
March 2005: The British Invasion trailer (Doctor Who, Coronation Street, Fungus the Bogeyman) (CBC, Canada) [0:29]
26th March 2005: Rose continuity, inc Norton intrusion (BBC1) [2:33]
26th March 2005: Rose continuity (BBC Wales) [0:21]
26th March 2005: Doctor Who Confidential 1.1 continuity (BBC3) [1:55]
26th March 2005: Doctor Who Confidential 1.1: Bringing Back the Doctor (BBC3) [28:26]
26th March 2005: Tommy Boyd Phone-In (fans complain about Rose) (BBC Southern Counties Radio) [1:45:15]
27th March 2005: The End of the World trailer, Saturday (BBC1) [0:20]
29th March 2005: Project Who Episode 2: Reverse the Polarity (BBC Radio 2) [73:29, extended CD version]
30th March-7th April 2005: The Invasion of Time ABC Continuities [no voiceover on 2; missing 3] [1:19]
31st March 2005: Breakfast (Christopher Eccleston’s departure announced) [6:08]

31st March 2005: GMTV (Christopher Eccleston’s departure announced) (ITV) [4:39]
31st March 2005: 7 o’Clock News (Christopher Eccleston’s departure announced) (BBC3) [5:14]
31st March 2005: One O’Clock News (Christopher Eccleston’s departure announced, Sylvester McCoy interviewed) (BBC1) [2:01]
31st March 2005: Five News (Christopher Eccleston’s departure announced) (Channel 5) [0:12]
31st March 2005: Wales Today (Christopher Eccleston’s departure announced) (BBC1 Wales) [5:21]
31st March 2005: Newsround (Christopher Eccleston’s departure announced) (CBBC) [1:39]
31st March 2005: PM (Christopher Eccleston’s departure announced) (BBC Radio 4) [1:02, release on CD Doctor Who at the BBC: A Legend Reborn]

April 2005: Dead Ringers Election Special trailer (30s), coming soon (parody of Doctor Who S1 trailer) (BBC2) [0:28]
April 2005: Series 1 teaser #1 ‘Anyone can call for a Doctor’ (ABC, Australia) [0:04]
April 2005: Series 1 teaser #2 ‘Who is bigger than ever’ (ABC, Australia) [0:05]
April 2005: Series 1 teaser #3 ‘Who is new’ (ABC, Australia) [0:05]
April or May 2005: Series 1 25-second trailer Coming Soon (ABC, Australia) [0:25]
April or May 2005: Series 1 40-second trailer Coming Soon (ABC, Australia) [0:39]
April or May 2005: Series 1 40-second trailer May 21st (ABC, Australia) [0:39]
1st April 2005: BBC News 24 (Christopher Eccleston’s departure announced) [1:56]

1st April 2005: Breakfast (Mark Gatiss talks Doctor Who & The Quatermass Experiment) (BBC1)[4:49]
1st April 2005: GMTV (The End of the World) (ITV) [1:23]
2nd April 2005: Newsround Showbiz (Christopher Eccleston’s departure announced; The End of the World) (CBBC) [3:18]
2nd April 2005: The End of the World continuity (BBC1) [1:04]
2nd April 2005: Doctor Who Confidential 1.2 continuity (BBC3) [1:23]
2nd April 2005: Doctor Who Confidential 1.2: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly (BBC3) [28:36]
3rd April 2005: Points of View (fans complain about Rose) (BBC1) [5:03]
3rd April 2005: The Heaven and Earth Show (Christopher Eccleston) (BBC1) [9:36]

4th April 2005: Blue Peter (Christopher Eccleston) (BBC1) [2:32]
4th April 2005: The DVD Collection (The Mind Robber & Red Dwarf) (BBC4) [6:26]
4th April 2005: The Unquiet Dead trailer, Saturday (BBC1) [0:20]
5th April 2005: Rose continuity (CBC, Canada) [2:36]
Somewhere between 5th April and 28th June 2005: Ad break intro and outro (CBC, Canada) [Unknown episodes] [0:11]
Somewhere between 5th and 9th April 2005: Rose repeat trailer, Sunday (CBC, Canada) [0:35]
9th April 2005: The Unquiet Dead continuity (BBC1) [0:39]
2005.04.09 Doctor Who Confidential 1.3 continuity (BBC3) [1:18]

