This guide was last updated shortly after the release of issue 29 (although the cover gallery has since been updated to include the rest of the run.

Hot on the heels of Doctor Who Adventures, GE Fabbri pitched another magazine to the BBC aimed at younger readers. Battles in Time was to be part collectable card game, part fortnightly magazine.
GE Fabbri was formed in 1990 following the merge of GE Publishing and Rizzoli Corriere della Serra (RCS), and in the fifteen years since had set itself up as a major publisher of partworks (magazines with a limited lifespan, allowing for careful preplanning of articles and the encouragement towards those with a collecting nature), with titles primarily based around TV licenses and easily stealing the crown from prior partwork kings Marshall Cavendish.
Recent ranges had included the Star Trek Collectors Edition (reissuing the classic Trek movies and TNG series and movies without bonus features and with a different episode split to the 2001 DVD releases, along with a fact-file magazine – followed up in 2007 with a similar release for the original series), Only Fools and Horses (similar), and The X-Files (similar, but this time taking the discs that had appeared in the box sets, with identical menu sequences, minus a number of bonus discs).
With Battles in Time GE Fabbri tried something different, creating a trading card game that could be bought and collected without actually buying the magazine… Except that each issue of the magazine would print a new set of rules, and as such the two would be strongly tied together.
Each issue of the magazine came with a pack of cards, a showcase of two of the characters from the cards, a fact file, a game that related to the cards in some way, a behind the scenes feature, a foldout section on one of the Doctor’s enemies, a four-page comic strip, a two-page scene from a classic episode, and numerous activities.
Issue one also came with a bonus second pack of cards – and at the reduced price of £1.50, the same as a single pack of cards, fans at the ‘Regenerations’ convention in Swansea on the week of national release could be seen running straight past the displays of cards and bulk-buying the magazines, only to destroy vast quantities of issue one. Issues two and three also came with a free TARDIS to store the cards in.
The magazine was launched in the West Country and Scotland for a limited run of six issues early in 2006. Sales were high enough to prompt a national release beginning in September, with some slight changes to the magazine and larger changes to the deck.

Subscribers also received an 80-card book-style holder, a magazine holder, an electronic “game randomiser”, four more packs of cards and a flashing light and lock for the TARDIS that came free with issues 2 & 3. The pricing plan was identical, with issues working out to £2.50 each, and the free gifts came with the first four issues subscribed to (one extra pack of cards and one of the extra gifts per issue). Issues would be delivered monthly, in pairs, at roughly the date the later issue hit newsagents. Subscriptions were outsourced to The Database Factory in Hampshire.
Instructions for the combination lock that came free for subscribers

Instructions for attaching the light to the subscriber-exclusive roof
The TeamProject Manager: Jason Loborik
Project Editor: Ben Robinson [issues 1-12]
Deputy Manager: Claire Lister [switched to Editor from 13]
Writer/Sub: Kieran Grant [issue 21], Robert Fairclough [issues 22-]
Editorial Assistant: Ben Sneath
Art Editor: Stephen Scanlan [issues 1-11], James King [issues 12-]
Designers: James King [issues 1-11], Dan White, Lorna Philips [issues 1 and 2 only], Carly Giles, John Singh [issues 12-17 and 19-]
The Sections

Game Rules
New and exciting ways of playing with your trading cards (four pages)!
01: Single Combat (two pages only)
02: Bonus Buster and Bunch of Fives
03: Double Trouble [and two-page feature on which the best cards are]
04: Highest & Lowest [and two-page feature on what to do with weaker cards]
05: Higher or Lower [and a two-page feature on Ultra Rares, plus a wordsearch]
06: 3-Way War! and Pairing off
07: It’s Up To You and Snap To It [plus a spot the difference and wordsearch]
08: TARDIS Tricks! [and a two-page feature on the bravest, plus a spot the difference]
09: Speedy Specials! [and a two-page feature on hidden messages, plus a wordsearch]
10: Sliding Stacks! [and a two-page FAQ, plus a wordsearch]
11: Power Armies! [and a two-page feature on the icons]
12: Double Decks! [and a two-page feature on the human characters]
13: Power Cards! [and a one-page feature on special cards, plus a wordsearch]
14: Bunch of Fives! [and a two-page feature on high agility cards]
15: Rating Rumble! [and a two-page feature on grouping cards to form armies]
16: Daring Decks! [and a two-page feature on the new cards]
17: Ghost Player! [and a two-page feature on the robots]
18: Power Icon Play [and a two-page wordsearch]
19: Second Chance [and a feature on beasts and companions]
20: Monster Mayhem [plus a wordsearch and a feature on the Dalek Annihilator cards]
21: Icon Insanity [plus a spot the difference and features on the Annihilator URs and Doctor cards]
22: Rapid Retreats! [plus a two-page feature on bonus cards]
23: Winner Takes All! [plus a two-page feature on card armies]
24: Grid Locked! [plus a wordearch]
25: Clock Combat [plus three small games]
26: Time Shift! [plus a guide to the Invader set]
27: Ghost Gamblers! [plus a wordsearch]
28: Icon Booster! [plus a guide to the Invader Ultra Rare cards]
29: Duel of the Decks! [plus another look at the Invader series]
Card Clash
Two characters go up against each other so we can see who’d win (italicized) (two pages).
