Originally available via drpoo.co.uk, this content was part of The Millennium Effect’s extended ‘Whoniverse’ network of websites during the 2000s. We now welcome it back into its parent site so you can enjoy along with the rest of TME…
Hello, Poo fans! It’s the website you’ve all been waiting for: a trip down memory lane (bring your wellies) with the Doctor of Poo, the Dana of Sock and Denis the moggie of denim overtones. Join us as we embark WOOF BARK on a fact-finding mission: to chronicle the history of the best Australian radio serial in the world, ever! It’s all cisterns go!
A word from creator, Geoff Kelso:
You will soon be receiving a letter from our lawyers Greasepole, Rutlover and Pigg (once we’ve located their new hideout) which will injunct you to desist from being younger and more enthusiastic than us and causing us to feel old and useless because you’ve done something that we haven’t got around to doing, to wit to woo, creating an excellent website for fans of Dr Poo.
In fact we might not bother with a lawyer’s letter cos’ I suddenly appear to have a knackus felicitatus for writing impenetrable legalese praetor peregrinus notwithstanding that you and your malum prohibitum are in breach of our proboscus genitalii and we have deus ex machinna on our side, so howus du ju licem themus appleus eh matus?? etcetera etcetera erratum pro bono and utu.
– Gruff Gecko

![]() The 1970s Monster Fun Comic strip! | ![]() The Viz cartoon strip (and animation)! |
The Special Edition Turds toy!
… or the likes of doctorpoo.net, who just seem to really like poo!
Original Site Credits
This site was created by Kevin (with a little help from Amy and Katy) and first opened its toilet seat in June 2008 as part of The Whoniverse. It is hosted in the UK by Matt and the episode transcripts are written in Australia by Phil and Andrew. It is a fan site with no connection to Triple J, the ABC or the gentlemen behind Dr Poo.
This site was initially compiled from a regrettably slim amount of information scattered around the internet, most of which was written and researched by others. We would like to extend our gratitude and offer our eternal thanks to the following sources:
Criston Barker
for sharing with us so much of his time, memories, music and love for Kelso, Johnston, Curtis & Matthews.
Alan and Alys Hayes
for igniting our passion for Poo in the first place. We also owe a wave of thanks to Bruce Robinson, the Australian Doctor Who fan who traded his episodes (recorded by some unknown Poo fan) with Alan and Alys some years before.
Phil Coy
for writing to us out of the blue in early 2009, digging out his 30 year-old tapes and contributing so many memories and episodes to our project!
Andrew Hodson
who did the same thing in May 2009, and managed to find a sci-fi dealer with a collection of rare early Poo episodes and compilations direct from the original master tapes. Phil and Andrew have been amazingly generous with their recordings and this site is so much richer as a result!
Wayne Sole and Jeff Pilgrim
who contacted us in early 2011 with their own off-air recordings (31 years old by this point!)… and shared a photograph of Jeff in 1980, posing beside a portaloo, dressed as the Dr! True fans!
The Anonymous Writers of Wikipedia
whose secretive additions and updates to the pages on ‘Dr Poo – the Radio Series’ and ‘Dr Who Spin-Offs’ provided a treasure trove of completely unverifiable but jolly exciting details!
Mark Sawyer
who reels off lovely details and some brilliant long quotations at his page for the Sydney Morning Herald.
Messageboard posters
the BBC’s H2G2 database and the messageboards set up for Triple J’s 30th Anniversary contain numerous mentions of Dr Poo from rosey-eared listeners of old.