9th April 2005: Doctor Who Confidential 1.3: TARDIS Tales (BBC3) [28:25]
11th April 2005: Timeshift 4.21: Russell T Davies Unscripted (BBC4) [38:52]
11th-14th April 2005: The Ribos Operation ABC Brisbane Continuities [2 has glitch on TX] [1:01]
12th April 2005: The End of the World continuity (CBC, Canada) [6:28]
15th April 2005: Aliens of London trailer, tomorrow (BBC1) [0:07]
15th April 2005: Have I Got News For You (Ian Hislop is new Doctor Who) (BBC1) [0:35]
16th April 2005: Aliens of London continuity (BBC1) [0:21, no voiceover on end credits]
16th April 2005: Doctor Who Confidential 1.4 continuity (BBC3) [0:11]

16th April 2005: Doctor Who Confidential 1.4: I Get a Side-Kick Out of You (BBC3) [27:23]
18th April 2005: World War Three Trailer, Saturday (BBC1) [0:20]
18th-21st April 2005: The Pirate Planet ABC Continuities [1:19]
21st April 2005: Richard & Judy (Sylvester McCoy, Nicholas Briggs) (Channel 4) [12:58]
22nd April 2005: GMTV (Billie Piper, Noel Clarke) (ITV) [5:31]
22nd April 2005: Have I Got News For You (The Ark clip) (BBC1) [4:15]
23rd April 2005: Dalek trailer, Saturday (BBC1) [0:29]
23rd April 2005: World War Three continuity (BBC1) [0:44]

23rd April 2005: Doctor Who Confidential 1.5 continuity (BBC3) [1:13]
23rd April 2005: Doctor Who Confidential 1.5: Why on Earth? (BBC3) [27:58]
23rd April 2005: The Sun advert (free gift Doctor Who DVDs) [0:29]
25th-28th April 2005: The Stones of Blood ABC Continuities* [1:18
26th April 2005: Aliens of London continuity (CBC, Canada) [2:18]
Somewhere between 27th and 30th April 2005: Dead Ringers Election Special long trailer, next Thursday (parody of Doctor Who S1 trailer) (BBC2) [0:20]
29th April 2005: Blue Peter (on the set of Dalek) (BBC1) [7:33]
29th April 2005: Richard & Judy (Billie Piper) (ITV) [10:48]
*Part Two was the extended version

30th April 2005: BBC News (Nicholas Briggs) [2:58]
30th April 2005: Dalek trailer, after Strictly Dance Fever (BBC1) [0:31]
30th April 2005: Dalek continuity (BBC1) [0:30]
30th April 2005: Doctor Who Confidential 1.6 continuity (BBC3) [1:19]
30th April 2005: Doctor Who Confidential 1.6: Dalek (BBC3) [28:43]

Somewhere between April and June: The Planet of the Doctor (, Canda):
- Episode 1: Who is the Doctor (10:17)
- Episode 2: Fandemonium (13:06)
- Episode 3: The Adventures of Doctor Who (10:09)
- Episode 4: Time Travel (10:24)
- Episode 5: Doctor Who and Culture I (11:00)
- Episode 6: Doctor Who and Culture II (14:47)
- Episode 7: The Nine Doctors (4:43)

