1995 – Cannon Fodder II
PC MSDOS, Commodore Amiga (Disc)
Publisher: Virgin (rerelease by Sold Out Software)
Original Design: Sensible Software
Original Programming: Jools
Original Graphic Design: Stoo Cambridge
Graphics: John Lilley
Short Person At Virgin: Simon Jeffreys
Level Design: Stuart Campbell
Map Editing: Jon Lilley, Jon Watts
Additional Map Design: Daniel Bolger, Adam Booth, Bill Burton, CPL Chris Cameron – Witton, Ian Gray, Max Harvey, John Lilley, Peter Mitchell, Adrian Priddis, Tadgh Smith, Tracy Stanton, Edward Tillotson-Sills, Mark Wickson
Sound/Music: Richard Joseph, Alex Joseph, Jon Hare
Development Manager: Stuart Campbell
Producer: Peter Hickman
Artwork And Design Co-ordinator: Matt Walker
Manual: Hutch (words), Red Cloud (pictures and layout)
Undocumented Feature Control: Tony Byrus/Diarmid Clarke
Not Terribly Involved In This Project Actually: Chris Yates
A tongue-in-cheek strategy game which puts the player in charge of an army of men taking part in several missions. The amusing nature of this game can be seen even on the back of the box. The reissue text said:
“Once more unto the breach! Your battalion’s on the march, there are snipers around every corner and you’ve forgotten to pack your sandwiches. This is the grim reality of modern warfare. Now you can experience it for yourself, as the battle-hardened troopers we lovingly call cannon fodder, cock their rifles, prime their grenades and march off into battle once more.They won’t all come back but that means more sarnies for the rest of us, so chin-up.” This continues into the manual somewhat, with comments from such fictional lumineries as “Field Marshall Brian ‘Pointy’ Blatherstock”.
Dalek-looking things can be used, known as Daleqs : the manual’s information says only “If you need a bit more fire-power and you’re on the space ship, get hold of this Daleq which behaves just like the tank.” Of the tank, it says “Nothing but rockets, heat seaking missiles and shells can damange Tanx. These are tough but slow machines that fire powerful shells. They can take out the sturdiest of structures.”
One of the five terrains in the game is “Planet X”, of which is said “Planet X – The aliens�’ home world is a wonderful purple sticky place that’s chock full of Doctor Who cast-offs. Look out for buggies and flying saucers and be careful not to walk off the cliffs-of-doom, or into the yawning chasms or gaping gorges.” The Doctor and the TARDIS are rumoured to appear at some point too…
1995 – Brit Trivia

