club (1st April – 1st December 1990), rather than the better-known Doctor Who Weekend.

- April 1990: The James Whale Radio Show (Doctor Who square CD) (ITV) [1:21]*
- 30th June 1990: Ghost Light 3 continuity (technical fault) (YTV, Canada) [0:39]
- 27th April 1990: Destiny of the Daleks omnibus continuity (WTTW, USA) [1:44]
- Somewhere between 29th April and 1st December 1990: [The Daleks or The Dalek Invasion of Earth] episode continuity (BSB Galaxy) [0:07]**
* Actually a TV show. The square CD was released in April 1990 according to Record Collector.
** From the weekly broadcasts as part of Galaxy Club. We don’t know if this is from The Daleks (29th April – 16th June), The Dalek Invasion of Earth (17th June – 29th July) or the second run of The Daleks (4th November – 1st December).

- Somewhere between May and October 1990: Sylvester McCoy at Gateshead Garden Festival, Tyne and Wear (amateur footage) [12:06]
- 2nd May 1990: Round The Bend 3.5 (Doctor Who gag) (ITV) [0:40]
- 7th May 1990: This Is Your Life: Ken Dodd (Bonnie Langford enters in TARDIS) (ITV) [1:23]
- 10th or 15th May 1990: Backchat (fans complain about The Pirate Planet 3 being skipped) (ABC, Australia) [2:53]*
* The report erroneously states that the skipped episode was City of Death 3

- 11th May 1990: The Creature from the Pit omnibus continuity (WTTW, USA) [1:23]
- Somewhere between 21st and 25th May 1990: Midday Australia (Katy Manning, Barry Crocker) (9, Australia) [6:28]
- 26th May 1990: Snakedance omnibus continuity (NJN, USA) [intro, outro, bugs, ad break, lottery draw] [6:45]
- 27th May 1990: Dr. Who & The Daleks continuity (YTV, Canada) [0:48]

- 31st May – 1st June 1990: Frontier in Space 4-5 continuities [outros 4 (Daleks Invasion Earth 2150 A.D. promo), 5 (Survival 2 promo)] (YTV, Canada) [0:25]
- June 1990: 31 West (Sylvester McCoy, Nicholas Courtney, John Nathan-Turner) (BSB Galaxy) [16:50]
- June 1990: Good Morning Britain (Sylvester McCoy) (ITV) [8:56]
- Somewhere between June and September 1990: Pledge Break (Friends of Doctor Who fan club) (WCET, USA) [26:24]

- 2nd June 1990: Pledge Break (The Invisible Enemy omnibus) (WTVS, USA) [7:54]
- 8th June 1990: Midday Australia (Katy Manning, Barry Crocker) (9, Australia) [10:24]
- 8th June 1990: Planet of the Daleks 5 continuity [outro (Survival 3 promo)] (YTV, Canada) [0:26]
- 21st June 1990: Fast Forward (Doctor Hewson sketches) (7, Australia) [8:26]

- Somewhere between 21st June and 25th July 1990: [The Time Warrior-Planet of the Spiders] episode continuity (YTV, Canada) [0:23]
- Somewhere between 26th July and 28th September 1990: [Robot-The Seeds of Doom] episode continuity (YTV, Canada) [0:08]
- 4th August 1990: The Ambassadors of Death 6-7 continuity (technical fault) (WLIW, USA) [1:43]
- 6th August 1990: Newsround (Bonhams’ Auction) (BBC1) [1:16]

- 16th August 1990: The Mike Smith Show: A Particular Passion (Jeremy Bentham, David J Howe, John Leeson) (BSB Now) [61:59]
- September 1990: Heineken advert (TARDIS spoof) [0:21]
- September 1990: Doctor Who Weekend & Comedy Weekend trailer (BSB Galaxy) [1:37]
- September 1990: The Three Doctors trailer, Sunday 23rd September (BSB Galaxy) [0:18]

- 15th September 1990: Galaxy Club (John Nathan-Turner) (BSB Galaxy) [12:11]
- 15th September 1990: The Mark of the Rani omnibus continuity (NJN, USA) [intro, outro, bugs, ad break, lottery draw] [6:57]
- 17th September 1990: Doctor Who Weekend trailer, 22nd September (BSB Galaxy) [2:12]
- 17th September 1990: 31 West (Verity Lambert) (BSB Galaxy) [6:11]

- 18th September 1990: 31 West (Waris Hussein) (BSB Galaxy) [6:36]
- 19th September 1990: 31 West (Unicon 90 convention) (BSB Galaxy) [7:23]
- 20th September 1990: 31 West (Doctor Who Weekend preview) (BSB Galaxy) [2:53]
- 20th September 1990: Doctor Who Weekend trailer, Saturday (BSB Galaxy) [1:21]