01: Rose vs Lady Cassandra
02: The Doctor vs The Dalek Emporer
03: Captain Jack vs The Empty Child
04: Slitheen vs Dalek
05: Sycorax vs Jagrafess
06: Red Gelth vs Reaper
07: Anne Droid vs Male Auton
08: Krillitane vs Cyberman
09: K.9 vs Clockwork Man
10: Graske vs Werewolf
11: Possessed Ood vs Abzorbaloff
12: Zachary vs Toby Possessed
13: Moxx of Balhoon vs Matron Casp
14: The Wire vs Magpie
15: Donna Noble vs Pilot Fish
16: The Hoix vs Elton Pope
17: Clockwork Woman vs Trine-E
18: Martha Jones vs John Lumic
19: The Doctor vs Racnoss Empress
20: Dalek Sec vs The Beast
21: Headmaster Finch vs Chloe Webber
22: Diseased Group vs Forest of Cheam
23: K.9 Attack Mode vs Robot Spider
24: Jake Simmonds vs Cyberman
25: Pilot Fish 3 vs Mickey Smith
26: Mother Doomfinger vs Judoon Captain
27: William Shakespeare vs Face of Boe
28: Weeping Angel vs Scarecrow Group
29: Plasmavore vs Sun Possessed Korwin McDonnell

A one-page random feature, followed by a board game style activity involving the trading cards
01: Who is the Doctor? (and TARDIS Turmoil)
02: Episode 1: Rose (and Auton Escape)
03: Episode 2: The End of the World (and Honoured Guests)
04: Episode 3: The Unquiet Dead (and Gelth Invasion!)
05: Episode 4: Aliens of London (and Alien Invasion)
06: Episode 5: World War Three (and Hack Attack!)
07: Episode 6: Dalek (and Bunker Breakout!)
08: Episode 7: The Long Games (and Defeat the Jagrafess!)
09: Episode 8: Father’s Day (and Rampaging Reapers!)
10: Episode 9: The Empty Child (and Chasing Chulas!)
11: Episode 10: The Doctor Dances (and Bombing Around!)
12: Episode 11: Boom Town (and Hunt the Slitheen!)
13: Episode 12: Bad Wolf (and Find the Controller!)
14: Episode 13: Parting of the Ways (and Escape from the Daleks!)
15: Episode 14: The Christmas Invasion (and Sycorax Sword Fight!)
16: Episode 15: New Earth (and Cure the Sick People!)
17: Episode 16: Tooth and Claw (and Moonlit Madness!)
18: Episode 17: School Reunion (and Krillitane Craziness!)
19: Episode 18: The Girl in the Fireplace (and Tick Tock Terror!)
20: Episode 19: Rise of the Cybermen (and Cyber Party Crashers!)
21: Episode 20: The Age of Steel (and Cyber Crisis!)
22: Episode 21: The Idiot’s Lantern (and Switch it Off!)
23: Episode 22: The Impossible Planet (and Escape the Beast!)
24: Episode 23: The Satan Pit (and The Final Countdown!)
25: Episode 24: Love & Monsters (and Abzorbaloff Attack!)
26: Episode 25: Fear Her (and Olympic Doom!)
27: Episode 26: Army of Ghosts (and Phantom Frenzy!)
28: Episode 27: Doomsday (and The Ultimate Battle!)
29: Episode 28: Runaway Bride (and Web of Fear!)
Monster Feature
A six page centrefold examining one the shows’ villains and heroes (usually the cover star) in great detail.
