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Other Spinoff Videos and DVDs

This page catalogues unofficial videos and DVDs, produced professionally and marketing at Doctor Who fans, by companies other than BBV or Reeltime.

Scorpio International (1983-4))

Doctor Who In America: Released in the USA by Scorpio International Ltd in 1983, 57 minutes. Hosted and directed by Tom Carroll and James B Brandt respectively, and featuring an interview with Tom Baker.

An Interview With Tom Baker: Released in the USA by Scorpio International Ltd in 1984, 23 minutes.

New Jersey Network Productions (1984-8)

As part of their publicity drives for the broadcasts of Doctor Who, the American PBS station New Jersey Network produced a series of documentaries throughout the 80s, with the help of local enthusiast Eric Luskin. These were generally not intended for video release, however Reeltime managed just this in 2001.

Doctor Who's Who's Who

The Home Whovian: A straight-to-video release in America in 1985 by Lionheart (who at that time were the US distributors of Who to TV networks), this featured extended versions of the interviews with the four Doctors and John-Nathan Turner from Who's Who above. It too was released on video by Reeltime as part of their Time Travel TV range (RTP0258), in a 31-minute slightly-alternate edit.

Then And Now

The Making Oo Doctor Who

These were compiled onto DVD in 2004, with Who's Who and Then And Now forming RTP0314 and The Home Whovian joining full-length RTP documentary An Englishman On Gallifrey as RTP0315.

Dominitemporal Services Ltd (1992-8)

A range of videos from the organisers of the yearly Panopticon event.

Title / Year
Panopticon Highlights [1992]
Not to be confused with the Reeltime releases of 1991, a 30 minute compilation of past Panopticon footage, available at Panopticon 1992.
Tombwatch [1992]
Abandoned compilation of footage from the 1992 Tombwatch event. Much of this footage ended up on the BBC DVD release of Tomb of the Cybermen.
Panopticon Videos 1: Highlights [1994]
More highlights from past Panopticons. Also available in NTSC.
Panopticon Videos 2: Highlights [1994]
More highlights from past Panopticons. Also available in NTSC.
Panopticon Videos 3: Tom Baker Live [1994
Footage of Tom Baker onstage at Panopticon. Also available in NTSC.
Panopticon Videos 4: Four Doctors Live [1994]
Footage of four of the other Doctors onstage at Panopticon. Also available in NTSC.
The Few Doctors [1998]
A A comedy spoof, featuring guest appearances by John Nathan-Turner and Gary Downie. Also available in NTSC.

Archangel Media (1993)

Under the Hammer
Edinburgh-based Archangel Media released this half hour video of the May 1992 Bonham's Doctor Who auction, which featured interviews with the staff and a short piece explaining how the auction came about.

JN-TV Productions (1997)

A Sci-Fi Audience with Tom Baker
Produced by John Nathan-Turner, a video of Tom Baker's talk at London's Museum of the Moving Image on February 15th 1992, Released in the UK in 1997 by JN-TV Productions.

Altitude (1999)

Who is Tom Baker - Unauthorised
A part of Altitude's long collection of budget videos, which includes The E Files (a biography of Elvis Presley's death, with the cover designers being more than inspired by the then-current releases of The X-Files) and The Unauthorised Star Wars Story (packed with interviews with people who used to know people that worked on The Phantom Menace). This is a 50-minute video released in 1999 (VSL0129) based around a home video interview with Baker from 1978, and was touted for a DVD release on 18th March 2002 (IPD0612), just a few weeks before the announcement of Waterfall's cheap The Doctors: TYOTTAB release, but then mysteriously pulled at the last minute.

TSV (2001)

Colin & Katy Live!
Released August 2001, a video of Colin Baker and Katy Manning recorded 10/11 Feb that year in Auckland at the Armageddon 2001 convention, plus a private interview with Colin. 2hrs long, TSVVIDEO2.

The Sci-fi Sea Cruise (2001-date)

Every year the Sci Fi Sea Cruise takes Doctor Who fans out on a cruise ship along with the stars of the show, and produces a commemorative DVD - given free to attendees, and to "supporters" (ie people who donate but do not attend) the following year.

The Brigadier's Day Out (2001)
Covers the cruise with Nicholas Courtney, Lisa Bowerman, Yee Jee Tso, Stephen Cole and Simon Gerard.
This cruise was also shown in Doctor at Sea.

The Doctor's Day Out (February 2003)
With Peter Davison, Mary Tamm, Deborah Watling, Keith Topping, David McIntee and Bob May.

Death Takes a Holiday (December 2003)
A 17-minute mini-adventure featuring the guests (and prefilmed inserts of Colin Baker and Frazer Hines), plus interviews.
Nicholas Courtney, Wendy Padbury, Barry Letts and Terrance Dicks.

The Crystal Condundrum (2004)
Another mini-adventure wth the guests (and prefilmed inserts of Debbie Watling, Richard Franklin and Louise Jameson), plus interviews and gag reels.
Sylvester McCoy, Lisa Bowerman and Frazer Hines.

A Happy Ending (2005)
Another mini-adventure with guests Carole Ann Ford and Verity Lambert, plus a look back to the 2000 cruise, a gag reel and more.

The Pair o' Docs Paradox (2006)
A video starring Nicholas Courtney and Stewart Bevan, along with a blooper reel.

The European Voyage (2007)

Twice Upon a Timelord (2008)


Big Finish Productions

The first in an intended  series of interview discs, in which people involved in the making of the audio productions from Big Finish would chat with producer Gary Russell - in the event only the McGann disc has been made so far.

Maggie Stables (The Sirens of Time's Ruthley and Baker companion Evelyn), India Fisher (Winter for the Adept's Peril and McGann companion Charlie) and Lisa Bowerman (McCoy companion Bernice) were interviewed by Russell in April 2001 for the CD-only release The Audio Companions, and the authors of the second season of McGann stories (Mark Gatiss, Robert Shearman, Paul Cornell, Caroline Simcox, Nicholas Briggs, Justin Richards and Alan Barnes) were also interviewed in July 2002 for a September release of the CD-only The Eighth Doctor Authors. In the months between the two interviews, however, Russell conducted a video interview with Paul McGann at the Marriot Bristol Royal Hotel, eventually released 2 days after the second Talks Back CD, and was planned to launch a series of further discs.

The cover art is by Clayton Hickman, who based it on his own design for the CDs, and the disc is PAL Region 0, with an E classification in the UK - it lasts 70'51" and has the catalogue number BFPDVDTB02.

Bonus features comprised of an interview with McGann and India Fisher (14'14") and 4'49" of outtakes from the main and Fisher interviews.