- 21st September 1990: 31 West (John Nathan-Turner) (BSB Galaxy) [7:04]
- 21st September 1990: Doctor Who Weekend trailer, tomorrow (BSB Galaxy) [1:37]
- 21st September 1990: The Dominators trailer, Sunday (BSB Galaxy) [0:28]
- 21st September 1990: The Three Doctors trailer, Sunday (BSB Galaxy) [0:30]

- 22nd September 1990: Doctor Who Weekend (31 Who segments – Saturday) (BSB Galaxy) [1:38:44]
- 22nd September 1990: Doctor Who’s Who’s Who (BSB edit) (BSB Galaxy) [52:41]
- 22nd September 1990: The Dominators trailer, tomorrow (BSB Galaxy) [0:29]
- 22nd September 1990: The Mind Robber trailer, tomorrow (BSB Galaxy) [0:28]

- 22nd September 1990: The Three Doctors trailer, tomorrow (BSB Galaxy) [0:30]
- 22nd September 1990: The Edge of Destruction repeat trailer #1 (BSB Galaxy) [0:21]
- 22nd September 1990: The Edge of Destruction repeat trailer #2 (BSB Galaxy) [0:12]
- 22nd September 1990: Doctor Who Weekend trailer, continues tomorrow (BSB Galaxy) [1:01]

- 23rd September 1990: Doctor Who Weekend (31 Who segments – Sunday) (BSB Galaxy) [1:14:01, of which 10:15 is on The Three Doctors BD/DVD (clips from both dates), and 5:13 on The Curse of Fenric BD/DVD]
- 23rd September 1990: The Edge of Destruction repeat trailer #3 (BSB Galaxy) [0:18]
- 23rd September 1990: The Dominators trailer, today (BSB Galaxy) [0:28]
- 23rd September 1990: The Mind Robber trailer, today (BSB Galaxy) [0:28]

- 23rd September 1990: The Three Doctors trailer, tonight (BSB Galaxy) [0:30]
- Somewhere between 24th and 28th September 1990: 31 West (Doctor Who Weekend competition winners) (BBC Galaxy) [2:20]
- Somewhere between 24th and 30th September 1990: Now Listen (fans call in about Doctor Who Weekend) (BSB Now) [6:30]
- October 1990: This Morning (Jon Pertwee) (ITV) [9:52]

- 1st October 1990: Telly Addicts 6.5 (Bonnie Langford question) [0:10]
- 15th October 1990: Telly Addicts 6.7 (An Unearthly Child clip; K.9 and Company question) (BBC1) [1:15]
- 17th October 1990: The Mutants omnibus 2 continuity; closedown (WTTW, USA) [5:21]
- 22nd October 1990: Midlands Today (Panopticon X convention) (BBC1 Midlands) [4:10]

- 8th November 1990: One Foot in the Grave 2.5 Love and Death (Dalek gag and WOTAN) (BBC1) [1:49]
- 15th November 1990: Harry Enfield’s Television Programme 1.2 (Little Brother references Doctor Who) (BBC2) [2:10]
- 15th November 1990: One Foot in the Grave 2.6 Timeless Time (Doctor Who gag) (BBC1) [0:58]
- 19th November 1990: Telly Addicts 6.12 (The Three Doctors clip) (BBC1) [1:30]

- 21st November 1990: 21st November 1990: Search Out Science 2.5 Search Out Space (Sylvester McCoy as The Doctor, Sophie Aldred as Ace, John Leeson as K9) (BBC2) [19:21, on Survival DVD]
- 22nd November 1990: Harry Enfield’s Television Programme 1.3 (Little Brother impersonates Dalek) (BBC2) [0:11]
- 24th November 1990: The Mary Whitehouse Experience (Colin Baker suggested as replacement for Margaret Thatcher) (BBC Radio 1) [1:08]
- 27th November 1990: The Chronic Rift 1.16 Doctor Who (Public Access, NYC, USA) [29:15]
- 29th November 1990: Harry Enfield’s Television Programme 1.4 (Caroline John, Doctor Who gag) (BBC1) [01:28]

- 30th November 1990: Week Ending (sketch about fans protesting cancellation) (BBC Radio 4) [0:58, on Doctor Who at the BBC CD]
- December 1990: Pledge Break (Mastercard spoof advert) (WKPC, USA) [0:23]
- 1st December 1990: Right to Reply (Richard Landen, fans protest cancelation) (Channel 4) [2:37]
- 4th December 1990: The Android Invasion omnibus continuity (WTTW, USA) [0:51]
- 15th December 1990: Remembrance of the Daleks omnibus continuity (NJN, USA) [outro] [1:40]
- 24th December 1990: Cult Heroes: Doctor Who (BBC Radio 5) [29:26]