Somewhere between 1st and 4th May 2005: Dead Ringers Election Special trailer (30s), Thursday (parody of Doctor Who S1 trailer) (BBC2) [0:29]
Somewhere between 1st and 4th May 2005: Dead Ringers Election Special trailer (10s), Thursday (parody of Doctor Who S1 trailer) (BBC2) [0:09]
Somewhere between May and November 2005*: Doctor Who Exhibition, Brighton Pier (amateur footage) [6:44]
2nd-5th May 2005: The Androids of Tara ABC Continuities [no voiceover on 1] [1:04]
6th May 2005: Have I Got News For You (Dalek reference) (BBC1) [0:24]
7th May 2005: The Long Game continuity (BBC1) [0:18]
7th May 2005: Doctor Who Confidential 1.7 continuity (BBC3) [1:02]
7th May 2005: Doctor Who Confidential 1.7 The Dark Side (BBC3) [28:18]
*the exhibition shop does not show any of the new series DVDs, which began release on 16th May, suggesting this may have been towards the start of the exhibitions run from May to November.

8th May 2005: Points of View (fans complain about Dalek) (BBC1) [0:28]
Somewhere between 8th and 14th May 2005: Series 1 25-second trailer Next Saturday (ABC, Australia) [0:26]
9th May 2005: Breakfast (Doctor Who wins BAFTA) (BBC1) [1:53]
9th-12th May 2005: The Power of Kroll ABC Brisbane Continuities [1:16]
10th May 2005: Dalek continuity (CBC, Canada) [2:17]
10th May 2005: Newsbeat (Celebrity Wrestling cancelled due to competition from Doctor Who) (BBC Radio 1) [0:56, release on CD Doctor Who at the BBC: A Legend Reborn]
11th May 2005: North West Tonight (fan made Daleks & TARDIS) (BBC1 North West) [5:19]
12th May 2005: Dead Ringers 5.2 (Christopher Eccleston spoof) (BB2) [2:51]
12th May 2005: Father’s Day trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:09]

14th May 2005: Father’s Day continuity (BBC1) [0:23, no VO on end credits]
14th May 2005: Doctor Who Confidential 1.8 continuity (BBC3) [1:16]
14th May 2005: Doctor Who Confidential 1.8: Time Trouble (BBC3) [28:34]
Somewhere between 15th and 20th May 2005: Series 1 25-second trailer Saturday (ABC, Australia) [0:25]
Somewhere between 15th and 20th May 2005: Series 1 40-second trailer Saturday (ABC, Australia) [0:39]
16th May 2005: GMTV (Dalek rated 12 for torture) (ITV) [4:19]
16th-24th May 2005: The Armageddon Factor ABC Continuities [no voiceover on 5] [1:46]
17th May 2005: The Long Game trailer, tonight (CBC, Canada) [0:15]

17th May 2005: The Long Game continuity (CBC, Canada) [2:18]
19th May 2005: Dead Ringers 5.3 (Daleks affected can call hotline) (BBC2) [0:16]
20th May 2005: Breakfast (John Barrowman) (BBC1) [5:05]
20th May 2005: The Empty Child Trailer, tomorrow (BBC1) [0:09]
21st May 2005: The Empty Child trailer, tonight (BBC1) [0:12]
21st May 2005: The Empty Child continuity (BBC1) [0:25, no VO on end credits]
21st May 2005: Doctor Who Confidential 1.9 continuity (BBC3) [1:18]
21st May 2005: Doctor Who Confidential 1.9 Special Effects (BBC3) [29:03]

21st May 2005: Saturday night trailer inc Rose (ABC, Australia) [0:34]
21st May 2005: Rose trailer, up next (ABC, Australia) [0:09]
23rd May 2005: The End of the World trailer, Saturday (ABC, Australia) [0:25]
24th May 2005: Father’s Day continuity (CBC, Canada) [2:22]
25th-31st May 2005: City of Death ABC Continuities [1:23]
27th May 2005: Have I Got News For You (Doctor Who budget slashed) (BBC1) [0:18]
27th May 2005: Weekend Shuffle trailer inc The End of the World (ABC, Australia) [0:49]
28th May 2005: Saturday night trailer inc The End of the World (ABC, Australia) [0:39]