01: Daleks
02: Cybermen
03: Krillitanes
04: Slitheen
05: K.9
06: The aliens of Platform One
07: Sycorax
08: The Ood
09: The Cult of Skaro
10: Cat Nurses
11: Clockwork Droids
12: Cyber-Leader
13: The Beast
14: Werewolf
15: Autons
16: Racnoss
17: Cassandra
18: Empty Child
19: Judoon
20: Game Station
21: Carrionites
22: The Abzorbaloff
23: Dalek Sec
24: Macra
25: Jagrafess
26: The Sun-Possessed
27: Lazarus
28: The Wire
29: The Master
Comic Strip
See below for full guide. Four pages an issue.
Behind The Scenes
A two page feature on the making of the show.
01: Making the Slitheen (placed after the Game)
02: Blowing up Big Ben (placed after the Monster Feature)
04: Driving a Dalek
06: Purrfect Make Up
07: Flame-Throwing Santas
10: Creating the Emperor
12: Game On! (Attack of the Graske)
14: A Dog’s Life! (School Reunion)
16: Inside a Cyber Suit
18: Computer Wizardry! (Tooth and Claw)
20: Looking Bad! (The Shakespeare Code)
22: TARDIS Tricks! (The Christmas Invasion)
24: Cyber Designers
26: Racnoss Evolution! (The Runaway Bride)
28: Life in the Fast Lane! (Gridlock)
Dalek Wars
A two-page spread showing a CG Dalek battle, with questions testing your awareness.
01: Invasion Earth: 2164 [based on The Dalek Invasion of Earth, but with new series Daleks]
03: Mechanoid Mayhem [based on The Chase, but again with new series Daleks]
05: Battle of Armagedos
07: The Battle for Raxas
09: The Battle for Phijax III
11: Bermuda Triangle Incident
13: Clash of the Titans [based on Doomsday]
15: Creation of the Daleks [based on Genesis of the Daleks, but with new series Daleks]
17: Battle for Pultonia 7
19: Pirates from the Sky
21: Sea Bed Struggle
23: Exterminated Pests
25: Floating Fortress
27: Prehistoric Peril
29: A Crushing Defeat
The Cyber Controller’s Brain Busters
Two pages of simple challenges, and an advert for the following issue.
Who are You?
On the back cover, a single-page feature which asks a number of questions to ascertain which Doctor Who character you are most like.
01: Dalek, Slitheen, Cassandra, Reaper
02: Rose, Jack, Adam, Mickey
03: Cyberman, Dalek, Anne-Droid, K.9
04: Raffalo, Moxx of Balhoon, Face of Boe, Jabe
05: Anne-Droid, Mrs Peace, Dr Constantine, Steward
06: Dalek Emperor, The Editor, Sycorax Leader, Red Gelth
07: Krillitane, Jagrafess, Sick Patient, Werewolf
08: Damaged Dalek, Dalek, Emporer Dalek, Dalek Sec
09: The Wire, Abzorbaloff, The Beast, The Ood
10: Slitheen Ship, Syxorax Ship, Jack’s Ship, The TARDIS
11: Jake, Ricky, Pete, Jackie
12: Cassandra’s Surgeons, Ood, Cat Nurses, Forest of Cheam
13: John Lumic, Henry van Statten, The Editor, Cassandra as a Human
14: Gelth Ambassador, Krillitane, Reaper, Hovering Dalek
15: Racnoss Empress, The Hoix, Empty Child, Toby Possessed
16: Yvonne Hartman, Sarah Jane Smith, Martha Jones, Rose Tyler
17: Graske Group, Cat Nurse Group, Diseased Group, Scholar Group
18: Sucker Attack, Ood Power, Slash Attack, Cyber Smasher
19: 10th Doctor, Captain Jack, Abzorbaloff, Slitheen
20: Cyberghosts, Legion of the Beast, Cult of Skaro, Gelth Zombies
21: Krillitane, Sycorax Army, Hovering Dalek, Cyber Leader
22: Nurse Zombie, Mr Sneed Zombie, Diseased Man, Frozen Suki
23: Werewolf, The Face of Boe, Ood, Jabe
24: Mr Sneed Zombie, Father Angelo, Charles Dickens, Reinette
25: Empty Child, Kenny, Chloe Webber, Child Auton
26: Racnoss Empress, Cyber Controller, Harriet Jones, Dalek Emporer
27: Brannigan, Matron Casp, Businessman, Cassandra
28: Chip, Mr Diagoras, The Editor, Mr Crane
29: Son of Mine, Shakespeare, Possessed Ood, Korwin McDonnell
The Issues
*Due to the postal strikes in the UK, subscriber copies of issues 28 and 29 arrived late.