- 1991: BBC Video Doctor Who & Blake’s 7 advert [0:41]
- 1991: Finnegans Hammerite advert with police box in junkyard [0:32]
- 1991: Rapido (The KLF discuss Doctorin’ the Tardis) (BBC2) [5:14]
- 1991: The Cybermen – Bag of Tricks (music video, Finland) [2:17]
1991: Steve Wright in the Afternoon: Dalek Sketches (BBC Radio 1)
In 1991, Steve Wright’s radio program included a recurring series of sketches starring two Daleks. We know of eight sketches, but have no specific information about airdates, order of broadcast, or how many sketches there were in total.
- Dalek has love that dare not speak its name [0:46]
- Dalek on Top of the Pops [1:02]
- Dalek’s got a girlfriend [1:14]
- Daleks look for employment [0:58]
- Farting Daleks [0:50]
- Mod Dalek [0:54]
- Paranoid Dalek [1:01]
- Rude Daleks [0:56]

- 13th January 1991: Underworld omnibus continuity (Robots of Death & Pyramids of Mars VHS advert) (WTTW, USA) [0:21]
- 25th January 1991: The Movie Show (Last of the Time Lords movie) (Sky Movie Channel) [4:24]
- 2nd March 1991: The James Whale Radio Show 6.6 Cult Shows (Doctor Who fans) (ITV) [4:38]
- 2nd March 1991: The Paul Daniels Magic Show (Jon Pertwee) (BBC1) [5:12]

- 16th March 1991: Pledge Break (Horror of Fang Rock omnibus) (WVIZ, USA) [9:32]
- 19th March 1991: Red Dwarf 5.5 Demons & Angels (TARDIS) (BBC2) [0:25]
- 29th March 1991: Live and Sweaty 1.2 (Katy Manning, Barry Crocker) (ABC, Australia) [9:07]
- 30th March 1991: In Sydney Today (Katy Manning) (9, Sydney, Australia) [10:13]

- 18th April 1991: Blue Peter (Bonhams’ Auction) (BBC1) [9:35]
- Somewhere between 29th April – 3rd May 1991: Gloria Live (Jon Pertwee, Mat Irvine, Bonhams’ Auction) (BBC1) [15:58]
- April or May 1991: This Morning (Bonhams’ Auction) (ITV) [4:20]
- April or May 1991: 11am (Bonhams’ Auction) (7, Australia) [2:22]

- 6th May 1991: But First This (Sophie Aldred, Bonhams’ Auction) (BBC1) [5:21]
- 1st May 1991: Palace Hill 3.3: Lost in Spaces (Doctor Who gag) (ITV) [0:21]
- 11th May 1991: Sky News (Bonhams’ Auction) (Sky) [3:01]
- Sometime after 11th May 1991: Planet Video (Bonhams’ Auction) [3:33]*
* Recorded at the 11th May auction, broadcast or release date are unknown. It’s unclear whether this was an amateur video zine, or a professional broadcast.

- Somewhere between 29th May and 19th June 1991: A Way With Numbers (Sylvester McCoy, TARDIS) [24:06]
- June 1991: The Little Picture Show (John Nathan-Turner promotes Hartnell & Troughton Years VHS) (ITV) [3:53]
- Somewhere between 2nd and 5th June 1991: G.B.H. trailer, Thursday (Channel 4) [0:34]
- 6th June 1991: G.B.H. 1.1 (crashing a Doctor Who convention) (Channel 4) [7:44]

- 10th June 1991: Malone (Peter Davison) (KTEH, USA) [26:55]
- 23rd June 1991: Pledge Break (The Trial of a Time Lord omnibus 2) (WTTW, USA) [1:00]
- July 1991:The Box Office (MOMI exhibition) (ITV) [2:36]*
- July 1991: Thames News (John Nathan-Turner, MOMI exhibition) (ITV) [1:01]*
* Promoting the Behind the Sofa exhibition, which opened 5th July 1991 at the Museum of Moving Image

- Somewhere between 8th July and 16th August 1991: [Twin Dilemma-Revelation of the Daleks] episode continuity (PJ Rockin’ Chan) (YTV, Canada) [0:46]
- 13th July 1991: Mystery Science Theater 3000 3.6: Time of the Apes (Dalek impression) (Comedy Central, USA) [0:09]
- 27th July 1991: The Happiness Patrol 1 continuity (Diane Lucas) (end of Doctor Who announced) (UNC-TV, USA) [1:55]
- August 1991: This Morning (Colin Baker promotes Privates on Parade) (ITV) [11:29]