May or June 2005: South Today (report on Devious fan film) (BBC) [3:26]
Somewhere between June and December 2005: Blue Peter (BBC1, build a Dalek) [9:33]
June 2005: BBC Radio 7 advert inc Doctor Who #1 [0:39]
June 2005: BBC Radio 7 advert inc Doctor Who #2 [0:14]
June 2005: ‘Everyone’s ABC’ ident (Doctor Who variant) (ABC, Australia) [0:08]
June 2005: Limelight Magazine advert (Doctor Who cover story) (ABC, Australia) [0:30]
June 2005: Radio Times advert (car horns play Doctor Who theme) [0:29]
1st-7th June 2005: The Creature from the Pit ABC Brisbane Continuities [1:18]

3rd June 2005: Boom Town trailer, tomorrow (BBC1) [0:10]
3rd June 2005: Have I Got News For You (Christopher Eccleston’s replacement ‘announced’) (BBC1) [0:19]
4th June 2005: Boom Town continuity (BBC1) [0:19]
4th June 2005: Doctor Who Confidential 1.11 Unsung Heroes and Violent Death (BBC3, including continuities) [28:03]
4th June 2005: Snakedance omnibus contiuity (UKTV Gold)
5th June 2005: 20th Century Roadshow (Doctor Who props) (BBC1) [6:53]
5th June 2005: Points of View (fans complain about The Empty Child) (BBC1) [3:13]
Somewhere between 6th and 9th June 2005: Aliens of London trailer, Saturday (ABC, Australia) [0:30]

Somewhere between 6th and 9th June 2005: Weekend Shuffle trailer inc Aliens of London (ABC, Australia) [0:50]
7th June 2005: The Doctor Dances trailer, next (CBC, Canada) [0:15]
7th June 2005: The Doctor Dances continuity (CBC, Canada) [4:29]
8th-14th June 2005: Nightmare of Eden ABC Continuities [1:17]
11th June 2005: Aliens of London trailer, up next (ABC, Australia) [0:05]
11th June 2005: Bad Wolf continuity (BBC1) [1:13]
11th June 2005: Bad Wolf continuity (BBC1 Wales) [0:24]
11th June 2005: Doctor Who Confidential 1.12 continuity (BBC3) [1:15]

11th June 2005: Doctor Who Confidential 1.12 The World of Who (BBC3) [28:26]
11th June 2005: BBC News (Daleks protesting G8 Conference) [Poss ITN] [0:15]
11th June 2005: ITN (Daleks protesting G8 Conference) [Poss BBC News] [0:20]
11th June 2005: Sky News (Daleks protesting G8 Conference) [0:39]
12th June 2005: Great Food Live (Annette Badland) (UK Food) [5:56]
12th June 2005: Top Gear (Christopher Eccleston) (BBC2) [8:16]
13th June 2005: The Parting of the Ways Trailer 1 (in 5 days) (BBC1) [0:10]
13th June 2005: World War Three trailer, Saturday (ABC, Australia) [0:30]

14th June 2005: Boom Town continuity (CBC, Canada) [4:09]
14th June 2005: The Parting of the Ways Trailer 1 (in 4 days) (BBC1) [0:10]
14th June 2005: The Parting of the Ways Trailer 2 (in 4 days) (BBC1) [0:10]
15th June 2005: The Parting of the Ways Trailer 3 (in 3 days) (BBC1) [0:09]
15th-21st June 2005: Horns of Nimon ABC Continuities [1:25]
16th June 2005: Breakfast (Russell T Davies) (BBC1) [9:47]
16th June 2005: Newsround (Series 3 confirmed) (CBBC) [0:14]
16th June 2005: The Parting of the Ways Trailer 3 (in 2 days) (BBC1) [0:09]

16th June 2005: The Parting of the Ways Trailer 4 (in 2 days) (BBC1) [0:09]
17th June 2005: GMTV (John Barrowman) (ITV) [10:10]
17th June 2005: The Parting of the Ways Trailer 4 (in 1 day) (BBC1) [0:09]
17th June 2005: The Parting of the Ways Trailer 5 (tomorrow) (BBC1) [0:15]
18th June 2005: CBBC eXtra (Phil Collinson On the Spot; win a remote control Dalek) [11:06]
18th June 2005: The Parting of the Ways Trailer (tonight) (BBC1) [0:15]
18th June 2005: Doctor Who The Ultimate Guide continuity (BBC1) [0:33]
18th June 2005: The Ultimate Guide (BBC1) [43:48]