PC Windows (Download)
Programmer: Mick Spencer [website]
Monty Python questions by Rick Smyers
Robin of Sherwood questions by Rache
Musical Interludes: Wonko The SaneIn Brit Trivia, one or two players compete against the computer as it fires fifty questions on Doctor Who, Red Dwarf, Robin Of Sherwood, Blakes’ Seven or Monty Python. Some tough questions, which can be fun unless you happen to find question-and-answer games as enjoyable as watching a mural of the Web Planet dry.
Brit Trivia. Note that VBRUN300.DLL is required – if you are greeted with an error message, please download the dll file also provided above.
1996 – Return to Karn
PC MSDOS (Download)
Programmer: Patrick Wigfull [website]
Return To Karn is a type-in adventure, and Pat’s follow-up to Pyramids of Mars, as the fourth Doctor returns to Karn (as featured in The Brain of Morbius), described in the games’ opening…
A Galactic servant, that’s what you feel like at the moment. You’d think that the Timelords would be pleased that you were not only responsible for discovering that Morbius’ brain had been secretly kept alive, but that you were instrumental in destroying the revived villain. Do they offer you their gratitude? No, they merely point out that you left the Brain of Morbius on Karn and demand that you retrieve it and bring it back to Gallifrey. That’s gratitude for you.
However, as you value your freedom, you really don’t have much choice but to do as the Timelords request. At least they gave you the coordinates for Karn, but you did notice that they refused to give you return coordinates for Gallifrey, saying you’d recieve them once you’d procured the brain. So much for Gallifreyan hospitality…
Your thoughts are interrupted as you hear a familiar thud. The TARDIS has landed on Karn
Type-in game
Background, I, Remove jacket then drop it, Remove hat then drop it, Remove scarf, Drop yo-yo, key, (you can “Play with yo-yo” to check gravity if you want), E, Open door, S, Get toolkit then open it, Get screwdriver, homing
X homing then turn it on (notice that the homing device is gold coloured), Open cupboard, Get pouch then open it, Put pouch in toolkit, N, W, X scanner, Pull lever, W
NW, NE, E, U, Search ruins, Get scalpel then put it in toolkit, D, NE, NW, W, X creature, X globe, E, SE, SW, W, SW, SE, E, SE, E, N, (Read sign), save (s10)
Climb scarf, (if you fall off before you are done then UNDO or restore the game), Open hatch with screwdriver, Get battery, Put homing in hatch, Close hatch, D, Put screwdriver in toolkit, Get battery, NW, X tree then climb it. Get branch, W, W, SW, W, SW, SE, E, SE, E,
Fill battery, N, Get scarf, S (you could leave the scarf if you wanted), W, NW, W
Enter Tardis, Drop scarf, E, E, Get match then put it in toolkit, N, X K9, Put battery in panel, Close panel, S, W, W, save (s35)
X console, Open drawer then get link, Ask K9 about K9, K9, follow me, W, K9, shoot boulder, Get stone, W, Get firework then put it in toolkit, S, Open tapestry, W (I wonder what Ohica and the sisterhood would do to you if they found you), Put link in chalice, Open shield, Put stone in fire, Close shield, , Get link then close it, E, Close tapestry, N, E, save (s50)
NW, W, S, E, Push boulder, Jam branch under boulder, Pull branch, Get branch, W, N, E, SE, K9, follow me, Enter Tardis, Put link in drawer then close drawer, X console, X slot, Get brown then drop it (remember the colour of the homing device?), Get gold then put it in slot, save (s55)
(Wait until the flying saucer takes off) (The flying saucer will sometimes not take off. This appears to be a program bug that depends on when and how you first visited the saucer. If this happens then try to change your actions in the beginning of the game)
Pull lever, Push button, X scanner, Pull lever, Get gold then put it in toolkit, K9, follow me, W, Open hatch, Get torch, mine, Put all in toolkit, save (s56)
N, W, Ask K9 about door, X bubble (blue means active), Drop mine, branch, E, S, D, Turn on torch (torch lasts about 68 moves), NW, X plate, Open catch, NE, N, Open hatch, Turn off torch, U, E, S, save (s57)
Open door, E (well, the homing device certainly worked), W, Close door then turn wheel, X bubble (green means safe)(the lever controls the bay doors the button controls the air) Pull lever (red means danger), Pull lever, Push button, Turn wheel then open door, E. Open hatch, D, Turn on torch, N, W, X plate (you can open this if you want to), NW, Open hatch, U, Open door, Turn off torch, X left screen, Push left button, X right screen, Push right button (you just turned off the hall security system), E, S, S, S, E, W, W, W (you should fall into the shaft), Get screwdriver, scalpel, Unlock box with screwdriver then open box, save (s65)
Look up Cut <colour> with scalpel, Look up (the bubble will be yellow when the alarm is inactive if you did not cut the right colour then RESTORE and try another colour)
(remember the colour that you cut), Turn on torch, Close plate, SE, Turn off torch, Put all in toolkit, U, K9, follow me, N, W, Ask K9 about door, (yellow means inactive), K9, shoot door (10/75), W, save (s75)
X control, Push switch, Ask K9 about reactor, Ask K9 about control, Ask K9 about sequence (remember this colour sequence, it will vary from game to game), D, Turn on torch, E, Get branch, Jam branch under plate, Open catch, X mine, Push button(the trap is set), W, Turn off torch, U, save (s76)
Push <colour1>, Push <colour2>, Push <colour3>, Push <colour4>, Ask K9 about reactor, Ask K9 about sequence, (the trap will be triggered about now)
(from observing the door bubbles you know that blue and yellow are opposites and that green and red are opposites)
Push <opposite1>, Push <opposite2>, Push <opposite3>, Push <opposite4>
K9, follow me, E (sorry K9), Get white then put it in toolkit, K9, follow me, Turn on torch(the program will sometimes act funny if you are in the dark with K9 and the leash), save (s105)
NE, N, Turn off torch, U, Get torch then drop it (you don’t need the torch anymore), Get rope, D, Tie rope to K9, U (you could also have used the scarf), Put rope in unit, K9, follow me, save (s115)
E, S, S, W, S, Push table N, Push it E, Push it N, Push it N, Push it N, Push it E, X door, Push table E, X door, Get white then put it in slot, Push table S, Climb on table, X device, Push button (the device appears to be a smoke detector), Exit, Get match, firework, save (s116)
Light match, Light firework, Drop match, firework, N, W, W, Wait, Again (wait for the cyberman to appear), E, E, Get white (what fun)
Put white in unit (you don’t have to destroy the white card but it does reveal a clue), Pull pipe, Again, Get gold, pouch, Put pouch under pipe, save (s125)
Ask K9 about cybermen, Put gold in unit, Get pouch, W, N, Get black, S, W, S, S, S, E, S, save (s135)
X door, Put black in slot, W, X apparatus, X respirator, X vent(remember what K9 told us about the cybermen?), Put dust in vent, Drop pouch, Get screwdriver, scalpel, Unlock box with screwdriver then open box, save (s140)
(cut the same coloured wire that you cut under the reactor door), Cut <colour> with scalpel, Open tank then get brain,save (s155)
E, N, W, W, S, Enter Tardis,(the silver card will appear in your hand), Put silver in slot, Drop all but brain, Pull lever, Push button, X scanner, Pull lever, W, save (alldone)
Give brain to Timelord
1997 – The Doctor Who Platform Game
PC Windows (Download)
Programmer: Robert Dunlop (aka Argolis Productions) using Klick & Play
This is Robert’s first ever game, made when he was 12 for Robert’s Doctor Who Site. He admits now that the graphics and gameplay are rather crude, but kindly allowed TME to distribute it. The plotline is pretty much non-existent, with the McGann Doctor carrying out various tasks that all involve jumping around and doing things.
Left and right arrow keys. CTRL to jump.
Hold down ‘E’ and ‘X’ on the game complete screen to access a hidden level. All levels can be accessed by downloading a free trial version of Klick & Play from www.clickteam.com and then using it to open the .gam file.
1997 – The Seven Doctors