The Card Sets
Exterminator Test Set

Note: Common cards appear 8 per pack.
Rare appear 1 per pack and have a metallic sheen added to them.
Super rare appear 1 in every 6 packs and are generally extra-shiny, although card 07 is glow in the dark, 67 embossed and 70 and 80 are scratch-and-sniff.
Ultra rare are lenticular and appear one in every 24 packs.
Super Rose was the rarest of the rare – only one of these appeared in every thousand packs, and as it boosted every score to 9999999, made it impossible to lose any hand played with it.
The psychic paper was the exact opposite – the most common card, it was given away free with every issue 1, and allowed the player to read hidden messages cards 79. 82 and 83.
01 | 10th Doctor (R) | 02 | Empty Child |
03 | Robot Spider | 04 | Coffa |
05 | Chained Dalek | 06 | The Editor |
07 | Gelth Ambassador [Blue] (SR) | 08 | Adam Mitchell |
09 | Gwyneth [Bridging the Rift] | 10 | Slitheen [Blon Fel Fotch Pasameer-Day] (SR) |
11 | Mr Pakoo | 12 | Mickey Smith |
13 | Anne Droid | 14 | Henry Van Statten |
15 | Jackie Tyler | 16 | Charles Dickins |
17 | Hovering Dalek (R) | 18 | Auton Bride |
19 | Nurse Zombie [Inactive] | 20 | Harriet Jones MP |
21 | Face of Boe | 22 | Scholar |
23 | Dr Constantine | 24 | Lynda Moss |
25 | Oliver Charles | 26 | Nancy |
27 | Margaret Blaine | 28 | Cathica Santini Khadeni |
29 | [Cassandra’s] Surgeon 1 | 30 | [Emporer Dalek] Guard 1 (SR) |
31 | Child Auton | 32 | Pete Tyler |
33 | Pig Pilot | 34 | Simmons |
35 | Mrs Peace [Zombie] (R) | 36 | Platform One Staff |
37 | Gelth Ambassador [Red] (SR) | 38 | Rose Tyler (R) |
39 | Gwyneth | 40 | Jabe (R) |
41 | Auton Mickey | 42 | Captain Jack (R) |
43 | Dalek Mutant (R) | 44 | Mr Sneed [Zombie] |
45 | General Asquith | 46 | [Male] Programmer |
47 | Reaper | 48 | Raffalo |
49 | Joseph Green | 50 | Spider Group |
51 | Controller [Under Dalek Control] | 52 | Damaged Dalek |
53 | Jagrafess [of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe] | 54 | [Cassandra’s] Surgeon 2 |
55 | Sukie Macrae Cantrell [Eva Saint Julienne] | 56 | Cassandra [O’Brien Dot Delta Seventeen] (R) |
57 | The Steward | 58 | [Female] Programmer |
59 | Nestene Consciousness | 60 | Moxx of Balhoon (R) |
61 | Nurse Zombie | 62 | Contoller [Free of Dalek Control] |
63 | Lute | 64 | Male Auton |
65 | Mrs Pakoo | 66 | Female Chula Zombie |
67 | Sycorax (SR) | 68 | Dalek (R) |
69 | Cal Macnannovich | 70 | Slitheen [Sip Fel Fotch Pasameer-Day] (SR) |
71 | Dalek Emperor (SR) | 72 | Antiplastic |
73 | Gas Leak (R) | 74 | TARDIS (UR) |
75 | Code 9 | 76 | Forcefield (R) |
77 | Security Seal | 78 | Sonic Screwdriver (R) |
79 | Unlimited Credit | 80 | Pickled Eggs (SR) |
81 | Regeneration (UR) | 82 | Satellite 5 |
83 | Platform One | 84 | Skinsuit (UR) |
85 | Dalek Buster (UR) |
Exterminator National Release
For the most part this formed a reissue of cards 1-85 (with the numbers in the corner subtly changed to read 1/275 instead of 1/85 and so on) and the Super Rose/Psychic Paper cards, with additional characters (generally from New Earth to Doomsday, but also some extra characters from the first fourteen episodes) making up new cards 86-275.