18th June 2005: The Parting of the Ways continuities (BBC1) [1:35]
18th June 2005: The Parting of the Ways continuities (BBC1 Wales) [1:00]
18th June 2005: The Christmas Invasion teaser trailer 1 (BBC1) [0:39]
18th June 2005: Doctor Who Confidential 1.13 continuity (BBC3) [1:16]
18th June 2005: Doctor Who Confidental 1.13: The Last Battle (BBC3) [28:56]
18th June 2005: Saturday night trailer inc World War Three (ABC, Australia) [0:29]
18th June 2005: World War Three trailer, up next (ABC, Australia) [0:05]
20th June 2005: Dalek trailer, Saturday (ABC, Australia) [0:30]

20th June 2005: Saturday night trailer inc Dalek (ABC, Australia) [0:24]
21st June 2005: Bad Wolf trailer, tonight (CBC, Canada) [0:15]
21st June 2005: Bad Wolf continuity (CBC, Canada) [4:40]
22nd-28th June 2005: The Leisure Hive ABC Continuities [no voiceover on 1 or 4] [0:41]
25th June 2005: Dalek trailer, up next (ABC, Australia) [0:04]
Somewhere between 26th and 30th June 2005: The Long Game trailer, Saturday (ABC, Australia) [0:32]
27th June 2005: I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue (BBC Radio 4) [1:51, on Doctor Who at the BBC: The Tenth Doctor CD]
28th June 2005: The Parting of the Ways trailer, tonight (CBC, Canada) [0:15]
28th June 2005: The Parting of the Ways continuity (CBC, Canada) [2:19]
29th June-5th July 2005: Meglos ABC Continuities

July 2005: Parkinson trailer, Saturday (Billie Piper) (ABC, Australia) [0:19]
July 2005: Series 1 Vol 1 & Project Who advert (ABC, Australia) [0:29]
2nd July 2005: The Long Game trailer, tonight (ABC, Australia) [0:29]
2nd July 2005: The Long Game trailer, up next (ABC, Australia) [0:06]
6th-12th July 2005: Full Circle ABC Continuities [1:26]
9th July 2005: Father’s Day trailer, tonight (ABC, Australia) [0:15]
9th July 2005: Schedule inc Father’s Day & Billie Piper on Parkinson (ABC, Australia) [0:09]
9th July 2005: Father’s Day trailer, up next (ABC, Australia) [0:09]

9th July 2005: The Twin Dilemma omnibus continuity (UKTV Gold) [0:29]
13th-19th July 2005: State of Decay ABC Brisbane Continuities [1:25]
16th July 2005: The Empty Child trailer, tonight (ABC, Australia) [0:30]
16th July 2005: The Empty Child trailer, up next (ABC, Australia) [0:09]
18th July 2005: The Doctor Dances trailer, Saturday (ABC, Australia) [0:30]
19th July 2005: Breakfast (Michael Grade discusses Series 1) (BBC1) [1:11]
19th July 2005: Blue Peter (Design a Monster competition announced) (BBC1) [8:29]
20th-26th July 2005: Warriors Gate ABC Continuities [no voiceover on 4] [1:03]

22nd July 2005: Blue Peter (Neil Gorton demonstrates monster makeup) (BBC1) [7:01]
23rd July 2005: The Doctor Dances trailer, up next (ABC, Australia) [0:06]
25th July 2005: Wales Today (David Tennant’s outfit revealed) (BBC1 Wales) [0:17]
26th July 2005: Blue Peter (Design a Monster entries shown) (BBC1) [4:10]
26th July 2005: Newsround (The Queen rumoured to be Doctor Who fan) (CBBC) [0:11]
27th July-2nd August 2005: The Keeper of Traken ABC Continuities [1:21]
29th July 2005: Blue Peter (Design a Monster entries shown) (BBC1) [4:08]
30th July 2005: Boom Town trailer, tonight (ABC, Australia) [0:30]
30th July 2005: Boom Town trailer, up next (ABC, Australia) [0:10]