Infocom [Platform Independent Interpreter] (Download)
Programmer: David Burke using Inform and Ultra-Edit31
“Your previous six incarnations have been kidnapped by various old foes. You must rescue them before these foes take advantage of the absences of you from the time-stream. You have been given a bag containing six time-rings. When you find another Doctor, give it to them, and they will return to their place in time and space.”<
A sophisticated type-in, with each Doctor being trapped in one of their “stories”, which can be played in any order. Burke began coding this some years before its release, but chose not to update it before 1997 to include McGann.
Type-in game
1997 – Jet Set Willy in Space
Spectrum 48K (Download)
Programmer: Richard Hallas [website]
(Also Gameboy version – see below)
Richard Hallas created a space-based remake of the popular 80s game, Jet Set Willy, which featured the central character leaving a TARDIS on the opening screen of the game.
From the game’s manual:
Willy always was a glutton for punishment. What’s more, he never seemed to be very good at learning from his mistakes. You’d think that he’d be wary of Martians and the like by now, after some of them added all those strange rooms to his mansion. But no; joining the upper echelons of society rather went to Willy’s head, and a rich twit has a greater capacity for making big mistakes than a penniless one. When a passing Used TARDIS Salesman came by, Willy was gullible enough to be taken in. Needless to say, the old TARDIS that Willy bought was decidedly dodgy, and broke down upon arrival at a space station orbiting the planet Endor. So here he is, stranded in space and far from home. Willy can’t even get back into his TARDIS to try to mend it, because it’s permanently locked into its dematerialisation phase with him on the outside! But all is not lost: before Willy landed, his initial scans of the area indicated the presence of a powerful intergalactic matter transporter somewhere on the planet’s surface. All Willy has to do is to find enough power packs to get it working. Once it’s fully powered up, he’ll be able to enter the rocket on the planet’s surface, operate its computers, and set the transporter’s destination coordinates so that it will send him back home.
The start screen, Earth Exit, features the image of the TARDIS, and also the robots from Highway Encounter. The game is full of references to other scifi and cult programmes too, such as Star Trek, Babylon 5, and even an old Curly-Wurly advert.
Richard’s previous game, Join the Jet-Set! (which he finished in the early 90s and which spawned off dozens of other fan-games), can be found on the Jet Set Willy Remakes site.
Richard’s own site also contains a Gameboy version, coded by another fan, along with some early resource files and an article on the author’s relationship to the various Jet Set Willy remakes.
Q, E, R, U or O: Left
W, E, T, I or P: Right
Entire bottom row of keyboard, or Space: Jump
H, J, K or L: Music toggle
Enter: Pause
The loader for this game gives options for infinite lives and teleportation.
Use this map to avoid getting lost:

1997 – Fallout
PC Windows (CDRom)
The team at Interplay
Publisher: Interplay Productions [website]
Programmers: Timothy Cain, Fred Hatch, Leonard Boyarsky, Jason D Anderson, Gary Platner, Tramell Ray Isaac, Robert Collier, Scott Rodenhizer, Eddie Rainwater, Jason Suinn, Chris Jones, Jesse Reynolds, Kevin Weatherman, Tim Hume, Chris Taylor, Scott Everts, Nick Kesting, Robert Hertenstein III, David Hendee, Jess Heinig, Feargus Urquhart.
Rereleased 2001 in a doublepack with Fallout 2
Fallout, a strategy game set in a post-nuclear Holocaust, was seemingly a rather typical and pedestrian game, but ended up being one of the hits of 1997 (getting the acclaimed RPG of the Year award in 1998) and spawned a number of sequels. While the sequels may have had increased levels of violence and humour in equal measures, they lacked a guest appearance by the TARDIS. Although TME has yet to confirm this, the TARDIS can be seen, but sadly not used, while lurking around the desert area.
1997 – Mick’s TARDIS Screensaver
PC Windows (Download)
Programmer : Mick Spencer [website]
Mick’s TARDIS Screensaver is a screensaver that acts as a game. The aim is simply to destroy the TARDIS as much as you feel like it! Far more simple and fun than Mick’s other game, the TARDIS Screensaver is guaranteed to keep the player entertained for hours. Why, I know someone that hasn’t stopped playing it for 3 days solid. That’s how good it is.
The version posted here is 2.0, created January 1997.
Mick’s TARDIS Screensaver. Note that VBRUN300.DLL is required – if you are greeted with an error message, please download the dll also provided above.
1997 – Doctor Who: Destiny of the Doctors
PC Windows (CDRom)
Publishers: BBC Worldwide
Playing Graak in this 3D adventure, the player must rescue “all seven complete incarnations of… The Doctor” from the evil clutches of The Master. From the game’s booklet :
The planet Siralos, one of the seven thousand wonders of the galaxy, has been hijacked by the Master. Siralos is composed entirely of malleable psychic energy which allows the Master to merge his TARDIS with the Doctor’s.
Using the energy he has captured the seven incarnations of the Doctor. They have been placed in a semiconscious state at the far end of a vast combat arena known as the Determinant.
You play Graak (an energy blob) with telepathic links to the Doctor. He must free the Doctors by solving the Master’s puzzles. Along the way he must also face 10 of the Doctor’s most fearsome enemies.
To help defeat them you can access the City Of Thoughts in the Doctor’s TARDIS or the Monster Database in the Master’s TARDIS.
In the late 90s, an avi file was seen to be lurking around the internet, supposedly this was a recording of a non-playable CDRom ‘demo’ of Destiny of the Doctors. The screen shape and volume indicator, however, suggest that this was taken from a TV screen, there is some very poor editing, and the use of Doctorin’ The TARDIS seems an unlikely cost for the BBC. This file seems to have become more rare recently, but TME is offering this advert for download below. The commercial above-right was televised.
Cursor keys to move. (shift increases speed, ctrl strafes)
Jump: A
Crouch: Z
Switch to camera mode: F1
Show rescued Doctors: F2
Fire: Space
Browse inventory: Tab (with ctrl to browse backwards, with shift to remove item)
Exit game: Esc
TME has a sneaky way of hacking the game – this requires a CD writer, at least 600mb of hard drive space and a bit of time, however. First, copy the entire contents of the CD onto your hard drive. Then, look for a folder labelled energy – it should have one file in it labelled ‘energy.val’. Force this to open in Notepad, and you’ll find a list of all the possible ‘events’ in the game on the right, and the consequences on the left (and some other numbers in the middle – don’t change these ones!). We changed all of the consequences to ‘0’ (so anything can happen, and Graak will not lose energy – note that selecting the ‘Blast’ symbol at the Great Divide still takes around 50% of your remaining power), but you can alter any of them to any numbers – even forcing it to increase your power whenever something bad happens. When you’ve finished changing the game, burn it back onto a second disc and play using that one. We’ve got a bit stuck at the end though – it looks like the final challenge requires Graak to lose all his energy, so it’s probably a good idea to have the original close by.
1998 – Dr Goo