Two more major changes took place:
Firstly a code was added to the bottom-left of every card to identify it as common, rare, super rare or ultra rare.
Secondly, the Captain Jack card was given a new photo and some new text (see below).
Odds were as before:
Common – 8 per pack
Rare (Shiny) – 1 per pack
Super Rare – 1 every six packs (generally extra-shiny, except 125 embossed)
Ultra Rare – 1 every 24 packs
Within the commons, another three cryptic cards were added, for use with psychic paper: 251, 268 and 273. Issue nine of the magazine showcased these, along with a rare cryptic version of 270 which never seems to have made it into circulation.
086 | Werewolf Power (UR) | 087 | Krillitane [Evolution] (UR) |
088 | Milo | 089 | Pilot Fish Group |
090 | Sarah Jane Smith | 091 | Diseased Woman |
092 | King Louis XV | 093 | Sycorax Warrior |
094 | Krillitane 1 | 095 | Captain Reynolds |
096 | Harriet Jones PM | 097 | Werewolf |
098 | Hop Plyleen Brother 1 | 099 | K-9 Attack Mode |
100 | Father Angelo | 101 | Arthur the Horse |
102 | Info-Spike Nurse | 103 | Frau Clovis |
104 | Scholar 2 | 105 | Clockwork Woman 1 |
106 | Mr Parsons | 107 | Sycorax Leader |
108 | Warrior Monk | 109 | Hop Pyleen Brother 2 |
110 | Kenny | 111 | Matron Casp (R) |
112 | Flora | 113 | Pilot Fish 1 |
114 | Rodrick | 115 | Robot Eye |
116 | Lady Isobel Macleish | 117 | Pilot Fish 2 |
118 | Indra Ganesh | 119 | [Imperial Dalek] Guard 2 (R) |
120 | Novice Hame | 121 | Ghosts |
122 | Adherents [of the Repeated Meme] | 123 | Jake Simmonds |
124 | The Host | 125 | Diseased Man (SR) |
126 | Jackie Tyler [from a Parellel Universe] | 127 | Reinette |
128 | TARDIS Key | 129 | Mr Redpath Zombie |
130 | Clockwork Man | 131 | Scottish Steward |
132 | Mr Wagner [Discgused Krillitane] | 133 | President |
134 | Alex | 135 | Pete Tyler [from a Parellel Universe] (R) |
136 | Dalek [with a Laser Cutter Weapon] | 137 | Major Blake |
138 | Clockwork Woman 2 | 139 | Cyberleader (R) |
140 | The Beast | 141 | Ambassador 1 [from the City State of Binding Light] |
142 | Mrs Moore [Angela Price] | 143 | The Wire |
144 | Broken K-9 | 145 | Mr Sneed |
146 | Cal’s Companion | 147 | Headmaster Finch [Brother Lassar] |
148 | Danny Llewellyn | 149 | Trin-E |
150 | Sir Robert | 151 | Dr Constantine [as a Chula Zombie] |
152 | Ambassador 2 [from the City State of Binding Light] | 153 | Magpie |
154 | Krillitane 2 | 155 | Eddie Connolly |
156 | Cyberman Group (R) | 157 | Scooti Manista |
158 | Ood Group | 159 | Ricky Smith |
160 | School Children | 161 | Zu-Sana |
162 | Cybus Victim | 163 | Tommy Connolly |
164 | Toby Possessed (R) | 165 | Mr Crane |
166 | Killer Christmas Tree | 167 | Krillitane 3 |
168 | [Sanctuary Base Six] Guard 1 | 169 | Cybercontroller (SR) |
170 | Possessed Ood 1 | 171 | Sister Jatt |
172 | Sycorax Group | 173 | Crabtree |
174 | Zachary Cross Flane | 175 | Frozen Suki |
176 | Info-Spiked Adam | 177 | 9th Doctor (R) |
178 | Graske (R) | 179 | Cure All |
180 | Victor Kennedy | 181 | Cyberman Attack |
182 | Diana Goddard | 183 | Slitheen Egg |
184 | Imperial Guard Group (R) | 185 | Possessed Ood 2 |
186 | Yvonne Hartman | 187 | [Unmasked] Clockwork Man |
188 | The Hoix | 189 | Bridget Sinclair |
190 | Nina | 191 | Dalek Emperor Mutant |
192 | Dinner Lady [Disguised Krillitane] | 193 | [Detective Inspector] Bishop |