1st August 2005: 7 o’Clock News (David Tennant filming starts) [0:16]
1st August 2005: BBC News 24 (David Tennant filming starts) [1:45]
1st August 2005: Blue Peter (Design a Monster entries shown) (BBC1) [4:17]
1st August 2005: Newsround (David Tennant filming starts) (CBBC)
1st August 2005: PM (Billie Piper on set of The Long Game) (BBC Radio 4) [2:43, released on CD Doctor Who at the BBC: The Legend Reborn]
1st August 2005: Reporting Scotland (David Tennant filming starts) (BBC1 Scotland) [1:55]
1st August 2005: Wales Today (David Tennant filming starts) (BBC1 Wales) [2:42]
2nd August 2005: Blue Peter (Design a Monster entries shown) (BBC1) [5:39]
3rd-9th August 2005: Logopolis ABC Brisbane Continuities [1:20]

4th August 2005: Gamerz (Sonic Screwdriver and Dalek references)
5th August 2005: Blue Peter (Design a Monster entries shown) (BBC1) [2:21]
5th August 2005: Wales Today (TARDIS at Eisteddfod) (BBC1 Wales) [1:20]
6th August 2005: Bad Wolf trailer, tonight (ABC, Australia) [0:29]
6th August 2005: Bad Wolf trailer, up next (ABC, Australia) [0:09]
8th August 2005: The Einstein Factor 2.13 (Doctor Who quiz round) (ABC, Australia) [2 clips] [6:12]
6th-27th August 2005: Storm Warning 1-4 continuities (BBC7) [5:35]
10th-16th August 2005: Castrovalva ABC Continuities [no voiceover on 3] [0:56]
13th August 2005: The Parting of the Ways trailer, tonight (ABC, Australia) [0:28]

13th August 2005: The Parting of the Ways trailer, up next (ABC, Australia) [0:06]
17th August 2005: Blue Peter trailer, next (BBC1) [0:10]
17th August 2005: Blue Peter (Design a Monster winners announced, David Tennant) (BBC1) [18:46]
17th August 2005: CBBC (Blue Peter Design a Monster competition discussed) [0:32]
17th August 2005: CBBC eXtra (win Doctor Who DVDs) [2:20]
17th-23rd August 2005: Four to Doomsday ABC Continuities [no voiceover on 3] [0:57]
24th-30th August 2005: Kinda ABC Brisbane Continuities [1:23]
25th August 2005: GMTV (K-9 in studio, using archive John Leeson voice clips) (ITV) [1:22]

28th August 2005: Silver Nemesis omnibus continuity (UKTV Gold) [0:24]
30th August 2005: Loose Women (Louise Jameson) (ITV) [6:30]
31st August 2005: Blue Peter (Dalek at Blue Peter Proms) (BBC1) [4:18]
31st August-6th Septembe 2005: The Visitation ABC Continuities [no voiceover on 3] [1:10]

September 2005: Swinging (Doctor Who sex roleplay sketch) (Channel 5) [2:23]
2nd September 2005: Breakfast (John Barrowman) (BBC1) [7:23]
3rd September 2005: Breakfast on Pluto (child plays in homemade Dalek costume) (movie) [1:19]
3rd September 2005: UK Gold – Carnival of Monsters documentary repeat continuity [0:09]
4th September 2005: UK Gold – Adventures in Space and Time documentary repeat continuity [0:12]
7th-8th September 2005: Black Orchid ABC Continuities [inc intro to 1] [1:19]
11th September 2005: The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances Continuities (announcer calls it ‘The Lost Child’) (BBC3) [4:06]
12th-15th September 2005: 2005.09.12-15 Earthshock ABC Continuities [no voiceover on 2 or 4] [0:41]