- 17th August 1991: Mystery Science Theater 3000 3.10: Fugitive Alien (spaceship compared to Doctor Who) (Comedy Central, USA) [0:25]
- 20th August to 5th September 1991: The Trial of a Time Lord 5, 14 continuity [outros 5 (no episode tomorrow), 14 (sped up end credits)] (YTV, Canada) [2:16]
- 24th August 1991: The Krotons omnibus continuity (NJN, USA) [02:43]
- 26th August 1991: The Lime Grove Story (Doctor Who pilot introduction) (BBC2) [1:54]

- 26th August 1991: Toy Fair Interlude (repeat edit) (toy Dalek) (BBC2) [2:22]*
- 26th August 1991: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy & The Prisoner trailer (end of Doctor Who announced) (WTTW, USA)
- 31st August 1991: Planet of the Spiders omnibus continuity (NJN, USA) [05:19]**
- 7th – 14th September 1991: The War Games omnibus 1-2 continuities (NJN, USA) [9:56]***
* An abridged version of an Interlude which originally aired on 20th January 1966
(* Planet of the Spiders was an unscheduled replacement for The Seeds of Death. An odd mistake occurred when the omnibus reached the junction of Part Four and Part Five. Within a span of two minutes, the broadcast repeatedly cut between Doctor Who, adverts, and a black screen, with some Doctor Who footage shown twice.
*** Omnibus 1 ends with a long trailer for Omnibus 2 (made from the cliffhangers of Episodes 6-9). This trailer had not been included when NJN first broadcast the story in 1986. The trailer appeared in at least some other US broadcasts, including those on KTCA.

- 21st September 1991: New Year (opera by Michael Tippett) (Dalek) (BBC2) [1:05]
- 2nd October 19911: Flip (TARDIS in lost property) (BBC1) [2:24]
- 12th October 1991: The Ambassadors of Death omnibus continuity & pledge breaks (NJN, USA) [3:46]
- 14th October 1991: The Chronic Rift 1.35 Heroes & Villains (The Doctor & The Master mentioned) (Public Access, NYC, USA) [0:27]
* This omnibus used a copy of Episode 4 which had been censored in Australia in 1972

- 19th October 1991: Terror of the Autons omnibus continuity (NJN, USA) [4:24]*
- 5th November 1991: Nightmare of Eden 1 continuity (The Afternoon Show) (ABC, Australia) [2:07]
- Somewhere between 5th November 1991 and 3rd January 1992: The Afternoon Show trailer inc Doctor Who (ABC, Australia) [0:30]
- 6th November 1991: Quantum Leap 4.7 The Wrong Stuff (Doctor Who gag) (NBC, USA) [0:11]

- 15th November 1991: You Bet! (Doctor Who Target Book covers round) (ITV) [7:05]
- 22nd November 1991: The Leisure Hive 4 continuity (The Afternoon Show) (ABC, Australia) [3:35]
- 7th December 1991: Pledge Break (The Masque of Mandragora omnibus) (NHP-TV, USA) [14:21]
- 11th December 1991: Vodafone Roadshow (Jon Pertwee) (amateur footage) [11:25]

- 15th December 1991: Battlefield omnibus continuity (20th Century Books sponsorship) (WHA-TV, USA) [0:26]
- 21st December 1991: Mystery Science Theater 3000 3.21: Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (spaceship compared to TARDIS) (Comedy Central, USA) [0:29]
- 26th December 1991: Telly Addicts 7.17 (Name all the Doctor Whos) (BBC1) [0:36]
- 29th December 1991: Auntie’s Bloomers (The Awakening outtake) (BBC1) [2:39]

- 1992: The Cybermen – From Beyond (music video, Finland) [3:04]
- 1992: The Cybermen – See You Again (music video, Finland) [2:47]
- 1st January 1992: Resistance is Useless & The Time Meddler 1 trailer, Friday (BBC2) [0:32]
- 2nd January 1992: Blue Peter (promoting Doctor Who repeats) (BBC1) [4:26]

- 2nd January 1992: Resistance is Useless & The Time Meddler 1 trailer, tomorrow (BBC2) [0:50]
- 3nd January 1992: Resistance is Useless & The Time Meddler 1 trailer, in 50 minutes (BBC2) [0:36]
- 3rd January 1992: Resistance is Useless continuity (BBC2) [0:33]
- 3rd January 1992: Resistance is Useless (BBC2) [29:07]