194 | Ida Scott | 195 | Queen Victoria |
196 | Reaper Group | 197 | Mr Skinner |
198 | Ill Doctor | 199 | Fixed K-9 (R) |
200 | White Patient | 201 | Pilot Fish 3 |
202 | Slitheen Group | 203 | Mir Skinner [Absorbed] |
204 | Cyberman [Electro-Attack] (R) | 205 | Toby Zed |
206 | Scholar 3 | 207 | Exterminate |
208 | Broken Clock | 209 | Dalek Invasion |
210 | Musical Weapon | 211 | Sycorax Whip |
212 | Possessed Drawing | 213 | Info-Spiked Cathica |
214 | John Lumic | 215 | Scholar 4 |
216 | Dalek Thay | 217 | Slitheen Ship |
218 | Koh-i-Noor Diamond | 219 | New Earth Hospital |
220 | Jack’s Ship | 221 | Krillitane Oil |
222 | Cassandra [as Human] | 223 | Possessed Ood 3 |
224 | Cyberman in Pain | 225 | Elton Pope |
226 | Duke of Manhatten | 227 | Dalek Caan |
228 | Kel | 229 | Slitheen 1 |
230 | Torchwood Scientist 1 | 231 | Chip |
232 | Danny Bartock | 234 | Chloe Webber |
235 | Ood | 236 | Transporter |
237 | Dr Rajesh Singh | 238 | Abzorbaloff (R) |
239 | Cassandra as Chip | 240 | Dalek Rabe |
241 | Jefferson | 242 | Adeola |
243 | Slitheen 2 | 244 | Faceless People |
245 | Matt | 246 | Cyber Controller [on the Move] |
247 | WWII Bomb | 248 | Sycorax Ship |
249 | Basic: 0 | 250 | Torchwood I.D. |
251 | Newsfeed | 252 | Trish Webber |
253 | Ursula Blake | 254 | [Sanctuary Base Six] Guard 2 |
255 | Dalek Sec (R) | 256 | Gareth |
257 | Torchwood Scientist 2 | 258 | The Wire [Feeding] |
259 | Auton Attack | 260 | The Beast [Without his Mind] |
261 | SS Madame de Pompadour | 262 | Sycorax Swords |
263 | Slash Attack | 264 | Victor Kennedy’s Kane |
265 | 3-D Glasses | 266 | Body Swap |
267 | Clockwork Weapon | 268 | Mobile Phone |
269 | Nanogenese | 270 | Full Moon |
271 | Lumic’s Airship | 272 | Wolf Vision |
273 | Sucker Attack | 274 | Airships |
275 | Genesis Ark |
As issue one went out of circulation, GE Fabbri redesigned the coded cards and slowly slipped into packs in late 2006. Two examples are below:
Annihilator SetA new set launched early 2007, tying in with issue 12 and adding extra cards related to The Runaway Bride. From issue 12 onwards, a mixed pack of Exterminator/Annihilator cards would appear with each issue with issue 12 also featuring an extra pack of Exterminator cards.
Invader SetAnoither new set launched late 2007, tying in with issue 26 and adding 225 extra cards related to the third series. From issue 26 onwards, the Invader sets replaced the Exterminator/Annihilator mix.
Daleks vs CybermenA one-off special with a £5.99 RRP. Contained in the set was a magazine, a card holder, some dice and set of cards. The cards were made up of eight “C” Dalek cards (DVC01, DVC03, DVC05, DVC07, DVC09, DVC11, DVC13, DVC15), eight “C” Cybermen cards (DVC02, DVC04, DVC06, DVC08, DVC10, DVC12, DVC14, DVC16) and four different designs of a Dalek Sec card (DVC17) and a Cyberleader card (DVC18) – the sets only containing one, randomised, design of each, graded “R”. All cards were shiny.

The magazine was reversible – the Dalek side containing a guide to the cards, a FAQ on the Daleks, a special “Dalek Wars” focussing on Daleks vs Cybermen, a Dalek Timeline, some Dalek brainbusters and the top ten Dalek moments. The Cybermen side contained essentially the same sections, but Cyber-focussed, and the centre pages instructions for a board game.