13th September 2005: Loose Women (John Barrowman) (ITV) [7:14]
17th September 2005: Favouritism 1.10 George & Zippy’s Puppet Legends (Sooty the Puppet Time Lord) (Channel 4) [3:38]
17th September 2005: Wales Today (Torchwood announced) (BBC1 Wales) [0:22]
18th September 2005: (19.30) Boom Town continuity (BBC3) [0:29]
18th September 2005:(20.15) Bad Wolf continuity (BBC3) [1:50]
19th September 2005: 2Entertain advert inc The Parting of the Ways [2:06]
24th September 2005: Survival omnibus continuity (UKTV Gold) [1:18]
26th-29th September 2005: Arc of Infinity ABC Continuities [1:25]
27th September 2005: Drama Connections – Tenko (Louise Jameson discusses Doctor Who) (BBC1) [2:00]

October 2005: The Good, The Gay and The Ugly trailer (Jonathan Ross, Little Britain, The End of the World) (UKTV Gold) [0:59]
1st October 2005: Kinda omnibus continuity (UKTV Gold) [0:23]
1st October 2005 Sword of Orion 2 continuity (BBC7) [2:48]
3rd-6th October 2005: Snakedance ABC Continuities [no voiceover on 3] [1:07]
6th October 2005: Dead Ringers 11.5 (Daleks in Green Green Grass parody) (BBC Radio 4) [1:34]
10th-13th October 2005: Mawdryn Undead ABC Brisbane Continuities [1:29]
17th-20th October 2005: Terminus ABC Brisbane Continuities [1:21]
18th October 2005: Loose Women (John Barrowman) (ITV) [7:56]
18th October 2005: Supernova 1.2 (The Monster of Peladon subplot) (BBC2) [5 clips] [4:48]
Somewhere between 23rd and 29th October 2005: Doctor Who Week 1m trailer, next Sunday (UKTV Gold) [0:58]

Somewhere between 23rd and 29th October 2005: Doctor Who Week 30s trailer, next Sunday (UKTV Gold) [0:29]
Somewhere between 23rd and 29th October 2005: Doctor Who Week 10s trailer, next Sunday (UKTV Gold) [0:10]
24th-27th October 2005: Enlightenment ABC Brisbane Continuities [1:22]
26th October 2005: National Television Awards (Doctor Who, Billie Piper, Christopher Eccleston win) (ITV) [21:53]
26th October 2005: Backstage Exclusive (Billie Piper & RTD on their NTA wins) (ITV2) [0:36]
27th October 2005: Greatest Before They Were Stars TV Moments (David Tennant) [1:58]
31st October-1st November 2005: The King’s Demons ABC Continuities [0:46]

2nd November 2005: GMTV (Billie Piper) (ITV) [4:18]
2nd to 8th November 2005: The Five Doctors ABC Australia Repeat (Continuities, and Dalek edit)* [11:13]
6th November 2005: Extras 1.6 Patrick Stewart (Dapol Dalek) (BBC1) [6:04]
9th-15th November 2005: Warriors of the Deep ABC Continuities [1:18]
11th November 2005: Children in Need trailer, Friday (BBC1) [0:20]
11th November 2005: Have I Got News For You (Doctor Who mentioned in dicussion of Hu Jintao) (BBC1) [3:20]
11th November 2005: Peep Show 3.1 (cold and comforting, like a friendly Dalek) (Channel 4) [0:07]
13th November 2005: Frontios omnibus continuity (UKTV Gold) [0:20]
*the Dalek scene was removed from this repeat due to a disagreement with Terry Nation’s lawyers