PC Windows (Download)
Programmer: Josh Bender, using Games Factory and (uncredited) sounds from Team 17’s Worms [website]

The first in a crazy and popular collection of arcade games available for free online distribution created by Australian Josh Bender, in which you control the eponymous Dr Goo (clearly a namecheck for Doctor Who!) as he saves a sick child by collecting medicine bottles. This first game is only three levels, but the next one would feature four.
Left and right cursor keys, ctrl to jump.
1212 No need to collect the medicine boxes
6024 Deactivate laser guns and rolling barrels
7345 Deactivate timer
1998 – Exterminate!
PC Windows / Macintosh (Online and Download)
Publisher: Beeb.com [website]

An utterly pointless, yet utterly brilliant game from the official website of BBC Worldwide. From the game’s intro screen:
The 7 Doctors need a new companion for K-9.
Use the controls opposite to lead K-9 through the maze of Daleks and convince all 7 incarnations of the Doctor that you’re to be trusted with their pet. Star on level one with the original Doctor by getting K-9 to pick up the laser pill and fire it at the red Dalek.
When you’ve got ‘old robo-woof’ to kill or disable all the Daleks then you go to the next doctor and see if you can impress him. But don’t touch any Daleks or K-9’s armour starts getting metal fatigue and his energy levels deplete.
If you make it through all seven levels and vanquish all the Daleks, then the Doctors’ reckon the mechanical mutt is yours to command. Get down Shep!
A game embedded in a screensaver, programmed for the commercial arm of the BBC’s internet endeavours, beeb.com. Beeb.com subsequently removed the page that included this, but radiotimes.com picked it up for a while – it hasn’t been available anywhere online since around 2000.
The online version required Shockwave to play, although this comes as standard in most new browsers. In the game, the player takes control of K9, in an effort to prove to the Doctor that s/he is worthy of being its new owner. K9 must pick up laser pills in order to destroy Daleks on a game board.
To get into the game from the screensaver (and vice-versa), use G.
Cursor keys control K9’s movements.
Ctrl to fire.
In the online version, K9 was nearly impossible to control. The downloadable one is much better.
1998 – Jigsaw Puzzles

PC Windows (Download)
Programmer: Chris Thompson
Two of these untitled puzzles were produced in February and March 1998 by Chris Thompson, intended to be a monthly endeavour as part of his website. These were based on the source codes of a similar game Chris obtained on a free cover CD from a computing magazine. Shortly after producing the second one, however, his website moved and these games were no longer appropriate, but could still be found at his old website for a few years if you knew where to look.
These files are actually the same program, just with a different image stored as time.bmp, so it is possible to use this to create your own jigsaw puzzles, just keep them to same size and (importantly) resolution…
1998 – Daleks!

PC Windows (Download)
Programmer: Robert Dunlop (aka Argolis Productions) using Clickteam’s Games Factory
The first proper game from young Robert Dunlop (who had previously only produced the Platform Game) is a fun little platformer in which a Dalek is stranded on Earth, as the game’s introduction tells us…
After the Dalek Invasion of Earth, one Dalek survived. It had to get back to its ship, and to do that it had to get to the Dalek Transmat somewhere in the sewers of a deserted city. It couldn’t shoot anything as its gun had been destroyed. You have to guide the Dalek to the Transmat. Vortexs, rings and Water Crystals boost the Daleks’ energy, while things such as trucks destroy it.
This leads into a game in which a jumping Dalek is trying to find his way through London – half the fun is trying to master the controls, which are a little tricky at first (entering the sewers without dying takes a few attempts), and marvelling at the slick graphics.