Comic StripsWritten by Steve Cole (1-6, 8-15, 18-21, 29), Jason Loborik (7), Claire Lister (16-17), Mike Tucker (22-25)
Inks: John Ross (1-6), Lee Sullivan (7-29)
Colours: Alan Craddock (1-6, 8-29), Lee Sullivan (7)
[no comic strip credits in issue 22 but likely to be identical to issue 23]
01: Growing Terror (1 of 6)
Coffa and Lute, the trees from Platform One, lure the Doctor and Rose to their Biogrove to warn them that a great danger threatens all those who gathered to witness the end of the world. They are attacked by Gardening ‘Bot Snip-7 and Montadon Slemm of Cybrorg Intergalactic Garden Centres, who intends to sell the trees to his customers. The Doctor uses Space Dandelions to defeat them but the trees vanish into thin air…
02: Hyperstar Rising (2 of 6)
The Doctor takes Rose to the Hyper-Film Studio of Woldyhool in the year 5 billion. There, director Zemm Foolini complains that his leading manbot Cal “Spark Plug” Macnannovich (also of Platform One) has vanished. There is some brief trouble with ‘actor’ Banjux from the Isop galaxy*, but the Doctor scares him into submission with a shadow puppet.
*from The Web Planet.
03: Death Race Five Billion (3 of 6)
The pair visit high-flyers Jumo and Skip and get mixed up in their latest death-defying race and some techno-thievery. The race’s bosses, the Brothers Hop Pyleen, would have thanked them in person but he too has disappeared…
04: Macrobe Menace (4 of 6)
The Doctor shows Rose a futuristic library where data diks are zapped into people’s heads, but those living and working there have been infected by a massive computer virus. Flipping through boring books, including How to Speak Zarbi in 10,000 Steps*, the Doctor sends the virus to sleep. Then he settles down to read the ten trillion books in the library in the hopes one holds the clue to the Platform One dilemma.
*from The Web Planet.
05: The Hunt of Doom (5 of 6)
The Doctor used the information from the library to predict where the next kidnapping will occur: Gameworld Gamma, owned by Mr and Mrs Pakoo. There they interrupt a hunt where humans are the prey and the Doctor uses his psychic paper to convince them to stop. Although the Pakoos disappear, this time the Doctor can track them down…
06: Reunion of Fear (6 of 6)
The Doctor and Rose arrive where the others have been taken prisoner, and meet the warden..: The Elth of Balhoon, wanting vengeance for the death of his brother the Moxx. The Doctor uses the element of surprise (looking somewhat different than when he last saw everyone) to release the prisoners. Elth cries for his brother, and the survivors of Platform One help him mourn.
07: Glutonoid Menace
The Doctor takes Rose to Phijax IV, home of the best all-night steaks in the Universe. However, the Doctor gets the timing slightly wrong and they wind up in the middle of a gladiatorial battle, and Rose is almost eaten by the hideous Glutonoid. The Doctor rescues her and they both leave… for a glass of water.
08: The Power of the Cybermen (1 of 4)
Travelling alone, the Doctor tries to relax on the beach of Centuria, but he is interrupted when the parallel Universe Cybus-Cybermen invade. He, along with investigator Jayne Kadett, are kidnapped – she explains that they originate from the designs held by the Torchwood Archive. There is a battle, which the Doctor and Kadette win, but they realise that Centirua is likely to be infested…
09: Drones of Doom (2 of 4)
On an airship over Centuria’s continent of Azlon, a robot ticket inspector begins talking like a Cybermen. The Doctor and Jayne discover the Cybermen there are using a hypnotic signal to draw the humans towards them for conversion, so the Doctor destroys the beam, and the conversion plant… and they find a map that may explain why the Cybermen are there…
10: Enemy Mine (3 of 4)
Following the map to the arctic zone (even colder than Brighton beach, according to the Doctor), they find a part-converted man who explains that the Cybermen are mining for Hargstones. Although they are attacked by an Ice Snake, the Cybermen destroy it… and take the Doctor and Jayne prisoner. They escape with the help of the part-converted drone, who kills himself to seal the mine forever.
11: Time of the Cybermen (4 of 4)
The Doctor takes Kadett to the capital of Centuria to finish the Cybermen off, but finds everyone there in a time-trance, courtesy of more blueprints from the Torchwood Archive. The Doctor destroys the stasis field, and the Cybermen, forever, leaving Jayne Kadett to rebuild her world…
12: Beneath the Sun (1 of 4)
The TARDIS is forced to land on a desolate world, where the Doctor is paralysed by two Tragellans called Arn and Cothax. They are there to mine for oil, but the local rock creatures aren’t too happy and launch an attack. The Doctor escapes and befriends the locals, but the planet swallows his TARDIS…
13: The Sky Below (2 of 4)
The Doctor delves into the planet and is faced with a collection of horrid aliens but locates the TARDIS. He coaxes them to live above-ground but in the confusion the TARDIS vanishes once more.