13th November 2005: The Einstein Factor 2.40 Grand Final (Doctor Who quiz round) (ABC, Australia) [2 clips] (ABC)
16th November 2005: The Awakening ABC Continuity [no voiceover on 2] [0:25]
17th November 2005: Wales Today (Tennant & Piper switch on Cardiff Christmas lights) (BBC1 Wales) [3:58]
18th November 2005: Children in Need (Doctor Who scene) (BBC1) [7:36]
18th November 2005: Children in Need webcast (David Tennant & Billie Piper donation links) [0:53]
18th November 2005: North West Tonight (Terry Molloy & Daleks at Children in Need) (BBC1 North West) [2:15]
20th November 2005: OFI Sunday opening titles (cartoon Billie Piper) (ITV) [0:41]
21st November 2005: Series 1 trailer 1e (Trip of a Lifetime, Series 1 box set version) (DVD extra) [0:52]

21st-24th November 2005: Frontios ABC Continuities [no voiceover on 2] [1:07]
28th-29th November 2005: Planet of Fire ABC Continuities [inc intro on 1 and 3, no voiceover on 4] [1:55]
30th November-1st December 2005: The Caves of Androzani ABC Continuities [missing 2 and 4] [0:41]

December 2005: Christmas Radio Times advert (Doctor Who cover story) [0:19]
December 2005: Debenhams advert (remote control Dalek) [0:29]
December 2005: New Years Eve trailer inc Dalek (BBC1) [0:26]
December 2005: North West Tonight (remote control Dalek hot Christmas toy) (BBC1 North West) [2:12]
December 2005: Woolworths advert (Doctor Who Series 1 DVD) [0:29]
2nd December 2005: The Christmas Invasion teaser trailer 2 (BBC1) [0:10]
2nd December 2005: The Christmas Invasion teaser trailer 3 (BBC1) [0:10]
2nd December 2005: The Twin Dilemma ABC Continuities [inc intro for 1 and 3; no voiceover on 2] [2:09]
8th December 2005: Front Row (David Tennant) (BBC Radio 4) [5:52, on Doctor Who at the BBC: The Tenth Doctor CD]

5th-6th December 2005: Attack of the Cybermen Four-Part ABC Continuities [inc intro for 1 and 3; no voiceover on 2] [6:02]
8th-9th December 2005: Vengeance on Varos Four-Part ABC Continuities [missing 2] [4:19]
9th December 2005: Blue Peter (David Tennant) (BBC1) [4:17]
10th December 2005: The Christmas Invasion teaser trailer (CBC, Canada) [0:15]
11th December 2005: The Christmas Invasion trailer 1, Christmas Day (BBC1) [0:30]
12th-13th December 2005: The Mark of the Rani Four-Part ABC Continuities [no voiceover on 2] [5:04]
13th December 2005: Breakfast (The Christmas Invasion) (BBC1) [2:13]
13th December 2005: Newsround (The Christmas Invasion) (CBBC) [2:05]

13th-15th December 2005: The Two Doctors Six-Part ABC Continuities [8:32]
16th December 2005: GMTV (The Christmas Invasion) (ITV) [0:48]
19th December 2005: Wales Today (Russell T Davies) (BBC1 Wales) [3:13]
19th-20th December 2005: Timelash Four-Part ABC Continuties [5:26]
20th December 2005: 2onWho (feature on Doctor Who theme tune) (BBC Radio 2) [5:53]
21st December 2005: Breakfast (David Tennant) (BBC1) [8:48]
21st December 2005-9th January 2006: The Trial of a Time ABC Continuities [inc intros for 1-3, 5, 7, 9, 11] [8:04]*
23rd December 2005: Back in Time – New Doctor Who, New Danger (BBC Radio Wales) [28:02; 10:41 of clips on Doctor Who at the BBC: The Tenth Doctor CD]
23rd December 2005: Dead Ringers Christmas Special – Christmas Day at Doctor Who’s (BBC2) [1:26]
23rd December 2005: Friday Night with Jonathan Ross (David Tennant) (BBC1) [12:54]
23rd December 2005: The Christmas Invasion trailer 2, Christmas Day (BBC1) [0:30]
*Part Seven’s opening titles erroneously credit Pip and Jane Baker as the writers.