Hello and welcome to the crazy eclectic collection of facts and figures that is The Millennium Effect. Named after a line from the rough cut of the 1996 TV Movie and full of equally obscure bits and pieces, this website aims to be a guide to all the things you won't find anywhere else. While other sites may tell you who played all of Tom Baker's companions, or exactly why the show was put on hiatus for a year during the 80s, here you'll find out exactly how many releases of the song Doctorin' The TARDIS there have been, how to get infinite lives on an old Spectrum game and just what day the BBFC sat down to watch Pyramids of Mars and give it a classification.

The three most visited sections of The Millennium Effect are the Tributes Discography, the Computer Games Guide and the DVD and Video Guide, but hunt around (using the natty menu to the left) and you'll find all sorts of extra goodies - essays written on what we expect to see happening with the show over the coming years, a list of which albums have featured the various wibbles and bleeps used in the series and so on. Join our other 7000 visitors a month and look around, take it how you want it (a light hearted look at a great show, or a useful reference tool for researchers everywhere), and wipe your feet on the way out.

Nothing in the world can stop us now.



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