- 3rd – 24th January 1992: The Time Meddler 1-4 continuities (BBC2) [Intros: 1-4] [0:49]
- 10th January 1992:The Time Meddler 2 trailer, tonight (BBC2) [0:29]
- 8th January 1992: BBC Video Doctor Who, Blake’s 7 & Red Dwarf advert [0:49]*
- 17th January 1992: The Time Meddler 3 trailer, tonight (BBC2) [0:10]
* Some confirmed airdates range from 8th January to 10th April 1992

- Somewhere between 19th and 22nd January 1992: The Time Meddler 4 trailer, Friday (BBC2) [0:37]
- 23rd January 1992: Blue Peter (Doctor Who competition winners) (BBC1) [2:35]
- 24th January 1992: The Time Meddler 4 trailer, tonight (BBC2) [0:37]
- 24th January 1992: BBC Video Doctor Who advert (Tom Baker, clip from Red Dwarf: Polymorph) [0:43]*

- Somewhere between 26th and 29th January 1992:The Mind Robber 1 trailer, Friday (BBC2) [0:24]
- 30th January 1992: The Mind Robber 1 trailer, tomorrow (BBC2) [0:32]
- 31st January 1992: The Mind Robber 1 trailer, tonight (BBC2) [0:24]
- 31st January – 28th February 1992: The Mind Robber 1-5 continuities (BBC2) (intros: 1-5, Outro: 4) [1:56, on DVD]
* One confirmed airdate

- 3rd February 1992: The Mind Robber 2 trailer, Friday (BBC2) [00:27]
- 7th February 1992: Thunderbirds continuity (The Mind Robber 2 in 50 minutes) (BBC2) [0:33]
- 8th February 1992: Paradise Towers omnibus continuity (NJN, USA) [2:14]
- 8th February 1992: The Awakening 2 continuity (WLIW, USA) [0:49]

- 9th February 1992: The Girl from Tomorrow 1.6 (Dalek impression) (9, Australia) [0:28]
- 22nd February 1992: Planet of Fire omnibus continuity (WOSU, USA) [1:49]
- 23rd February 1992: The Girl from Tomorrow 1.8 (Doctor Who reference) (9, Australia) [0:24]
- 28th February 1992: Thunderbirds continuity (The Mind Robber 5 in 50 minutes) (BBC2) [0:28]
- March 1992: Simon Bates (Jon Pertwee) (BBC Radio) [11:26, on Doctor Who at the BBC Vol 2 CD]

- 29th February 1992: The Caves of Androzani omnibus continuity (WOSU, USA) [intro, outro, bugs] [8:17]
- 4th March 1992:The Sea Devils 1 trailer, Friday (BBC2) [0:38]
- 5th March 1992: The Sea Devils 1 trailer, tomorrow (BBC2) [0:36]
- 6th March 1992: The Sea Devils 1 trailer, in 50 minutes (BBC2) [0:12]

- 6th March 1992+: The Sea Devils 1-6 continuities (BBC2) [Intros: 1-6, Outros: 2, 4] [3:08]
- 7th March 1992: An Unearthly Child omnibus continuity (NJN, USA) [3:32]
- 9th March 1992: T.Bag and the Sunstones of Montezuma 8.10 (Daleks hide behind the sofa) (ITV) [0:41]
- 14th March 1992: Attack of the Cybermen omnibus continuity, pledge breaks (WOSU, USA) [intro, outro, bugs] [23:20]

- 14th March 1992: Saturday Night Live 17.15 (Doctor Who reference) (NBC) [5:40]
- 20th March 1992: Thunderbirds continuity (The Sea Devils 3 in 50 minutes) (BBC2) [0:23]
- April 1992: Tomb of the Cybermen competition – Day 1 (BBC Radio 1) [3:42]
- April 1992: Tomb of the Cybermen competition – Day 2 (BBC Radio 1) [1:46]
- April 1992: Tomb of the Cybermen competition – Day 3 (BBC Radio 1) [2:48]
- 1st April 1992: This Morning (Tom Baker) (ITV) [11:09]
- 4th April 1992: The Two Doctors omnibus continuity (WOSU, USA) [intro, outro, bugs] [2:46]

- 11th April 1992: The Mark of the Rani omnibus continuity (WOSU, USA) [intro, outro, bugs] [1:23]
- 15th April 1992: Pebble Mill (Tom Baker) (BBC1) [23:00]
- 18th April 1992: The Chase 6 continuity [outro (Lionheart end credits)] (YTV, Canada) [0:50]
- Between May 1992 and February 1993: This Morning (Tom Baker) (ITV) [7:07]

- 6th May 1992: The Gunfighters 4 continuity [outro (Lionheart end credits)] (YTV, Canada) [1:12]
- 9th May 1992: Revelation of the Daleks omnibus continuity (WOSU, USA) [0:17]
- Somewhere between 14th and 27th May 1992: Carol Burnett and Friends continuity (Doctor Who next) (YTV, Canada) [0:44]
- 13th June 1992: Sylvester McCoy link #1: Time and the Rani (WPTV, USA) [1:50]*
* Recording date. Broadcast dates are unknown.