The game was taken down from his website when the superior TARDIS Hunt was created. With regards to the Daleks’ ability to jump (explained simply as “low gravity”) even Robert said “I don’t know what I was thinking!” but remastered the game slightly in 2000 and kindly allowed TME to distribute it.
The music used in Daleks was a midi file Robert found online, uncredited. Although the game has a 3 minute time limit, the full piece over 6 minutes long…
Left and right arrow keys.
CTRL to jump.
1998 – Manic Miner: Buddha of Suburbia
Spectrum 128K (Cassette, or Download in 2003)
Programmer: Andrew Broad (aka BroadSoft) [website]

Programmed for the Spectrum in 1998, and rescued some years later by Richard Hallas (coder of Jet Set Willy in Space), this is a sequel to the 1980s series Manic Miner (spoofed briefly in Imagination), featuring 20 rooms based on films, songs and TV shows that Andrew was a fan of at the time – the game itself taking the name from the David Bowie album. One level of the game is split across 10 screens, each taking a name from an individual track from the album.

Level 6 was entitled ‘Dalek Invasion’, of which the manual says “A tribute to the wonderful creatures from Dr Who, encapsulated in giant pepperpots – I used to be one when I was a little boy! I saw the graphics on Teletext in low resolution, liked them, and decided to use them in a Manic Miner room! Cleverly designed so that you have to go along that tricky conveyor twice (or three times, depending on the route you take through the screen) to collect all the items and exit via the Tardis (my spellchecker didn’t know the word “Tardis” – it suggested “turds” as a replacement!).”
Use these POKEs on an original Spectrum or an emulator that supports this feature.
Description | POKE(s) |
Infinite Lives | 35136,0 |
Infinite Oxygen | 34798,0; 34799,0; 34800,0 |
No Collision | 36106,0 (36107,107 to disable this POKE) |
No Horizontal Nasties | 36160,0 |
Mystery POKE? | 35160,0 |
Alter Enemies | 36150,0 |
1999 – Dr Goo II: The Plague

PC Windows (Download)
Programmer: Josh Bender, using Games Factory and (uncredited) sounds from Team 17’s Worms [website]
Thanks to: Erin Holmes, Sean Wolf, Dustin Carpenter, Chris Faust, Dave Trowbridge, Ryan Middleton, Timothy Boocock
The second, and best, in a crazy and popular collection of arcade games available for free online created by Australian Josh Bender, in which you control the eponymous Dr Goo as he saves the world from a plague by collecting medicine bottles. This game is slightly more advanced than the first, but the third and final one would add many more features.
Left and right cursor keys, ctrl to jump.
1212 No need to collect the medicine boxes
6024 Deactivate laser guns and rolling barrels
7345 Deactivate timer
0750 Walk on water
2258 level 2 warp
3691 level 3 warp
4990 level 4 warp
1999 – Doctor Who: TARDIS Hunt

PC Windows (Download)
Programmer: Robert Dunlop (aka Argolis Productions) using Clickteam’s Games Factory
The successor to Daleks!, which this game replaced at Robert’s website, due to the similarity between the two. In this game, the TARDIS has been stolen from the Doctor by the Daleks and the Doctor must jump around in an attempt to find it. Black pills boost his strength, orange pills (looking oddly like Vortexes) boost them even more and Daleks, Cybermats and water hurt him. Which is nice.
The game features various quotes from the series (“Well, are we ready?”, “No, just a minute”, “I’m afraid my dears, the Daleks have won” and “Your infantile behaviour is beyond a joke”) along with a remix of the theme and the theme to the Cushing film Doctor Who and the Daleks. Distribution was handled at Robert’s website, where the following description could be read:

This game is a platform game similar to a game that I have had on the internet before called Daleks. It is about the TARDIS being stolen from The First Doctor. The first Doctor has to travel to Earth during the Dalek Invasion and get back the TARDIS, but it is hidden somewhere on the large level…
This game features :
*Doctor Who Music!
*Sound Effects and Doctor Who Sounds!
*A large, tricky level!
*Daleks and Cybermats as enemies!
*Play as first Doctor!
*Animations and pictures!
*and more!
Robert has now discontinued distribution of both this and Daleks, but has kindly agreed to allow TME to continue offering them. After a sabbatical, Robert came back with a fresh image for a trilogy of games the following year…
Left and right arrow keys.
CTRL to jump.
1999? – Dalek Blaster
PC Windows (Download)
Programmer: Christian Darkin (aka The Production Centre) [website / email]
One of two games from the creator of Tonygotchi (the desktop Prime Minister), this is a simple enough Shock applet (if you see an error message below, or simply a blank space, you need to download Shock for free from here) in which the aim is to destroy Daleks, but also functions as a rather natty banner, since clicking in the right place takes you to Darkin’s site.