14: Beyond the Sea (3 of 4)
The Doctor hunts the TARDIS with the help of his new friend Kul but the planets antibodies attack. They hide and find the life ark that the inhabitants are descended from the crew of. The ark seems to be hooked up to the very centre of the planet – but what is the planet’s scheme?
15: Lonely Planet (4 of 4)
In the final part of this tale, the Doctor and Kul reach the centre of the planet and battle the creatures at its heart for ownership of the TARDIS. The voice of the planet explains to the Doctor why it kept stealing the TARDIS, and the Doctor convinces it to work with Kul’s people for a mutual future.
16: Plague Panic
The Doctor arrives in Melcombe Regis, England, in the year 1348. Expecting the Black Death he’s rather surprised to be faced with aliens known as the Zeerover. He fixes the Zeerover’s crashed spacecraft, and in return they cure some of the Plague victims.
17: Exhausting Evil
The Doctor and Martha are sightseeing on human colony Harankast and meet a paranoid man who believes the government are watching him. They also meet the giant toadlike Ranfo who complain that the humans are destroying their beautiful world – it transpires that the paranoid man is brainwashing the colonists into buying his cars. The Doctor defeats him and the toads and humans live in peace.
18: Wrath of the Warrior (1 of 4)
A Viking, Thaur, goes berzerk in a supermarket and tells the Doctor and Martha that he has been banished there by Angboda. Thaur convinces the Doctor and Martha to help free his warrior brothers similarly banished.
19: The Screaming Prison (2 of 4)
Their first stop is on a planetoid where Vulsturg the Vast has been chained. They release him and battle with his jailer, then go to find the final brother…
20: Force and Fury (3 of 4)
Jotastar the Just is busy fighting robots on Haklok when he is reunited with Thaur and Vulsturg… and their true plan is revealed, to conquor and destroy!
21: Warriors’ Revenge (4 of 4)
The Doctor and Martha meet Angboda and join her in a battle against the brothers – eventually they are defeated and banished once more.
22: Head Start (1 of 4)
Professor Dinsdale of the Interplanetary Archeological Institute on Brendock Seven sends out a distress signal tha the Doctor and Martha pick up. He has discovered the Vortex Cannon – but he is really a Zaan Warrior in disguise, who steals the Cannon, triggering a planetary defence mechanism while escaping.
23: Jewel of the Vile (2 of 4)
The Doctor and Martha visit the only planet were Treed Crystals (which power the Vortex Cannon) grow and meet filmstar Honey Fox, who weares a giant one. They are found by the Zaan, but a thief called Jeblex steals the crystal before either of them can get hold of it.
24: Lock, Stocks and Barrel (3 of 4)
Jebelex is hiding on the planet Karaten – the Doctor catches up with him but gets caught by the natives before he has a chance to intervene. He escapes with Martha’s help, and manages to get the crystal back, but the Zaan kidnap Martha and hold her hostage…
25: End Game (4 of 4)
On Zaan, the Doctor trades the Crystal for Martha, and the Zaan use the Vortex Cannon – which backfires, trapping the whole planet in a time loop for eternity.
26: The Millennium Blag (1 of 4)
Visiting London in the year 2000, the Doctor and Martha witness aliens robbing a bank. A car chase ensues and the robbers eventually escape in time, leaving the money behind. The Doctor and Martha continue their pursuit…
27: Second Wave (2 of 4)
The robbers arrive in July 1800, and the Doctor and Martha get dragged into the middle of a nautical battle. The Doctor saves the day, but the aliens escape again…
28: Operation Lock-Up (3 of 4)
Tokyo: 3000. The thieves try breaking into the Mega Bank and the Doctor and Martha are caught in the crossfire. The Doctor discovers that the thieves are part of an intergalactic contest, and stow away next time they teleport.
29: Crime After Crime (4 of 4)
The Doctor and Martha arrive at the robbbers’ base of operations – a starbase in the far future. They discover the plan is to steal the Earth’s riches a million times over, but the Doctor alerts the Space Cops and escapes.