- 13th June 1992: Sylvester McCoy link #2: Paradise Towers (WPTV, USA) [2:00]
- 13th June 1992: Sylvester McCoy link #3: Delta and the Bannermen (Sylvester McCoy) (WPTV, USA) [3:00]
- 13th June 1992: Sylvester McCoy link #4: Dragonfire (WPTV, USA) [2:57]
- 26th June 1992 or 5th August 1994: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy omnibus continuity (Hot Dog Heaven sponsorship) (WNIT, USA) [1:57]

- July 1992: Good Morning Britain (Jon Pertwee) (ITV) [6:07]
- 3rd July 1992 or 19th August 1994: Battlefield omnibus continuity (Hot Dog Heaven Sponsorship) (WNIT, USA) [0:28]
- 6th July 1992: Auntie’s Bloomers (The Awakening outtake) (VHS) [4:45]
- 6th July 1992: Eldorado 1.1 (Cyberman poster in video store) (BBC1) [0:36]*
- 10th July 1992: Summer Scene: The Garden Party (Tom Baker promotes Shada) (BBC1) [6:59]
* First of many sightings of the poster in this set

- 11th or 12th 1992: NBN News (Katy Manning at Q Who convention) (9, Newcastle, Australia) [4:27]*
- 24th July 1992 or 9th September 1994: Survival omnibus continuity & pledge drive (Hot Dog Heaven Sponsorship) (WNIT, USA) [1:04]
- 22nd August 1992: MST3K 4.10 Hercules Against The Moon Men (looks like a Doctor Who set) (Comedy Central, USA) [0:10]
* The convention was held at The Ambassador Hotel in Auburn, NSW. The report is from a local news bulletin shown in Newcastle, NSW.

- 26th August 1992: Summer Scene (Elisabeth Sladen, Bonhams’ Auction) (BBC1) [5:50]
- 31st August 1992: TV Hell trailer (The Five Doctors clip) (BBC2) [1:37]
- 31st August 1992: TV Hell opening and closing credits (various Doctor Who clips) (BBC2) [1:53]
- September 1992: The Sci-Fi Channel advert (Doctor Who clips*) (USA) [0:30]
* Between two clips from Doctor Who comes a clip from Space: 1999: Guardian of Piri. Coincidentally, this shot had been used as stock footage in Nightmare of Eden 1.

- September 1992: The Reign of Terror VHS links (Carole Ann Ford) [unreleased] [2:58]*
- September 1992: The Tenth Planet VHS link (1 of 2 versions recorded by Michael Craze) [unreleased] [1:19]*
- 4th September 1992: Countdown to Channel Launch (Peter Davison titles clip) (Sci-Fi Channel, USA) [0:36]
- 4th September 1992: Channel Launch (The Rescue clip) (Sci-Fi Channel, USA) [0:29]
* Recording date. Written and produced by John Nathan-Turner in 1992 for planned VHS releases of these stories in 1993/4, which were ultimately delayed until later in the range. Carole Ann Ford’s links were re-edited for the November 2003 VHS, whilst Michael Craze’s prospective introduction for a complete release of the story – announcing that Episode 4 had been returned – was accidentally released in Australia in November 2000, on a tape only containing Episodes 1-3, unrestored; this was swiftly replaced with the restored version and the reconstruction of Episode 4.

- 6th September 1992: Rugrats 2.1: Toy Palace (toy Daleks) (Nickelodeon, USA) [0:30]
- 24th September 1992: Dark Shadows & The Doctor Who hour trailer (Sci-Fi Channel, USA) [1:09]*
- Somewhere between 24th September 1992 – 31st December 1993: The Doctor Who Hour trailer, Monday-Saturday (Sci-Fi Channel, USA) [0:10]
- Somewhere between 24th September 1992 – 26th December 1993: The Doctor Who Hour trailer, tomorrow (Sci-Fi Channel, USA) [0:10]
* Followed by a trailer for The Omen (1976) , featuring Patrick Troughton.

- October 1992: Dalek Attack advert [0:31]
- October 1992: UK Gold launch promo video (Doctor Who in trailers & lineups) [23:24]
- 13th October 1992: Take off with T.Bag 9.5 (more bumps than a Dalek’s overcoat) (ITV) [0:16]
- 14th October 1992: This Is Your Life: Frazer Hines (ITV) [25:09]

- 16th October 1992: Planet of the Daleks 4 continuity (ad break during cliffhanger sting) (YTV, Canada) [0:40]
- Somewhere between 1st and 5th November 1992: An Unearthly Child trailer (UK Gold) [0:31]
- 2nd November 1992: Doctor Who trailer, in a tick (UK Gold) [0:10]*
- 2nd November 1992: An Unearthly Child 1 continuity (UK Gold) [0:29]
* Shown in the ad break immediately before various Hartnell and Troughton episodes

- 11th November 1992: Doctor Who trailer inc Radio Times (14-20 Nov 1992 issue) (The Aztecs 2 countdown clock) (UK Gold) (UK Gold) [0:17]
- 12 November 1992: Thursday trailer inc The Aztecs 3 (UK Gold) [0:16]*
- 13th November 1992: The Dæmons 1 trailer, next Friday (BBC2) [0:16]
- 15th November 1992: The Edge of Destruction & The Aztecs omnibus continuity, Planet of Giants & The Rescue trailer (UK Gold) [15:03]
* Includes a clip from Genesis of the Daleks, which did not air on UK Gold until 8th December 1993

- 16th – 18th November 1992: Planet of Giants 1-3 continuity (UK Gold) [intros: 1-3, outros: 1-3, ad breaks] [10:08]
- 17th November 1992: The Dæmons 1 trailer, Friday (BBC2) [0:17, on BD]
- 19th November 1992: Tomorrow’s World (The Dæmons colourisation) (BBC1) [5:14, on BD/DVD]
- 20th November 1992: The Dæmons 1 trailer, in 50 minutes (BBC2) [0:25]

- 20th November 1992: The Romans trailer (UK Gold) [0:51]
- 20th November – 18th December 1992: The Dæmons 1-5 continuities (BBC2) [Intros: 1-5, Outros: 1-2, 3 (BBC Video promo), 5 (Genesis of the Daleks promo)] [3:05, on BD]
- 21st November 1992: The Time Warrior omnibus continuity (WOSU, USA) [intro, outro, bugs] [1:55]
- 22nd November 1992: The Rescue omnibus continuity (UK Gold) [outro] [0:11]

- 22nd November 1992: The Dæmons 2 trailer, Friday (BBC2) [0:19]
- 26th November 1992: The Sensorites trailer (UK Gold) [0:33]
- 27th November 1992: The Dæmons 2 trailer, tonight (BBC2) [0:20]
- 29th November 1992: The Romans omnibus continuity (UK Gold) [0:55]

- 2nd December 1992: The Tomorrow People 1.3 The Origin Story Part 3 (Megabyte is a Doctor Who fan) (ITV) [0:42]
- 2nd December 1992: Wednesday trailer inc The Sensorites 4 (UK Gold) [2:00]
- 3rd December 1992: Thursday trailer inc The Sensorites 5 (UK Gold) [2:38]
- 4th December 1992: The Space Museum trailer (UK Gold) [0:32]

- 4th December 1992:The Man from U.N.C.L.E. continuity (The Dæmons 3 in 50 minutes) (BBC2) [0:16]
- 6th December 1992: The Sensorites omnibus continuity, including The Space Museum trailer (UK Gold) (UK Gold) [8:16]
- 10th December 1992: The Web Planet trailer (UK Gold) [0:34]
- 11th December 1992: Have I Got News For You 4.9 (Jon Pertwee gag) (BBC2) [1:03]

- 11th December 1992: Planet of the Spiders omnibus continuity (Mike Frisbie) (IPTV, USA) [6:13]
- 12th December 1992: The Late Show (4th Doctor, Brigadier, Daleks spoof) [Ron Sitch as The Doctor, Tony Martin as The Brigadier] (ABC, Australia) [2:42]
- 13th December 1992: The Space Museum omnibus continuity (UK Gold) [8:29]
- 18th December 1992: The Time Meddler trailer (UK Gold) [0:29]

- 24th December 1992: The Ark trailer #1 (UK Gold) [0:30]
- 25th – 30th December 1992: The Ark 1-4 continuities (UK Gold) [10:22]
- 27th December 1992: The Time Meddler omnibus continuity, The Ark trailer #2 (UK Gold) [11:17]
- 27th December 1992: Antiques Roadshow: The Next Generation (toy Dalek, ‘My Maths teacher was a Dalek’) (BBC1) [0:55]

- 27th December 1992: More Auntie’s Bloomers (TARDIS on beach) (BBC1) [0:16]
- 27th December 1992: More Auntie’s Bloomers (TARDIS on beach) (alternate version) [0:45]*
- 29th December 1992: Merry Christmas Mr Bean (toy Dalek in Nativity) (ITV) [2:57]
- 30th December 1992: The Gunfighters trailer (UK Gold) [0:30]
* This version uses a different take of Terry Wogan’s introduction (and the TARDIS gag) than the version originally broadcast on BBC1. We don’t know why this variation exists – unused early edit? Planned, but unreleased VHS? International broadcast? All we know for sure is that it was broadcast on Challenge on 24th April 2009.

- 31st December 1992: Gamesmaster 2.14 (Dalek Attack hint) (Channel 4) [1:10]
- 31st December 1992 – 5th January 1993: The Gunfighters 1-4 continuities (UK Gold) [14:58]
Beyond the TARDIS: The Wilderness Years Part 1

- 1990: Andrex Kitchen Towel advert (David Banks) [0:30]
- 1990: Michelin Tyres advert #1 (Tom Baker) [0:21]
- 1990: Michelin Tyres advert #2 (Tom Baker) [0:35]
- 1990: Morning Fresh advert (Nicholas Courtney) [0:30]

- 1990: National Power advert (Peter Purves) [0:40]
- 1990: Symphony radio advert outtakes (Tom Baker) [7:04]
- 7th January 1990: Snap! 1.1 Holidays (Jon Pertwee) (BBC1) [9:12]
- 13th January 1990: Going Live! 3.17 (Yvette Fielding in The Singing Corner) (BBC1) [2:57]*
- February 1990: Blue Peter (Sylvester McCoy promoties What’s Your Story) (BBC1) [4:41]
* Featuring the sweater from Remembrance of the Daleks

- 10th February 1990: Going Live! 3.21 (French and Saunders in The Singing Corner) (BBC1) [2:10]*
- March 1990: Boom! (Tom Baker reads sci fi story) (Channel 4) [5:47]
- 7th May 1990: The Children’s Royal Variety Performance (Jon Pertwee as Worzel) (BBC1) [1:21]
- 30th July 1990: Vincent continuity (John Leeson announces John Hurt film) (Channel 4) [0:18]
* Featuring the sweater from Remembrance of the Daleks

- Somewhere between 16th and 19th September 1990: Hyperland trailer, Friday (Tom Baker, Douglas Adams) (BBC2) [0:47]
- 21st September 1990: Hyperland (Tom Baker, Douglas Adams) (BBC2) [49:40]
- 22nd December 1990: Going Live! 4.14 (Cliff Richard in The Singing Corner) (BBC1) [0:27 excerpt]
- Somewhere between 31st December 1990 and 4th January 1991: Children’s BBC (Sylvester McCoy promotes Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) [3:31]

- 1991: Scottish Power advert (Jon Pertwee) [0:41]
- 7th January 1991: Jackanory (Sylvester McCoy reads Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Part 1) (BBC1) [11:32]
- 8th January 1991: Jackanory (Sylvester McCoy reads Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Part 2) (BBC1) [11:15]
- 9th January 1991: Jackanory (Sylvester McCoy reads Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Part 3) (BBC1) [10:33]

- 10th January 1991: Jackanory (Sylvester McCoy reads Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Part 4) (BBC1) [11:03]
- 11th January 1991: Jackanory (Sylvester McCoy reads Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Part 5) (BBC1) [12:26]
- 28th January 1991: Playback: The Navy Lark (Jon Pertwee) (BBC Radio 4) [14:28]
- 28th May 1991: In Brisbane Today (Katy Manning, Barry Crocker) (9, Brisbane, Australia) [6:29]
- June 1991: In Brisbane Today (Katy Manning) (9, Brisbane, Australia) [5:06]

- April 1992: Tom Baker promotes Medics [unknown program] [2:59]
- 26th April 1992: Rear Window 5.4: Tales Out of School: The Fiction of Geoffrey Trease (Jon Pertwee) (Channel 4) [38:29]
- 25th May 1992: The Children’s Royal Variety Performance (Sylvester McCoy as wizard) (BBC1) [5:12]
- 14th August 1992: Virtual Murder 1.3 A Torch for Silverado (Jon Pertwee) (BBC1) [48:59]

- 15th October 1992: Science Fiction 2.4: Sherlock Holmes and the Missing Link (Tom Baker) (ITV) [25:29]
- 14th November 1992: The Light Entertainment Show (Jon Pertwee) [12:19]
- 23rd November 1992: Ready Brek advert (Jon Pertwee) [0:33]